e.g. Picasso and Braque in France, Kandinsky in Germany, and Malevich in Russia
- 这些艺术品的主要兴趣和价值在于预言能力,而不是艺术技法的突破
P3:艺术家的 forward-looking quality应该归功于exceptional aesthetic innovations,而不是make clever guesses about political or social trends √
e.g. Picasso and Braque
- The reformation of society was of no interest to them as artists
Painters: prophetic - world will be different
Common: break with traditions
Artists having anticipated in arts and political and social disruptions - prophetic power
Artist: speculate about the future and express a vision thought imagery/
Forward looking quality = innovations rather than power to guess.
Picasso and Brauqe: want to create more ‘real’reaity than accessible by eye. Reformation > no interests
Delacroix: retain power over modern viewers. But adjusted himself to new social condition that already occurred as opposed to changes still to come.