P4 說明為什麼大家買瓶裝水與瓶裝水的壞處 ->
- 大家買瓶裝水主要是因為方便與品質
- 此篇文章不討論瓶裝水使用的恰當性,但是瓶裝水所帶來的成本(社會與環境)這篇文章會著墨(commercializing public resource, energy cost of plastic, environment cost)
264 瓶装水 24’34
P1: sale of bottled water grow rapidly per-capita人均 sales of milk and CSDs are falling
P2:how bottled water can be labeled 1. SW or PW
P3:44% municipal water sold as purified water, 45%from springs or groundwater. PW sales come from Coca Pepsi and N
P4: B water be bought for varied reasons. Energy issue e.g. equity associated with commercializing a public resource, environmental consequences