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[揽瓜阁精读] 200. 19世纪西方医学在中国的引入

发表于 2023-12-11 22:20:22 | 只看该作者
200 19世纪西方医学在中国的引入
P1: PP at BMA, described his own work in foreign factory and offered free treatment for both rich and poor. At PAIY, PP and his colleagues used western surgical tech\
P2: Hospital foster goodwill among the Chines, was a bright spot amid the gloomy(灰暗的)period of WC tension. PP lobbied(游说)legislators on the need for diplomatic relations with China.
P3: PP described the state of medical and surgical ignorance in China. Surgery did not develop to any great extent in China. Reasons: integrity of the body, against any form of mutilation or dismemberment, or pharm tendencies within traditional CH medicine and preference for moxas and other caustic plasters
P4: PP surgical practice tapped into(挖掘,利用)into a huge unmet need. His hospital became model and formed MMSOC to coordinate the efforts of all western hos spring up in the trading ports of Asia. Help patients, been credited with bringing WM to the most populous (人口稠密的)country on earth.
发表于 2023-12-29 00:50:40 | 只看该作者
1841年 4月PP在boston医药行业发表了关于中国医药现状的演讲,描述了他在广州郊外简历的外国人医院里的经历,用医药来布道,治病救人是传教的一种手段。

他当时确实争取到了很多教徒,狡猾了很多中国人,这是中英鸦片战争前一个中西关系比较好的时期,战争爆发之后,仇视西人的气氛下,他回到了美国。 1841年4月他各方游说,募资,想建立与中国的关系。


发表于 2024-1-12 20:45:45 | 只看该作者

1. 介绍Parker这个人以及他做了什么事。
-他主题为中国的医院的条件和前景 addressed an enthusiastic audience
-内容:描述他在他成立的医院的工作,他利用西医外科技术来facilitate religious concersion
Parker观点:药物可以成为handmaid of religious truth,他对他们的病人进行常规的religious services

2. 延续上一段阐述他在医院工作期间取得的成功和变故
作者观点:在中西方关系繁荣的时候一个bright spot导致了英国和中国之间Opium Wars
FACT:Parker被迫离开Canton 返回美国筹钱,和许多宗教、医疗的重要认识谈话lobbled legislators 对于和中国建立外交关系的需求

3. 延续上一段描述他在和大佬的对话中谈及中国缺乏外科医疗的状况
- 虽然古早的神话传说涉及外科(eg 华佗),但是外科在中国的发展并不大
一些人观点:认为是Consucian precepts 导致的(身体的虔诚&反对任何形式的mutilation or 拆解)
另一些人观点:认为为是传统中医的pharmacological tendencies  & preference

4. 延续上一段说无论啥原因导致中国的外科医疗发展不大,阐述Parker在中国推广西医外科医疗给当时的中国带来的变化和作用。
作者观点:undoubtedly 肯定Parker的贡献
- 赢得好声誉 (在摘除tumors and cataracts手术上获得声誉)
-他的医院成为模范医院,Parker成立MMS——>目的:coordinate the efforts of all the western hospitals springing up in the trading ports of Asia

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