- 1445570
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- 2020-2-24
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- 1970-1-1
- 主题
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-14th agrarian economy = crisis — class&property on the land
-feudal rights — tenure determine the supply&rents charged
-Until recently, feudal —> exploitation of tenants —> discourage tenants investment + lords conspicuous consumption > productivity&profitability —> vicious circle of underinvestment
-pessimistic view = compelling appeal -> difficult to = historical evidence
-preoccupation of serfdom overlooks free tenants paid fix&low rent— well off
-歷史學家憎恨當代機構而誇大labor歷史重要性,但其實少數人pfm labour services—> 現金比勞作value 要高
-tenants deny to pay > than fact
- tenant right>landlord right
P3:佃農經濟困難並非封建制度造成,而是coexistence of 3c relationships
-lord之所以為代罪羔羊,是因為他們間接造成這結果:lord dealing w tenants compliantly then coercive/ yielding to tenants demand- preconditions for subdivision&sublet —> population growth —> source of underemployment
- deteriorating situation in the country side stops economy growth
predispose 使倾向于
agrarian 耕地的
servile 奴隶的
holding 租种的土地
tenant 佃户
conspicuous 引人注目的
serfdom 农奴制
coercive 强制的
exempt from 使…免除
preoccupation 全神贯注
well off rich
abhorrence 憎恶
aggregate 合计
de facto 实际上
inadvertent 并非故意的
precondition 先决条件
rural 农村
stoke 激起;煽动
upshot 结果
vaunted 吹嘘