1. 水泥木头房子
实验证明水泥房子省钱 现实生活发现水泥房子比实验结果现实的更省钱 猜测答案:实验没有考虑到的一些能够让水泥房子更省钱的方式 2. 办信用卡防贼
学生之前往往用现金买饭,学校准备推出信用卡来防贼,这种信用卡会有学生的签名和头像,所以食堂里的员工可以辨认出学生来,减少贼。But this measure will not work, why? 猜测答案:如果遇到不是本人的信用卡学生解释为借的同学的员工没有途径去查证
3. 广告牌
Environmentalist say that 比较(不友好)的billboards and commercial signs will reduce the increase of tourism. So government should ban those billboards and signs. But two states – vemon and maine -- whose government banned the sign experienced a reduction in tourism growth. Explain why?
A: Did not consider effects from other signs
B: Did not consider factors other than the bans that may affect the tourism growth B |