1. 水泥木头房子 The question said that there are two houses: cement水泥 and wood. Cement houses are likely to generate more cost savings in terms of cooling/heating compared to wood houses. Conducted experiment and confirmed. Argument says that cost savings will be more in real life compared to the experiment. Ask to strengthen. 加强(cement-cost):1. 现实中有更多实验中没考虑到但会增加cost的问题。2. 实际环境比实验室更恶劣结果比实验室更严重、更多cost。 2. 办信用卡防贼 学生之前往往用现金买饭,学校准备推出信用卡来防贼,这种信用卡会有学生的签名和头像,所以食堂里的员工可以辨认出学生来,减少贼。But this measure will not work, why? 削弱(信用卡-减少贼):1. 贼有其他方式利用信用卡来犯罪;2. 食堂员工不会仔细辨认,贼还是有可趁之机;3. 信用卡的坏处:体积小更容易偷走。 3. 广告牌 Environmentalist say that 比较(不友好)的billboards and commercial signs will reduce the increase of tourism. So government should ban those billboards and signs. But two states – vemon and maine -- whose government banned the sign experienced a reduction in tourism growth. Explain why? A: Did not consider effects from other signs B: Did not consider factors other than the bans that may affect the tourism growth 削弱(ban-increase)1. 其他原因影响reduction,选项B 2. 本身有很多tourism被ban掉的sign吸引 |