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[备考日记] 龙驾马的托福备考日记 Long Gamma

 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-2 09:57:00 | 只看该作者
Day 56
 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-2 10:00:14 | 只看该作者
Day 57

TPO 31 阅读

生态环境 错5对9
学前教育 错3对11
草原形成 错2对12



The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown.

The army also provided a mean of personal advancement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the native peoples, as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment.

By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely transferred, service in units became effectively hereditary, and forts were no longer populated or maintained at full strength.

This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability of the British northern frontier in the later Roman period.

Even some authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements' characterization of it as a superorganism, and it is indeed a misleading metaphor.

An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism because its communication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole and appropriately according to the circumstances.

Though it is true that many animals are strictly associated with certain plants, it is misleading to speak of a "spruce-moose biome," for example, because there is no internal cohesion to their association as in an organism.

Their major point was that the distribution of a given species was controlled by the habitat requirements of that species and that therefore the vegetation types were a simple consequence of the ecologies of individual plant species.

With "climax," "biome," "superorganism," and various other technical terms for the association of animals and plants at a given locality being criticized, the term "ecosystem" was more and more widely adopted for the whole system of associated organisms together with the physical factors of their environment.

Finally, younger ecologists have found ecological problems involving behavior and life-history adaptations more attractive than measuring physical constants.

Nevertheless, one still speaks of the ecosystem when referring to a local association of animals and plants, usually without paying much attention to the energy aspects.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, Louis Agassiz, one of the first scientists to study glaciers, immigrated to the United States from Switzerland and became a professor at Harvard University, where he continued his studies in geology and other sciences.

For his research, Agassiz visited many places in the northern parts of Europe and North America, from the mountains of Scandinavia and New England to the rolling hills of the American Midwest.

Eventually, Agassiz and others convinced geologists and the general public that a great continental glaciation had extended the polar ice caps far into regions that now enjoy temperate climates.

It was also apparent that the glaciation occurred in the relatively recent past because the drift was soft, like freshly deposited sediment.

Along the east coast of the United States, the southernmost advance of this ice is recorded by the enormous sand and drift deposits of the terminal moraines that form Long Island and Cape Cod.

The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice.

From this analysis of marine sediments, geologists have learned that there were many shorter, more regular cycles of glaciation and deglaciation than geologists had recognized from the glacial drift of the continents alone.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-3 09:48:59 | 只看该作者
Day 58

TPO 31 听力

讨论历史课题  错2对4
系统注册问题 错1对5

古希腊音乐 错1对5
地质板块 错2对4
古人驯马 错2对4
海洋生物 错3对3



That's because magnetic fields reduce the pressure exerted on the gases inside of them, making the spots cooler than the rest of the Sun's surface.

That first of all starts drawing water away from the center of its body, so the middle part of the frog, its internal organs, its heart, lungs, livers, these start getting drier and drier while the water that's being pulled away is forming a puddle around the organs just underneath the skin.

But wherever they live, once the weather starts to turn cold and the temperature starts to drop below freezing, as soon as the frog even touches an ice crystal or a bit of frozen ground, well, it begins to freeze.

After months without heartbeat, spring time comes around again, the earth starts to warm up, and suddenly one day, ping, a pulse, followed by another one, then another until maybe ten, twelve hours later, the animal is fully recovered.

We've already looked at portrait sculpture which are busts created to commemorate people who had died, and we've looked at relief sculpture, or sculpting on walls.

Now, actually some Roman sculptures were original but others were exact copies of Greek statues and some Roman sculptures were combinations of some sort.

Now the dominant view in traditional art history is that Roman artists lacked creativity and skill, especially compared to the Greek artists who came before them.

The mother language, is the line on the top of this diagram, over time, it branches off into new daughter languages, which branch into daughter languages of their own, and languages that have the same source, the same mother, are called sisters.


taken aback

 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-4 10:14:41 | 只看该作者
Day 59

TPO 32 阅读

植物定居  错1对13
古代泰国  错2对12
蜂群分布  错4对10



With further melting, refreezing, and increased weight from newer snowfall above, the snow reaches a granular recrystallized stage intermediate between flakes and ice known as firn.

When the ice is thick enough, usually over 30 meters, the weight of the snow and firn will cause the ice crystals toward the bottom to become plastic and to flow outward or downward from the area of snow accumulation.

For a glacier to grow or maintain its mass, there must be sufficient snowfall to match or exceed the annual loss through melting, evaporation, and calving, which occurs when the glacier loses solid chunks as icebergs to the sea or to large lakes.

Glaciers move slowly across the land with tremendous energy, carving into even the hardest rock formations and thereby reshaping the landscape as they engulf, push, drag, and finally deposit rock debris in places far from its original location.

Biological hypotheses include ecological changes brought about by the evolution of cooperation between insects and flowering plants or of bottom-feeding predators in the oceans.

Some of the proposed mechanisms required a very brief period during which all extinctions suddenly took place; other mechanisms would be more likely to have taken place more gradually, over an extended period, or at different times on different continents.

American paleontologists David Raup and John Sepkoski, who have studied extinction rates in a number of fossil groups, suggest that episodes of increased extinction have recurred periodically, approximately every 26 million years since the mid-Cretaceous period.

A search of sedimentary deposits that span the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods shows that there is a dramatic increase in the abundance of iridium briefly and precisely at this boundary.

To date, several such secondary craters have been found along Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, and heat-shocked quartz has been found both in Mexico and in Haiti.


 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-5 10:02:46 | 只看该作者
Day 60

TPO33 阅读

古代文明  错1对13
美国铁路  错3对11
生物灭绝  错4对10


Water containing dissolved silica, calcium carbonate, or iron may circulate through the enclosing sediment and be deposited in cavities such as marrow cavities and canals in bone once occupied by blood vessels and nerves.

Although it is certainly true that the possession of hard parts enhances the prospect of preservation, organisms having soft tissues and organs are also occasionally preserved.

The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic.

The West had plenty of attractions: the alluvial river bottoms, the fecund soils of the rolling forest lands, the black loams of the prairies were tempting to New England farmers working their rocky, sterile land and to southeastern farmers plagued with soil depletion and erosion.

Two other developments presaged the end of the era of turnpikes and started a transportation revolution that resulted in increased regional specialization and the growth of a national market economy.

The climatic changes in southwestern Asia were more subtle, in that they involved shifts in mountain snow lines, rainfall patterns, and vegetation cover.

Pollen samples from freshwater lakes in Syria and elsewhere tell us forest cover expanded rapidly at the end of the Ice Age, for the southwestern Asian climate was still cooler and considerably wetter than today.

These people exploited the landscape intensively, foraging on hill slopes for wild cereal grasses and nuts, while hunting gazelle and other game on grassy lowlands and in river valleys.

Thanks to extremely fine-grained excavation and extensive use of flotation methods (through which seeds are recovered from soil samples), we know a great deal about the foraging practices of the inhabitants of Abu Hureyra in Syria's Euphrates valley.

For the next 1,500 years, its inhabitants enjoyed a somewhat warmer and damper climate than today, living in a well-wooded steppe area where wild cereal grasses were abundant.

They were no longer a series of small bands but lived in a large community with more elaborate social organization, probably grouped into clans of people of common descent.

The flotation samples from the excavations allowed botanists to study shifts in plant-collecting habits as if they were looking through a telescope at a changing landscape.

Many complex factors led to the adoption of the new economies, not only at Abu Hureyra, but at many other locations such as 'Ain Ghazal, also in Syria, where goat toe bones showing the telltale marks of abrasion caused by foot tethering (binding) testify to early herding of domestic stock.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-6 10:11:16 | 只看该作者
Day 61
阅读 TPO 34

伊斯兰书  错2对12
蒸汽动力 错2对12
昆虫与植物 错5对9



Since practically all the solar system's mass resides in the Sun, this similarity in chemistry means that chondrites have average solar system composition, except for the most volatile elements; they are truly lumps of nebular matter, probably similar in composition to the matter from which planets were assembled.

The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar—the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice.

The new candid photography—unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken—confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats.

As the seaweed and marsh grass leaves die, bacteria break down the plant material, and insects, small shrimplike organisms, fiddler crabs, and marsh snails eat the decaying plant tissue, digest it, and excrete wastes high in nutrients.

Even with a massive effort, it is doubtful that complete eradication of Spartina from nonnative habitats is possible, for it has become an integral part of these shorelines and estuaries during the last 100 to 200 years.

Leaving its insect predators behind, the cordgrass has been spreading slowly and steadily along Washington’s tidal estuaries on the west coast, crowding out the native plants and drastically altering the landscape by trapping sediment.

Along the east coast Spartina is considered valuable for its ability to prevent erosion and marshland deterioration; it is also used for coastal restoration projects and the creation of new wetland sites.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-7 10:20:20 | 只看该作者
Day 62
听力 TPO 32

论文讨论 错0对6
图书回购 错2对4

铜矿盆地  错2对4
物种生态 错1对5
近代建筑 错2对4
香蕉考古 错1对5



Under those circumstances, its population would increase exponentially, meaning it would increase at an ever-accelerating pace.

But we do occasionally see exponential growth in nonnative species when they are transplanted into a new environment.

That's because magnetic fields reduce the pressure exerted on the gases inside of them, making the spots cooler than the rest of the Sun's surface.

That first of all starts drawing water away from the center of its body, so the middle part of the frog, its internal organs, its heart, lungs, livers, these start getting drier and drier while the water that's being pulled away is forming a puddle around the organs just underneath the skin.

But wherever they live, once the weather starts to turn cold and the temperature starts to drop below freezing, as soon as the frog even touches an ice crystal or a bit of frozen ground, well, it begins to freeze.

After months without heartbeat, spring time comes around again, the earth starts to warm up, and suddenly one day, ping, a pulse, followed by another one, then another until maybe ten, twelve hours later, the animal is fully recovered.

We've already looked at portrait sculpture which are busts created to commemorate people who had died, and we've looked at relief sculpture, or sculpting on walls.

Now, actually some Roman sculptures were original but others were exact copies of Greek statues and some Roman sculptures were combinations of some sort.

Now the dominant view in traditional art history is that Roman artists lacked creativity and skill, especially compared to the Greek artists who came before them.

The mother language, is the line on the top of this diagram, over time, it branches off into new daughter languages, which branch into daughter languages of their own, and languages that have the same source, the same mother, are called sisters.


taken aback
 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-8 10:31:42 | 只看该作者
Day 63
阅读 TPO 36

土壤形成 错3对11
深海生物 错2对12
工业与生态 错1对13


The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic.

The West had plenty of attractions: the alluvial river bottoms, the fecund soils of the rolling forest lands, the black loams of the prairies were tempting to New England farmers working their rocky, sterile land and to southeastern farmers plagued with soil depletion and erosion.

Two other developments presaged the end of the era of turnpikes and started a transportation revolution that resulted in increased regional specialization and the growth of a national market economy.

The climatic changes in southwestern Asia were more subtle, in that they involved shifts in mountain snow lines, rainfall patterns, and vegetation cover.

Pollen samples from freshwater lakes in Syria and elsewhere tell us forest cover expanded rapidly at the end of the Ice Age, for the southwestern Asian climate was still cooler and considerably wetter than today.

These people exploited the landscape intensively, foraging on hill slopes for wild cereal grasses and nuts, while hunting gazelle and other game on grassy lowlands and in river valleys.

Thanks to extremely fine-grained excavation and extensive use of flotation methods (through which seeds are recovered from soil samples), we know a great deal about the foraging practices of the inhabitants of Abu Hureyra in Syria's Euphrates valley.

For the next 1,500 years, its inhabitants enjoyed a somewhat warmer and damper climate than today, living in a well-wooded steppe area where wild cereal grasses were abundant.

They were no longer a series of small bands but lived in a large community with more elaborate social organization, probably grouped into clans of people of common descent.

The flotation samples from the excavations allowed botanists to study shifts in plant-collecting habits as if they were looking through a telescope at a changing landscape.

Many complex factors led to the adoption of the new economies, not only at Abu Hureyra, but at many other locations such as 'Ain Ghazal, also in Syria, where goat toe bones showing the telltale marks of abrasion caused by foot tethering (binding) testify to early herding of domestic stock.


 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-9 23:56:55 | 只看该作者
Day 64

TPO 36 听力

学业计划 错0对6
校广播站 错1对5

氦3资源 错3对3
玛雅遗迹 错1对5
房屋设计 错1对5
排斥原理 错2对4



Professors have to tell us what books they'll definitely need again next semester, and the deadline for them to let us know isn't for a couple of days.

Basically, a nuclear plant powered by nuclear fission derives its energy from the splitting of atoms, while a plant based on nuclear fusion utilizes the energy produced when atoms are fused together.

But given the lure of the possibilities and the pressing nature of our energy difficulties, it's possible that helium-3 could be a significant driver of future exploration of the Moon.

Using infrared imaging, the satellite-based remote-sensing instruments revealed what turned out to be traces of water-storage systems and canals... canals that the Mayans built to irrigate their parched soil, which helps explain how the Mayans could feed such a large population.

So he figures, hey, maybe some of those other yellow spots are worth investigating... Well, long story short, he checks out three different spots where the photo shows a discoloration and finds an ancient Mayan site, overgrown with vegetation, at every single one

Each house was built the same way and with the same materials-all parts were standardized-so houses could be built economically.

 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-10 23:05:21 | 只看该作者
Day 65

TPO37 阅读

希腊先哲 错3对11
物种迁移 错2对12
现代建筑 错2对12


The second hypothesis is that, yes, we do perceive everything, but the brain categorizes the information, and whatever is not relevant to what we are concentrating on gets treated as low priority.

This time the distraction was a moving star field in the background, you know, where it looks like you are moving through space, passing stars.

Now that maybe the correct conclusion for visual distractions, but more research is needed to tell us how the brain deals with, say, the distractions of solving a math problem when we are hungry or when someone is singing in the next room.

We've been talking till now about the two basic needs of a biological community - an energy source to produce organic materials, you know ah, food for the organism, and the waste recycling or breakdown of materials back into inorganic molecules, and about how all this requires photosynthesis when green plants or microbes convert sunlight into energy and also requires microorganisms, bacteria, to secrete chemicals that break down or recycle the organic material to complete the cycle.

As we said, these hydro thermal vents are releasing into the ocean depth this intensely hot water and here is the thing, this hot water contains a chemical called hydrogen sulfide, and also a gas, carbon dioxide.

Now these bacteria actually combine the hydrogen sulfide with the carbon dioxide and this chemical reaction is what produces organic material which is the food for larger organisms.

Then in the 10th century, a scribe made a copy on parchment of some of his texts and diagrams including, as it turns out, The Method.

It wasn't until 1906 that a scholar came across the prayer book in a library and realized it was a palimpsest, and that the underlying layer of texts could only have come from Archimedes.

To avoid further damage to the manual script, the research team at the art museum has had to be extremely selective in their techniques they used to see the original writing.

He realized that the iron in the ancient ink would display if exposed to a certain X-ray imaging method, and except for small portions of the text that couldn't be deciphered, this technique's been very helpful in seeing Archimedes' texts and drawings through the medieval over writing.

Ah sediment as you know is material like sand, gravel, fossil fragments that is transported by natural processes like wind, water flow or the movement of glaciers.

During this epic, sediment was made by the kind of erosion and we atheling that happens when the climate is colder, and part of those sediments are fossils of plants and animals that lived at that time.

Now there is growing evidence that the presence of humans has altered the earth so much that a new epic of geologic history has begun-the Anthropocene epic, a new human-influenced epic.

The idea that around the year 1800 CE the human population became large enough, around a billion people, that its activities started altering the environment.

Also, things like the damming of rivers, has caused increased sediment production, not to mention the addition of more carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere.

Geologists in the far future will be able to examine the sediment being laid down today, whereas right now we can say that yes, human impact on the Earth is clear: It'll be future researchers who have a better perspective and will be able to really draw a line between the Holocene and the Anthropocene epics.

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