“We take the integrity of our rankings very seriously and this is not the first ...
The Financial Times began surveying Class of 2014 alumni on Sept. 11th. It apparently took a month before officials at IE Business School heard that their could be a problem. In mid-October, several alumni from the class said they had yet to receive a survey from the Financial Times. The school only became aware of the problem after delegates of the class encouraged graduates to complete the survey on WhatsApp groups and other social media. The school believes it had oudated email addresses for as many as 100 of the 577 grauates in its Class of 2014.
John Byrne 為這件事寫了兩篇文章。第一篇是FT出來了,IE卻不見了的時候(28號)寫的。
當時FT 尚未回應事件,大家只可以由他們的statement 去估計發生什么事
“This year we have taken the decision to exclude Spain’s IE Business School because of irregularities in their submission"
IE當時就回應指Alumni directory 更新維護得不夠好
"IE officials say that the school did not have updated email addresses for all of the 577 graduates in IE’s Class of 2014."
FT is making clear that the quality of the data in the surveys was unreliable because the newspaper suspected that in some cases surveys were filled out by people who were not intended to complete them
“We take the integrity of our rankings very seriously and this is not the first time a school has been disqualified,”
這次事情就很清楚了,FT明確指出這是關係到Integrity 的事。細心想一下,如果只是Alumni directory 不夠更新電郵地址沒有更新,那事情發展大概變成FT發了問卷後,可能會收到系統回覆說電郵地址不對,或電郵留在inbox 沒人回覆,導致IE的回覆問題率太低被踢出去。但怎樣也不會發展成為"some cases surveys were filled out by people who were not intended to complete them"吧。
Helen Barrett, work & careers editor for the FT who is responsible for business education rankings, was involved in the decision to exclude IE from the ranking. Up until 2016, the rankings were overseen by long-time business education editor Della Bradshaw
如果是邮箱地址发错了,也一样会出现“‘SURVEYS WERE COMPLETED BY PEOPLE WHO WERE NOT WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE"的情况。所以,没必要现在给IE扣个帽子说,IE是因为造假而被逐出排名的。如果现在就很贸然的下了这个结论(IE就是靠造假才有现在的排名),应该可以算是”断章取义“了吧
當FT說是“We take the integrity of our rankings very seriously and this is not the first time a school has been disqualified”
能用integrity 這個字, 這就是FT在說某些學校(IE)處理得很不道德, 而不只是不小心錯誤和疏忽.
来来来,来说一下,整篇文章看完后,哪里有标明是IE是cheat而被除名的?这段文字可以推理得知是IE cheat了?
the newspaper said, “The FT Global MBA rankings are calculated after extensive in-house analysis of data submitted by the schools themselves. This year we have taken the decision to exclude Spain’s IE Business School because of irregularities in their submission. We have contacted the school’s leadership to request that it urgently tightens its data collection procedures so that it can be included in future rankings.”