OG分册Verbal5. In an attempt to promote the widespreaduse of paper rather than plastic, and thus reduce nonbiodegradable waste, thecouncil of a small town plans to banthe sale of disposable plastic goods for whichsubstitutes made of paperexist. The council argues that since most paper is entirely biodegradable, paper goods are environmentally preferable.
Which of the following, if true, indicates that the planto ban the sale of disposable plastic goods is ill suited to the town council’s environmental goals?
(A) Althoughbiodegradable plastic goods are now available, members of the town council believe biodegradable paper goods to be safer for the environment. (B) Thepaper factory at which most of the townspeople are employed plans to increase production of biodegradable paper goods. (C) Afterother towns enacted similar bans on the sale of plastic goods, the environmentalbenefits were not discernible for several years. (D) Sincemost townspeople prefer plastic goodsto paper goods in many instances,theyare likely to purchasethem in neighboring towns where plastic goods are available for sale. (E) Productsother than those derived from wood pulpare often used in the manufacture of paper goods that are entirelybiodegradable.
P:plans to ban the sale of disposable plastic goods
C:to promote the widespread use of paper,and thus reduce nonbiodegradable waste
The town council’s plan is, however, only as effective as the support it has from the town’s citizens. If the citizens prefer disposable plastic goods and if the goods are also readily available in neighboring towns, there is nothing to stop them from buying the plastic goods elsewhere if that is their preference.