Q17. p1-cr 36. (32124-!-item-!-188;#058&006025) Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previouslyprovided for itself. Vernon, Inc., asmall manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline inits profits, plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.
P: outsource business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon C: to increase profit
Which of the following, if true, most stronglysupports the prediction that Vernon's plan will achieve its goal? (A) Among the parts of its business that Vernondoes not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too highfor most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can. (B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplierof specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves. (C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied. (D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids. (E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.
E并不能证明take up time的那些low efficiently的工作是V被外包的那部分工作
can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself =?? certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently
Q21. p1-cr 37. (32356-!-item-!-188;#058&006101) Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certaintype of millipede into their fur. Secretions of these millipedes have been shown to contain two chemicalsthat are potent mosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate the capuchins. The rubbing behavior is rare except during the rainy season, when mosquito populations are at their peak. Therefore, the monkeysprobably rub the millipedes into their fur because doing so helps protect them against mosquitoes.
Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in order to evaluate the argument? (A) Whether the two chemicals provide anyprotection for the millipedes against their own predators (B) Whether the type of millipede used by the capuchin monkeys in Venezuela is found in other parts of the world (C) Whether animals other than capuchins rub insects of any kind into their fur (D) Whether the only time the millipedes are readily available to thecapuchins is during the rainy season (E) Whether secretions of any other insectsaccessible to the capuchins contain chemicals that repel mosquitoes
OA: d
C rub M=> M contain chemical=> chemical is mosquito repellent Mosquito carry parasites debilitate C
P: rub is rare except in rainy season (mosquito is rich ) C: monkey rub M to protect against mosquito => 因: mosquito in rainy season
果: monkey rub M to repell mosquito
==> OA: M is only available in rainy season => weaken the conclusion
M can be caugth any time in the year, but monkey catch only in rainy season => enhance the conclusion
Q29. p1-cr 40. (32869-!-item-!-188;#058&006461) Columnist: People should avoid using a certain artificial fat that has been touted as a resource for those whose medical advisers have advised them to reduce their fat intake. Although the artificial fat, which can be used in place of fat in food preparation, has none of the negative health effects of fat, it does have a serious drawback: it absorbs certain essential vitamins,thereby preventing them from being used by the body.
In evaluating the columnist's position, it wouldbe most useful to determine which of the following? (A) Whether increasing one's intake of the vitamins can compensate for the effects of the artificial fat (B) Whether the vitamins that the artificial fat absorbs are present in foods that contain the fat (C) Whether having an extremely low fat intake for an extended period can endanger the health (D) Whether there are any foods that cannot be prepared using the artificial fat as a substitute for other fats (E) Whether people are generally able to detect differences in taste between foods prepared
oa:a P: AF absorb V which could have been used by body C: avoid AF for those whose are advised to reduce fat intake |