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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-22 17:54:31 | 只看该作者


tpo8-L4     EN II    (校对)

TPO8 Lecture 4 Chemistry

Pro: So, are there any questions?

Stu: Yes, um, Professor Harrison, you were saying that the periodic table is predictive. What
exactly does that mean? I mean I understand how it organize the elements but where’s the

Pro: Ok, let’s look at our periodic table again. Ok, it groups elements into categories that
share certain properties, right?

Stu: Um-huh~

Pro: And it is ranged according to increasing atomic number, which is…

Stu: The number of protons in each atom of an element.

Pro: Right, well, early versions of the periodic table had gaps, missing elements. Every time you
had one more proton, you had another element. And then, oops, there have been atomic
number, for which there’s no known element. And the prediction was that the element, with that
atomic number existed someway, but it just haven’t been found yet. And its location in the table
would tell you what properties that you should have. It was really pretty exciting for scientists at
that time to find these missing elements and confirm their predictive properties. Um, actually,
that reminds other, other very good example of all these, element 43. See on the table, the
symbol for element 42 and 44.
In early versions of the table, there was no symbol for element 43 protons because no element
with 43 protons had been discovered yet. So the periodic table had gap between elements 42
and 44. And then in 1925, a team of chemists led by a scientist named Ida Tack’s claimed they had
found element 43. They had been using a relatively new technology called X-ray spectroscopy,
and they were using this to examine an ore sample. And they claimed that they’d found an
element with 43 protons. And they named it Masuria.

Stu: Um, Professor Harrison, then, how come in my periodic table, here, element 43 is Tc, that’s
Technetium, right?

Pro: Ok, let me add that.

Actually, um, that’s the point I’m coming to. Hardly anyone believed that Tack’s discovered the
new element. X-ray spectroscopy was a new method at that time. And they were never able to
isolate enough Masurium to have available sample to convince everyone of the discovery. So they
were discredited. But then, 12 years later in 1937, a different team became the first to synthesize
the element using a cyclotron. And that element had…

Stu: 43 protons?

Pro: That’s right, but they named it Technetium to emphasize that it was artificially created with
technology. And people thought that synthesizing these elements, ** it artificially was the
only way to get it. We still haven’t found it currently in nature. Now element 43 would be called
Masurium or Technetium is radioactive. Why is that matter? What is true of radioactive element?

Stu: It decays it turns into other elements. Oh, so does that explain why was missing in periodic

Pro: Exactly, because of radioactive decay, element 43 doesn’t last very long. And therefore, if
that ever had been present on earth, it would decay ages ago. (非常棒的句型啊~~~)So the Masurium people were
obviously wrong, and the Technetium people were right. Right? Well, that was then, now we
know that element 43 does occur naturally. It can be naturally generated from Uranium atom
that has spontaneous split. And guess what, the ore sample that the Masurium group was
working with had plenty of Uranium enough to split into measurable amount of Masurium. So
Tack’s team might very well have found small amounts of Masurium in the ore sample just that
once was generated from split Uranium decayed very quickly. And you know here’s an incredible
irony, Ida Tack, the chemist of that led Masurium team, and when she the first to suggest that
Uranium could break up into small pieces but she didn’t know that that was the defense of her
own discovery of element 43.

Stu: So is my version of periodic table wrong? Should element 43 really be called Musurium?

Pro: Maybe, but it’s hard to tell for sure after all this time, if Ida Tack’s group did discover element
43. They didn’t, um, publish enough details on their method or instruments for us to know for
sure. But I’d like to think element 43 was discovered twice. As Masurium, it was first element to
discover that occurs in nature only from spontaneous vision, and as Technetium, it was the first
element discovered in the laboratory. And of course, it was an element the periodic table let us
to expect existed before anyone had found it or made it.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-22 18:03:42 | 只看该作者


tpo8-L4      CN  II  (校对)


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-22 18:17:00 | 只看该作者


TPO8-L4     总结帖

periodic table
visions of
atomic number
ages ago  老早

predictive prediction
have a gop between
how come in

in nature
what's true of...
radioactive decay

ore sample
here's an incredible irony
defense of..
spontaneous fission 自发核裂变



例子:43号元素 锝


 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-22 18:23:45 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 13:35:29 | 只看该作者


tpo 9-L2    CN I

 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 14:28:52 | 只看该作者


tpo 9-L2     EN I

Listen to part of the lecture in the literature class.Alright so let me close today' s class  with some thoughts to keep you in mind while you are reading the next assignment.When you are reading one of E's best known essays self-reliance,and comparing it with his poems and other works.I think this essay has the potential to be quite meaningful for all of you.As young people who probably wonder about things like truth,and ways of ..they will going--all sorts of profound questions.There is something about help you when you read the self-reliance.And basically,where the main ..the studying have was about truth.not something that we can be taught,Emerson said it was found within ourselves.So this is true,the idea that in each one of ..the first point to see emerson's essay.It's a bit abstract,but he was very into each person believe his or her own thought.Believing in our thought the thought of conviction that's true for you.But actually,he tied that in with the sort of universal truth,something that everyone knows but doesn't realize they know.Most of us aren't in touch with ourselves in a way,so we just aren't capable of recognizing profound truth.It takes geniuses.People I would say,Shakespear.who are believed that who had a glimpse of that truth,this universal truth,they pay attention to it and express it and don't just dismiss it as most people do.So Emerson is really into each individual believing and trusted him or herself.You see that he writes about first conformity,He criticized the people of his time who abundant their own mind and their own wills for the sake of the conformity of the consistency.They tried to fix in with the rest of the world,even though it is at odds with their identities.Therefore,it's best to be a do your own things not worrying about what other people think.That's important point.He really drives this argument ..throughout the essay.When you are reading I want you to think about that and why that is relevant to the readers of his time.Remember this is 1838.Self-reliance is a novel idea at the time,and the United States citizens were less about the themselves as individuals and Americans.The country as a whole is trying to profound find itself.Emerson wants to give  people something to really think about.How to find their own way and what it meant to be who they were.So that's something that I think is definitely as relevant today as it was then.Probably,especially for the young adults like themselves,YOu know college students who really think about who you are and where they are going.Now we already said that Emerson really emphasizes non-conformity, right, as a way to sort of not lose your own self and identity in the world, to have your own truth and not be afraid to listen to it. Well, he takes this a step further. Not conforming also means uh,not conforming with yourselves or your past.Focus on the future he says,that's what matters more.In consistency is good.Of course,  He talks about a ship’s voyage and this is one of the most famous bits of the essay - how the best voyage is made up of zigzag lines. Up close,it seems a little all over the place,but further away the true path shows at the ends it justifies all the turns around the world.So, don’t worry if you are not sure where you’re headed or what your long-term goals are.Stay true to yourself and it will make sense in the end.I mean, I can attest to that. Before I was a literature professor, I was an accountant.Before that I was a newspaper reporter,My life is taking some pretty interesting terms and where I am very happy with these experiences and what they brought me.If you relay on yourselves and trust your talents and your interests,don't worry,you path makes sense in the end.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 14:45:00 | 只看该作者


tpo 4-L2 literature

TPO 4 Lecture 2 Literature

Listen to part of a lecture in a literature class.

All right, so let me close today’s class with some thoughts to keep in mind
while you are doing tonight’s assignment. You will be reading one of Ralph
Waldo Emerson’s best-known essays ‘Self-Reliance’ and comparing it with his
poems and other works. I think this essay has the potential to be quite
meaningful for all of you as young people who probably wonder about things
like truth and where your lives are going - all sorts of profound questions.
Knowing something about Emerson’s philosophies will help you when you
read ‘Self-Reliance’. And basically, one of the main beliefs that he had was
about truth. Not that it’s something that we can be taught, Emerson says it’s
found within ourselves. So this truth, the idea that it’s in each one of us, is one
of the first points that you’ll see Emerson ** in this essay. It’s a bit
abstract but he’s very into…ah… into each person believing his or her own
thought, believing in yourself, the thought or conviction that’s true for you. But
actually, he ties that in with a sort of ‘universal truth’ – something that everyone
knows but doesn’t realize they know. Most of us aren’ t in touch with ourselves
in a way, so we just aren’t capable of recognizing profound truth. It takes
geniuses, people like, say, Shakespeare, who’re unique because when they
have a glimpse at this truth, this universal truth, they pay attention to it and
express it and don’t just dismiss it like most people do.
So Emerson is really into each individual believing in and trusting him or
herself. You’ll see that he writes about, well, first, conformity. He criticizes that
people of his time for abandoning their own minds and their own wills for the
sake of conformity and consistency. They try to fit in with the rest of the world
even though it’s at odds with their beliefs and their identities. Therefore, it’s
best to be a non-conformist – to do your own thing, not worrying about what
other people think. That’s an important point. He really drives this argument
home throughout the essay.
When you are reading, I want you to think about that and why that kind of
thought would be relevant to the readers of his time. Remember this is 1838,
‘Self-Reliance’ was a novel idea at the time and the United State’s citizens
were less secure about themselves as individuals and as Americans. The
country as a whole was trying to define itself. Emerson wanted to give people
something to really think about, help them find their own way and what it meant
to be who they were. So that’s something that I think is definitely as relevant
today as it was then, probably, um, especially among young adults like
yourselves, you know, uh, college being a time to sort of really think about who
you are and where you’re going.
Now we already said that Emerson really emphasizes non-conformity, right, as
a way to sort of not lose your own self and identity in the world, to have your
own truth and not be afraid to listen to it. Well, he takes this a step further. Not
conforming also means, uh, not conforming with yourself or your past. What
does that mean? Well, if you’ve always been a certain way or done a certain
thing, but it’s not working for you any more, or you’re not content, Emerson
says that it’d be foolish to be consistent even with our own past. ‘Focus on the
future,’ he says, “That's what matters more. Inconsistency is good.”

He talks about a ship’s voyage and this is one of the most famous bits of the
essay - how the best voyage is made up of zigzag lines. Up close, it seems a
little all over the place, but from farther away, the true path shows and in the
end it justifies all the turns along the way. So, don’t worry if you are not sure
where you’re headed or what your long-term goals are. Stay true to yourself
and it’ll make sense in the end. I mean, I can attest to that. Before I was a
literature professor, I was an accountant. Before that, I was a newspaper
reporter. My life is taking some pretty interesting turns and here I am, very
happy with my experiences and where they’ve brought me. If you rely on
yourself and trust your own talents, your own interest, don’t worry, your path
will make sense in the end.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 14:49:55 | 只看该作者


tpo4 -L2     CN  II (校对)


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 15:04:44 | 只看该作者


tpo4-L2       总结帖

comparing with
have the potential to be quite meaningful for sb
all sorts of profound questions
tie in with
in a way
be capable of doing
have a glimpse at
abandon one's own minds and wills
for the sake of
fit in with
be at odds with
a non-conformist 不墨守成规者
not worrying about what other people think
That is an important point
be relevant to readers of his time
a novel idea
at the time
be less secure individuals
as the whole
as a way to sort of not lose your own self and identity
be consistent with
take some pretty interesting tunes
rely on

self-reliance  by Emerson

a point is important for understanding this essay--stay true to yourself

1.don't abundant your will and your ideas for the sake of consistency
2.don't stay consistent with your past

the path to success is always full of turns like a zigzag but it's the shortest one.
if you stay true and trust yourself,the final path will makes sense in the end


 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-23 15:14:44 | 只看该作者
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