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The energy an animal must expend to move uphill is proportional to its body weight, whereas the animal's energy output available to perform this task is proportional to its surface area. This is the reason that small animals, like squirrel, can run up a tree trunk almost as fast as they can move on level ground, whereas large animals tend to slow down when they are moving uphill.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the explanation above depends?

正确答案: C









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发表于 2003-9-17 12:41:00 | 只看该作者




21. It is very difficult to prove today that a painting done two or three hundred years ago, especially one without a signature or with a questionably authentic signature, is indubitably the work of this or that particular artist. This fact gives the traditional attribution of a disputed painting special weight, since that attribution carries the presumption of historical continuity. Consequently, an art historian arguing for a deattribution will generally convince other art historians only if he or she can persuasively argue for a specific reattribution.

Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the position that the traditional attribution of a disputed painting should not have special weight?

(A) Art dealers have always been led by economic self-interest to attribute any unsigned paintings of merit to recognized masters rather than to obscure artists.

(B) When a painting is originally created, there are invariably at least some eyewitnesses who see the artist ac work, and thus questions of correct attribution cannot arise at that time.

(C) There are not always clearly discernible differences between the occasional interior work produced by a master and the very best work produced by a lesser talent.

(D) Attribution can shape perception inasmuch as certain features that would count as marks of greatness in a master's work would be counted as signs or inferior artistry if a work were attributed to a minor artist.

(E) Even though some masters had specialists assist them with certain detail work, such as depicting lace, the resulting works are properly attributed to the masters alone.

可是哪里有提到 Art dealers 啊
发表于 2003-9-17 13:21:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-9-17 13:24:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-9-17 23:08:00 | 只看该作者
Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the position that the traditional attribution of a disputed painting should not have special weight?

题目问,下面那一个可以支持我们不应该过分倚重传统attribution of a disputed painting。

(A) Art dealers have always been led by economic self-interest to attribute any unsigned paintings of merit to recognized masters rather than to obscure artists.

有效的举出一个例子用来指出traditional attribution 的弱点,从而起到支持作用。

 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-18 10:28:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用fyhllj在2003-9-17 23:08:00的发言:
Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the position that the traditional attribution of a disputed painting should not have special weight?

题目问,下面那一个可以支持我们不应该过分倚重传统attribution of a disputed painting。

(A) Art dealers have always been led by economic self-interest to attribute any unsigned paintings of merit to recognized masters rather than to obscure artists.

有效的举出一个例子用来指出traditional attribution 的弱点,从而起到支持作用。

 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-18 11:25:00 | 只看该作者
9. Fines levied against those responsible for certain environmentally damaging accidents are now so high that it costs a company responsible for such an accident more to pay the fine than it would have cost to adopt measures that would have prevented the accident. Therefore, since businesses value their profits, those that might have such accidents will now install adequate environmental safeguards

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A) Businesses generally greatly underestimate the risk of future accidents.

(B) Businesses are as concerned with long-term as they are with short-term strategies for maximizing profits.

(C) Businesses generally do the environmentally "right" thing only if doing so makes good business sense.

(D) Businesses treat fines that are levied against them as an ordinary business expense.

(E) Businesses are learning to exploit the public's environmental awareness in promoting themselves

答案选A,我觉得A不是正好支持文中的观点吗,因为他们低估risk of future accidents


 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-18 11:30:00 | 只看该作者
11. Water vapor evaporated from the ocean contains a greater proportion of oxygen-16 and a smaller proportion of the heavier oxygen-18 than does seawater. Normally, this phenomenon has no effect on the overall composition of the ocean, because evaporated seawater returns to the ocean through precipitation. During an ice age, however, a large amount of precipitation falls on ice caps, where it is trapped as ice.

Which one of the following conclusions about a typical ice age is most strongly supported by the statements above?

(A) The proportions of oxygen-16 and oxygen-18 are the same in vapor from seawater as in the seawater itself.

(B) The concentration of oxygen-18 in seawater is increased.

(C) Rain and snow contain relatively more oxygen-16 than they do in interglacial periods.

(D) During the ice age, more of the Earth's precipitation falls over land than falls over the ocean.

(E) The composition of seawater changes more slowly than it does in interglacial periods.

可我觉得,The concentration of oxygen-18 应该是在ice里面多,才支持啊
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-18 11:33:00 | 只看该作者
18. In the United States proven oil reserves-the amount of oil considered extractable from known fields-are at the same level as they were ten years ago. Yet over this same period no new oil fields of any consequence have been discovered, and the annual consumption of domestically produced oil has increased.

Which one of the following, if true best reconciles the discrepancy described above?

(A) Over the past decade the annual consumption of imported oil has increased more rapidly than that of domestic oil in the United States.

(B) Conservation measures have lowered the rate of growth of domestic oil consumption from what it was a decade ago.

(C) Oil exploration in the United States has slowed due to increased concern over the environmental impact of such exploration.

(D) The price of domestically produced oil has fallen substantially over the past decade.

(E) Due to technological advances over the last decade, much oil previously considered unextractable is now considered extractable.

我觉得A 也没错啊
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-18 11:35:00 | 只看该作者
21. The energy an animal must expend to move uphill is proportional to its body weight, whereas the animal's energy output available to perform this task is proportional to its surface area. This is the reason that small animals, like squirrel, can run up a tree trunk almost as fast as they can move on level ground, whereas large animals tend to slow down when they are moving uphill

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the explanation above depends?

(A) The amount of energy needed to move uphill is no greater for large animals that it is for small animals.

(B) Small animals can move more rapidly than large animals can.

(C) The ratio of surface area to body weight is smaller in large animals than it is in small animals.

(D) There is little variation in the ratio of energy output to body weight among animals.

(E) The amount of energy needed to run at a given speed is proportional to the surface area of the running animal.

发表于 2003-9-18 11:46:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用祈晴坊主在2003-9-18 10:28:00的发言:


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