以下是引用jaredyu在2005-4-1 14:05:00的发言:明白,谢谢cocoa! 我对38,39难以理解的就是,题目的定位点出现在我们认为应该略读的地方. 在读文章的时候我认为以下两段应该略读 Well established among segments of the middle and upper classes by the mid-1800’s, this new view of childhood spread through- out society in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth (20) centuries as reformers introduced child-labor regulations and compulsory education laws predicated in part on the assumption that a child’s emotional value made child labor taboo. . Allowing only a small role for cultural forces in the form of individual “preferences,” these sociologists tend to view all human behavior as directed primarily by (50) the principle of maximizing economic gain. 可是这两段刚刚就是38,39题的定位点,所以我觉得很疑惑,是不是我判断错了
下面是我对38题的理解, reformers后面的部分是可以略读的, reformers前面都是不同年代的对比. 不能略读.
[38] During the nineteenth century, she argues, the concept 年代一定要仔细看, 考点.
of the “useful” child who contributed to the family 引号, + 对比, 考点
economy gave way gradually to the present-day notion of the “useless” child who, though producing no income
(15) for, and indeed extremely costly to, its parents, is yet 表转折
considered emotionally “priceless.” Well established
among segments of the middle and upper classes by the
[38]mid-1800’s, this new view of childhood spread through- 年代的前后的对比是infer题眼
out society in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth 注意年代, 一般会出题
(20) [42] centuries as reformers
39题的反对者的观点是不但要看, 还要记住.
these sociologists 有关..
[39B]tend to view all human behavior as directed primarily by
(50) the principle of maximizing economic gain. Zelizer is
highly critical of this approach, and emphasizes instead be critical of sth
the opposite phenomenon:
/ critical of鲜明的态度一定要看.
我现在读文章是尽量都读, 记得wangyu GG说过, 略读是你的阅读功底达到一定程度后, 加上对结构的把握, 自然形成的.所以我现在做第三论的总结的时候开始略读一些, 以前都是全读做题的. 我的阅读也不好, 仅供参考.
共勉, 共勉! |