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[原创]我的第一篇阅读日记OG passage 21,希望大家指正!

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发表于 2005-1-16 20:51:00 | 只看该作者

[原创]我的第一篇阅读日记OG passage 21,希望大家指正!

这些天开始第一遍复习OG RC,从mumuwa,小安,wangyu73cn等人的方法中获益很多,谢谢了!但是不知道自己的理解和做题方法以及习惯又没有问题,所以今天在做到OG 21的时候,决定从今天开始记录自己的做题思路和阅读日记。希望大家能帮我看一下我的阅读方法和习惯,以及做题思路、方法和习惯有没有问题:

1、      出题点预测是否有误或者有更多的预测没有记录下来?

2、      阅读习惯――尤其是略读?

3、      重点词汇标记是否有误,是否有必要标记如此之多?

4、      题干提炼是否有误?

5、      定位依据是否有误?

6、      解题思路?

7、      具体的做题习惯针对不同题型?


 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-16 20:53:00 | 只看该作者

OG Passage 21

Two modes of argumentation have been used on

behalf of women’s emancipation in Western societies.(TS)

Arguments in what could be called the “relational”

feminist tradition maintain the doctrine of “equality in (引号,出题点之一;后来发现这个出题预测点好像有问题?)

(5) difference,” or equity as distinct for equality. They

posit that biological distinctions between the sexes

result in a necessary sexual division of labor in the(强因果)

family and throughout society and that women’s pro-

creative labor is currently undervalued by society, to

(10) the disadvantage of women. By contrast, the individual- (强对比,出题点之一)

ist feminist tradition emphasizes individual human rights

and celebrates women’s quest for personal autonomy,

while downplaying the importance of gender roles and(转折)

minimizing discussion of childbearing and its attendant

(15) responsibilities.


Before the late nineteenth century, these views   (时间状语)

coexisted within the feminist movement, often within(频率)

the writings of the same individual. Between 1890 and(时间状语)

1920, however, relational feminism, which had been the(强转折)

(20) dominant strain in feminist thought, and which still pre-

dominates among European and non-Western feminists,

lost ground in England and the United States. Because

the concept of individual rights was already well estab-

lished in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition,(原因,没有看,A-S)

(25) individualist feminism came to predominate in English-

speaking countries. At the same time, the goals of the(顺接连词,KW)

two approaches began to seem increasingly irreconcil-

able. Individualist feminists began to advocate a totally

gender-blind system with equal rights for all. Relational

(30) feminists, while agreeing that equal educational and(预期让步,出题点之一)

economic opportunities outside the home should be avail-

able for all women, continued to emphasize women’s

special contributions to society as homemakers and

mothers; they demanded special treatment

(35) including protective legislation for women workers,

state-sponsored maternity benefits, and paid compensa-

tion for housework.(大致过了一眼,没有仔细看,因为是后半段+分号+没有强调性语言)


Relational arguments have a major pitfall: because(冒号+原因,没有看)

they underline women’s physiological and psychological

(40) distinctiveness, they are often appropriated by political

adversaries and used to endorse male privilege. But the (强转折)

individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, deny-

ing the significance of physiological difference, and

condemning existing familial institutions as hopelessly

(45) patriarchal, has often simply treated as irrelevant the(强调性语言)

family roles important to many women. If the individu-

alist framework, with its claim for women’s autonomy,

could be harmonized with the family-oriented concerns

of relational feminists, a more fruitful model for con-(文章末比较级)

(50) temporary feminist politics could emerge. (文章结尾,作者期望)


P1:对于妇女解放问题,有两种观点+2种观点各自的具体内容;TS, re-fe, by contrast, in-fe,




[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-16 21:42:21编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-16 20:54:00 | 只看该作者

125. The author of the passage alludes to the well-established nature of the concept of individual rights in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition in order to

(定位依据:A-S,题型判断:in order to,于是往前找:Between 1890 and 1920, however, relational feminism, which had been the dominant strain in feminist thought, and which still predominates among European and non-Western feminists, lost ground in England and the United States.)

(于是我的想法:这个例子是为表明 re-feEngland and United states lostin-fe在在England and United states的崛起,主要强调lost)

(A) illustrate the influence of individualist feminist thought on more general intellectual trends in English history (范围太广,以偏概全,排除)

(B) argue that feminism was already a part of the larger Anglo-Saxon intellectual tradition, even though thishas often gone unnoticed by critics of women’s emancipation.(举例作用题,答案不会出现例子本身内容,大胆排除)

(C) explain the decline in individualist thinking among feminists in non-English-speaking countries(未涉及,排除)

(D) help account for an increasing shift toward individualist feminism among feminists in English speaking countries.(判断正确选项依据)

(E) account for the philosophical differences between individualist and relational feminists in English speaking countries (无关词,排除)

The best answer is D. In lines 18-26, the author states that relational feminism “lost ground” in English and the United States while individualist feminism came to predominate, as a result of the well-established concept of individual rights. Choice A is incorrect: lines 22-26 of the passage suggest that individualist feminism was influenced by broader trends in English legal and political tradition. Choice B can be eliminated: the passage does not suggest that feminism was part of the Anglo-Saxon tradition. Choice C is incorrect: individualist feminism is described in lines 18-26 of the passage as growing, not declining. Choice E is incorrect because, although individualist and relational feminists did have philosophical differences, the author does not mention the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition in order to account for these differences.

126. The passage suggests that the author of the passage believes which of the following?

(定位依据:author,而作者看法出现在P3,于是定位P3 )

(这道题我做错了,我选择了C,因为看到future feminist politics will probably soon emerge cooperation等词汇激动万分此题如此简单啊!于是赶紧选择C;事实上这道题我犯了3个错误:1、我并没有仔细回视P3,其实P3讲述了作者的2点看法:各有缺点+能互相结合则更好,我只根据后面这点做题;2、没有体会C的关键词和文章的差异;3、没有继续看其他选项,看到C这道题就结束了!该打50大板!)

(A) The predominance of individualist feminism in English-speaking countries is a historical phenomenon, the causes of which have not yet been investigated.

(B) The individualist and relational feminist views are irreconcilable, given their theoretical differences concerning the foundations of society.

(C) A consensus concerning the direction of future feminist politics will probably soon emerge, given the awareness among feminists of the need for cooperation among women.

(D) Political adversaries of feminism often misuse arguments predicated on differences between the sexes to argue that the existing social system

should be maintained.

(E) Relational feminism provides the best theoretical framework for contemporary feminist politics, but individualist feminism could contribute much toward refining and strengthening modern feminist thought.

The best answer is D. In lines 38-41 of the passage, the author contends that a significant liability of relational arguments is that “because they underline women’s physiological and psychological distinctiveness, they are often appropriated by political adversaries and used to endorse male privilege.” Therefore, D states an idea with which the author would likely concur. Choice A is contradicted by the passage: the author attributes the predominance of individualist feminism in English-speaking countries to Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition. Choice B is incorrect: the passage does not suggest that the author believes that individualist and relational feminism their eventual reconciliation. There is no indication in the passage that the author would be likely to agree with the statements given in C and E.

127. It can be inferred from the passage that the individualist feminist tradition denies the validity of which of the following causal statements?

(定位依据:individualist feminist tradition denies,尤其由deny定位P3the individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, denying the significance of physiological difference,直接在选项中找physiological difference,看到C就直接选了,没有看其他选项这个习惯不知道会不会有问题?请大家指正)

(A) A division of labor in a social group can result in increased efficiency with regard to the performance of group tasks.

(B) A division of labor in a social group causes inequities in the distribution of opportunities and benefits among group members.

(C) A division of labor on the basis of gender in a social group is necessitated by the existence of sex-linked biological differences between male and female members of the group.

(D) Culturally determined distinctions based on gender in a social group foster the existence of differing attitudes and opinions among group members.

(E) Educational programs aimed at reducing inequalities based on gender among members of a social group can result in a sense of greater well-being for all members of the group.

The best answer is C. In lines 5-8, the author states that relational feminists “posit that biological distinctions between the sexes result in a necessary sexual division of labor.” In lines 10-15, when describing the individualists feminist philosophy, the author begins with the phrase “by contrast,” thus implying that the position taken by relational feminists on a necessary gender-based division of labor is not accepted in the individualist feminist tradition. In line 13, the author further states that individualist feminists downplay the importance of gender roles. Nothing in the passage suggests that individualist feminist would disagree with the statements in A, B, D, and E.

128. According to the passage, relational feminists and individualist feminists agree that(定位标志,P2,因为记得(凭记忆,没有定位看文章其他部分,这种习惯好不好?)有预期让步阐述2者都赞同的观点,于是直接找:Relational feminists, while agreeing that equal educational and economic opportunities outside the home should be available for all women,直接在选项中找上述近义词,选择E,没有仔细读其他选项,只是略读,一晃而过,不知道这个习惯又如何?)

(A) individual human rights take precedence over most other social claims

(B) the gender-based division of labor in society should be eliminated

(C) laws guaranteeing equal treatment for all citizens regardless of gender should be passed

(D) a greater degree of social awareness concerning the importance of motherhood would be beneficial to society

(E) the same educational and economic opportunities should be available to both sexes

The best answer is E. Lines 28-29 indicate that individualist feminists advocate equal rights for all. Lines 30-32 go on to state that relational feminists agree that “equal educational and economic opportunities outside the home should be available for all women.” Choices A and B are incorrect because the passage suggests that they are beliefs held only by individualist feminists. Choice C represents a belief with which relational feminists disagree, and D represents a belief with which only relational feminists would agree.

129. According to the author, which of the following was true of feminist thought in Western societies before 1890?(定位标志)

(这道题我做错了,我选了C,我的做题思路:定位原文: Before the late nineteenth century, these views coexisted within the feminist movement, often within the writings of the same individual.我觉得KWcoexisted,于是直接找近义词,看到C以后,就如同126题一样,激动万分,心情和犯错方式一样(3个错误一个没落下,事实上coexistedequally prevalent并不等同,后者以偏概全)。同时还犯了一个根本性的错误(这是我在看到正确选项后的想法),我定位的信息本身就不完整(赶时间所以没有看后面,同时也觉得没有关系,此时深刻体会到小安讲的“Try to comprehend what is “related" and what is "unrelated", do not easily judge What is "related" and what is "unrelated" information (choice), that is a very important rule to quickly rule out some wrong choices.”)事实上Between 1890 and 1920, howeverbefore 1890直接相关,取非或者直接引用(根据不同逻辑关系)即是before 1890inforelational feminism, which had been the dominant strain in feminist thought, and which still predominates among European and non-Western feminists, lost ground in England and the United States.待看完这段话以后,我发现我又犯错了,对题干的提炼不够,题干说得是Western societies又想起了mumuwa说的对题干的提炼一定要注意,即使只是一个时间状语),本文的题干有2个状语:时间状语:before 1980,范围:Western societies

(A) Individualist feminist arguments were not found in the thought or writing of non-English-speaking feminists.

(B) Individualist feminism was a strain in feminist thought, but another strain, relational feminism, predominated.

(C) Relational and individualist approaches were equally prevalent in feminist thought and writing.

(D) The predominant view among feminists held that the welfare of women was ultimately less important than the welfare of children.

(E) The predominant view among feminists held that the sexes should receive equal treatment under the law.

The best answer is B. In lines 16-20, the passage states that prior to the late nineteenth century, relational feminism and individualist feminism “coexisted within the feminist movement” but that relational feminism was the “dominant strain.” Choices A and C are contradicted by lines 16-20. There is no information in passage to support the statements presented in D and E.

130. The author implies that which of the following was true of most feminist thinkers in England and the United States after 1920?

(提炼题干:3个定位标志+1个题型标志,定位P3(因为文章没有after 1920的描述,而且是指author implies,记得P3内容:2种都有缺点;如果能互相结合,将来会更好,所以定位P3))

(A) They were less concerned with politics than with intellectual issues.

(B) They began to reach a broader audience and their programs began to be adopted by mainstream political parties.

(C) They called repeatedly for international cooperation among women’s groups to achieve their goals.

(D) They moderated their initial criticism of the economic systems that characterized their societies.

(E) They did not attempt to unite the two different feminist approaches in their thought.(正确选项判断依据,P3取非)

The best answer is E. In lines 22-28, the passage states that, between 1890 and 1920, individualist feminism became predominant among feminists in England and the United States, and that the “goals of the two approaches began to seem increasingly irreconcilable”. The discussion that follows suggests that the two schools of thought continued to remain separate and that no attempt was being made to unite them. In lines 46-50, the author concludes by suggesting a way that relational and individualist feminism could be harmonized. Choices A, B, C and D are not suggested by information presented in the passage.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-16 21:43:17编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-16 20:56:00 | 只看该作者


1、      阅读方法很重要,要多看看其他人的方法,推广到自己的阅读中,变成自己的阅读和做题习惯。

2、      不要盲目题海战术,做题很重要,但是通过做小结培养正确的阅读方法和做题思路以及习惯更重要。

3、      要仔细提炼题干(129),哪怕只是一个时间状语便于完整正确的定位和排除错误选项。

4、      一般情况下要看完所有的选项,不要因为觉得题目简单就直接选,当然有的选项可以仔细看,有的大致上看一眼就够了;同时对于那些通过定位直接找答案而不是通过比较选项和题干+原文做出来的题,如果不是同根词,要仔细体会词义的差异。(如129 coexist equally prevalent并不等同,后者以偏概全)

5、      体会相关和无关(129 before 1890between 1890 and 1920)。

6、      一定要定位,即使题目简单,记得也很清楚,也不要想当然(教训129)。

7、      仔细仔细再仔细!

发表于 2005-1-16 21:26:00 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-16 21:36:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-1-16 21:37:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-16 21:45:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-1-16 21:58:00 | 只看该作者





发表于 2005-1-16 22:32:00 | 只看该作者





1、“equality in difference”(引号,出题点之一;后来发现这个出题预测点好像有问题?) 这可能是出题点,但修辞用法不强烈,理解其意思就可以了,出题的可能性确实不大。

2、Because the concept of individual rights was already well established in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition, individualist feminism came to predominate in English-speaking countries. (原因,没有看,A-S)还是简单明白一下为好。其实很简单,即盎格鲁-萨克斯人(姑且当作英国人)有传统,所以个人妇女主义渐渐盛行英语国家。好像后面有道题还是需要这句的辅证的。对这种因果关系,据我的个人意见,是要读一读的,至少要知道有一个因果关系在此。这样阅读思路可更流畅些。

3、Relational arguments have a major pitfall: because they underline women’s physiological and psychological distinctiveness, they are often appropriated by political adversaries and used to endorse male privilege.(冒号+原因,没有看)这里即便你简单看看,也无法达到做题的要求了。记得后面有题就考到这里了。其实基本不用花很长时间,就可以明白其意思,即被政客所利用了。



125. (定位依据:A-S,题型判断:in order to,于是往前找。于是我的想法:这个例子是为表明 re-feEngland and United states lostin-fe在在England and United states的崛起,主要强调lost) 当然,要明确一下,作用题应往原因所在那个分句的前后找。此题应往前找和本句其它分句中找,正如ETS所说,在18-26行,而不单单是18-22行。

125. (A) illustrate the influence of individualist feminist thought on more general intellectual trends in English history (范围太广,以偏概全,排除) 我觉得ETS是说Choice A is incorrect: lines 22-26 of the passage suggest that individualist feminism was influenced by broader trends in English legal and political tradition. 即,这个选项的意思和文章意思相反了。

125. (B) argue that feminism was already a part of the larger Anglo-Saxon intellectual tradition, even though this has often gone unnoticed by critics of women’s emancipation.(举例作用题,答案不会出现例子本身内容,大胆排除)不太明白怎么就大胆排除了,我没有这样想。至少ETS的解释好像更好,Choice B can be eliminated: the passage does not suggest that feminism was part of the Anglo-Saxon tradition.即,此选项内容为文中未出现内容,无。

126. (这道题我做错了,我选择了C,因为看到future feminist politics will probably soon emerge cooperation等词汇激动万分此题如此简单啊!)你看确实不应掉以轻心啊。同时,更重要的是,前面被你略去的两部分在此题中对你进行集中轰炸了,你在阅读时没有引起注意的东西,恰恰偷偷摸摸地出现在这里。如果你不看前面那两个because的内容,你必然无法在此题时立刻看到出题者的意图,你甚至连回去定位都不知该上哪里去找啊。这样,在错误的所谓“不读”方法误导下,高分已拱手相让了。

127.(定位依据:individualist feminist tradition denies,尤其由deny定位P3the individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, denying the significance of physiological difference,直接在选项中找physiological difference,看到C就直接选了,没有看其他选项这个习惯不知道会不会有问题?请大家指正)定位第3段,也好。但确实应该像OG解释中所说的那样,定位在第一段的几处,从对比取非和直接论述中得出答案。其实,这里第3段的有关论述,是根据第1段的论述,对individualist方式的简单概括,根源还是在第1段。没有对第1段的理解,到了这里,思路也会变得不清楚了。

128. According to the passage, relational feminists and individualist feminists agree that(定位标志,P2,因为记得(凭记忆,没有定位看文章其他部分,这种习惯好不好?)有预期让步阐述2者都赞同的观点,于是直接找:Relational feminists, while agreeing that equal educational and economic opportunities outside the home should be available for all women,直接在选项中找上述近义词,选择E,没有仔细读其他选项,只是略读,一晃而过,不知道这个习惯又如何?)嗯,你这里定位很准确,知道了R方的态度。但你怎么知道I方对此的态度呢?所以,还是OG的解释说的更全面,是通过两句话来选出正确选项的,而不是一句。

129。before 1890?(定位标志)我认为,楼主定位失准,说明了我为什么不主张“看文章时不读,回去定位再读”的又一原因,因为定位往往会失去准星,还不如多读一点,将文章脉络搞清,自然就好做题了,做题也快些,反倒节省时间。少读,文章可能会支离开。同时,定位也只是回去确证一下自己的思考罢了,在紧张的时间压力下,再看出些新东西来是不容易的事啊。

130. (提炼题干:3个定位标志+1个题型标志,定位P3(因为文章没有after 1920的描述,而且是指author implies,记得P3内容:2种都有缺点;如果能互相结合,将来会更好,所以定位P3应注意,OG说明,其实文章中已经直接给出1920年的现象了,不仅仅要定位第3段。还要对第2段中的论述有感。我觉得,我们多从几个角度思考某一个问题,我们的思维就会渐渐变得深入周全些了,所以不要忽视OG解释中针对某一问题从文章多处进行阐释的过程。这是一种全面的思维方式。我们需要注意在平时积累。在考试中,我们可能不能全面找出所有的相关各处,但找到任一点,都可能有效解决问题,我们做对题目的把握也就增加了。


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-17 0:50:07编辑过]
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