好文章! 建议加精!:)
125. The author of the passage alludes to the well-established nature of the concept of individual rights in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition in order to (A) illustrate the influence of individualist feminist thought on more general intellectual trends in English history. (B) argue that feminism was already a part of the larger Anglo-Saxon intellectual tradition, even though thishas often gone unnoticed by critics of women’s emancipation. (C) explain the decline in individualist thinking among feminists in non-English-speaking countries (D) help account for an increasing shift toward individualist feminism among feminists in English speaking countries. (E) account for the philosophical differences between individualist and relational feminists in English speaking countries The best answer is D. In lines 18-26, the author states that relational feminism “lost ground” in English and the United States while individualist feminism came to predominate, as a result of the well-established concept of individual rights. Choice A is incorrect: lines 22-26 of the passage suggest that individualist feminism was influenced by broader trends in English legal and political tradition. Choice B can be eliminated: the passage does not suggest that feminism was part of the Anglo-Saxon tradition. Choice C is incorrect: individualist feminism is described in lines 18-26 of the passage as growing, not declining. Choice E is incorrect because, although individualist and relational feminists did have philosophical differences, the author does not mention the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition in order to account for these differences.
想请教一下,从18-26行如何看出individual feminism是在non-English-speaking 国家中growing呢?
Between 1890 and
1920, however, relational feminism, which had been the
(20) dominant strain in feminist thought, and which still pre-
dominates among European and non-Western feminists,
lost ground in LACE>EnglandLACE> and the LACE>United StatesLACE>. Because
the concept of individual rights was already well estab-
lished in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition,
(25) individualist feminism came to predominate in English-
speaking countries.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-24 11:34:22编辑过] |