先发一篇以前写过的 综合写作 TPO-17
The professor puts foraward a negative attitude to the passagein her lecture. She believes that the population of birds in United States willnot decline which is oppose to that the passage claims that the population willnecessarily decline. The professor supports herself by three reasons which candefeat the reasons sited in the passage.
First, the expand of human beings is not ashortcoming, as the professor puts it , but might do good for birds. Sheexplains that the urbane may be do good for the birds. Even some kinds of birdswill decrease, but some others will increase. (本来打算先写每段的开头的,后来第三段写high 了。。第一次写,对每段字数把握不是很好)
Second, the growth speed of agriculturewill not be as soon as the passage claims. The professor argee that the quickdevelopment of agreiculture will be harmful to the birds, but she points out that p (这里没写完)
Third, asfor the inescapable impact of the pesticides, the professor holds a positiveaspects for the future development. She says that even the pesticides have caused a demage result to the birds survival and reproduction in the past, people now noticethis shortage of the pesticides. So people will decrease the use even stopusing pesitcides inthe future. To support this, the professor give two new techiques that people are trying to use to decrease or stop the useing of pesticides. One is to produceless harmful but more effective pesitcides, the other is to create crops which can't prevent thepets but not harm the birds.
The professor puts forwards a negativeattitude to the passage in her lecture. She believes that the population ofbirds in United States will not decline which is oppose to that the passageclaims that the population will necessarily decline. The professor supportsherself by three reasons which can defeat the reasons cited in the passage.
First, the expand of human beings is not harmfulto the birds live in urbane area, as the professor puts it. To some kind ofbirds, urbane area is a better habitat. She explains that the urbane may begood for some kinds of birds, like pigeon. Even some other kinds of birds willdecrease, but the number of birds might not decrease as the passage claims.
Second, the growth speed of agriculture activitieswill not increase so quickly as the passage claims in the future. The professoragrees that the quick development of agriculture will be harmful to the birdsto some extent, but she doesn’t agree with that more and more wildness areaswill be use for agriculture in the future. Because scientists are trying tocreate new crops which will be more productive, there is no need for exploitingmore land for agriculture.
Third,as for the inescapable impact of the pesticides, the professor holds a positiveaspects for the future development. She says that people now have noticed that thepesticides have damaging result to the birds survival and reproduction. Andpeople are trying to decrease the use even stop using pesticides in the future.To support this, the professor gives two example of new technique that candecrease the pesticides’ harmful effect to birds. One is to produce lessharmful but more effective pesticides, the other is to create crops which can'tprevent the pets but not harm the birds.