以下是引用anyname在2005-3-21 4:36:00的发言: BF1: "three percent of current retail sales falls short of the amount raised for schools by property taxes." BF2: "retail sales in Aroca City are bound to increase substantially." 注意BF1的trick是,它并不包含critics的全部观点 ,它只包含一个信息: 3% current retail sales < amount by property taxes 这个信息没错,如果argument要refute BF1这个信息,那是和风车作战。于是argument承认BF1对,(如果没有包括Critics protest的话,在A当中的Objection raised against a certain plan 可以成立么?)转而大谈将来的预测(bound to = very likely to,当然是prediction,if true,当然critics就很可能不反对了,所以undermindes the force of that objection)。BF2可能show critics 的总观点false,但绝无法show BF1 is false。 还是支持A |