As an actress and, more importantly, as a teacher of acting, Stella Adler was one of the most influential artists in the American theater, who trained several generations of actors including Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro.
As an actress and, more importantly, as a teacher of acting, Stella Adler was one of the most influential artists in the American theater, who trained several generations of actors including Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro. (A) Stella Adler was one of the most influential artists in the American theater, who trained several generations of actors including (B) Stella Adler, one of the most influential artists in the American theater, trained several generations of actors who include (C) Stella Adler was one of the most influential artists in the American theater, training several generations of actors whose ranks included (D) one of the most influential artists in the American theater was Stella Adler, who trained several generations of actors including (E) one of the most influential artists in the American theater, Stella Adler, trained several generations of actors whose ranks included
答案是C。我想问的是B中的同位语有没有问题?答案写的this construction ,the subject is both preceded and followed by modifiers,is awkward. 是说一个名词不能前后都有同位语吗?
我当时选B是因为我觉得more importantly, as a teacher of acting这里强调了这个人作为老师的属性,所以主句应该是SA trained several generations of actors.............求解呀~
-- by 会员 shadoweve1212 (2013/2/18 23:45:58)
仅个人理解,这道题很好地诠释了comma+ving用法的意义,为什么很多句子最后会有comma+ving?我们不能只仅仅局限在其表达伴随动作和伴随结果的机械的层次上,更深的理解应该是这种表达在provide more information。LS说c显得更通顺,没错,这种感觉的原因就是,这里influential artists 作为句子的核心,然后用training several generations 来provide more information about how infulential~ B中显然割裂这两者之间的语义联系~ 当然,做题的时候绝对不能将它作为唯一的split点,显然B中还有其它明显的错误,比如前后都用同位语是一个很奇怪的表达和include时态问题~