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发表于 2004-10-31 23:56:00 | 显示全部楼层


If a company is already effectively on a

par with its competitors because it provides service that

avoids a damaging reputation and keeps customers from

(10) leaving at an unacceptable rate, then investment in higher

service levels may be wasted, since service is a deciding factor for customers only in extreme situations.



so,why 227题的答案是A?


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 0:12:42编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-1 21:42:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-11-1 21:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-1 23:41:00 | 显示全部楼层

thanks a lot!u can answer me anytime when free;  I have so much work to do in gmat,so I think I should not   focus only one question;

anyway,I look forward to ur sooner reply for this question is so confused and strange,and hope u can get high score in test!

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 23:42:13编辑过]
发表于 2004-11-2 05:12:00 | 显示全部楼层

Q: The passage suggests which of the following about service provided by the regional bank prior to its investment in enhancing that service?

A: If a company is already ... because it provides service that avoids a damaging reputation and keeps customers from leaving at an unacceptable rate

It is asking you what happened before the improper investment to the bank. The sentence above is a hint to answer the question---It already avoid the unacceptable rate before the investment happened.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-3 13:03:00 | 显示全部楼层

If a company is already effectively on a par with its competitors because it provides service that avoids a damaging reputation and keeps customers from leaving at an unacceptable rate, then investment in higher  service levels may be wasted, since service is a deciding factor for customers only in extreme situation.


而题目问的是prior to;即有效投资之前的service的情况,那么应该是retain unacceptable rate,这样的情况下,sevice inverstment才可以enhancing service啊,正好相反呀!

文章第二段正是根据这种情况,举了bank这个例说明,由于对前述原因的忽略,所以造成了service投资的失败;我的理解是这样的,所以对227一直觉得不对;可能是总体上把握不对吧,另外请问下面这句的含义是什么?The bank managers did not recognizethe level of customer inertia in the consumer banking

industry that arises from the inconvenience of switching banks.


发表于 2004-11-3 23:08:00 | 显示全部楼层



1、 This question asks you to draw a conclusion about the service provided by the regional bank discussed in lines 13-24, prior to this bank’s investments in service.


注意,醋醋妹妹提醒大家,增加了时间限定后,此服务已非彼服务了,this service is already proper service。


2、 The best answer is A.


3、 The words “This truth” in line 13 refer to the information presented in the previous sentence (lines 7-12).

这句强调我们重视“This”这个词,很重要。我们一定要知道它究竟指什么。结果,这句指出,就是指第一段最后一句话,这也很重要。因为往往在下二段开头的“This ”确实就是指上一段的最后一句话里面的内容。我们发现,“This”这个词把在前后两段落中的两句话紧密联系起来了,定位下一段就成了定位下一段后再增加上一段的最后一句了。唉,厉害啊。

4、 By putting together the information in this sentence and the information in the first sentence of the following paragraph, one can infer that even before this regional bank had instituted its service improvements, it was “already effectively on a par wit his competitors because it provided service that avoided a damaging reputation and kept customers from leaving at an unacceptable rate,”(lines 8-10)

两句联立可知,第二段所述的银行情况完全可以第一段最后一句来表达。将it …kept customers from leaving at an unacceptable rate改写,就是答案It enabled the bank to retain customers at an acceptable rate的意思了。这里,ETS在解释中很友好的把原文中的时态也变成过去时态了。唉,难得。

5、 Choice B can be eliminated because there is no indication in the passage that the bank’s competitive position was threatened by its service.


6、 On the contrary, the passage suggests that the bank’s service was equal to that of its competitors.

不仅找不到,而且与文中所表达内容on a par with相。看来无和反两种错误类型还是有点内在联系,啊?是吧。

7、 Choice C can be eliminated because there is no suggestion in the passage that the bank’s reputation had been damaged in the past by its service; indeed, the passage suggests that the bank had avoided a damaging reputation (lines 7-9)


8、 Choice D and E are incorrect in that they contradict the passage’s implication that the bank was “on a par with its competitors” (liens 7-8) by suggesting that the bank’s service was either superior to (choice D) or inferior to (choice E) that of its competitors.

。另外注意一下,It needed to be improved to attain parity with是表示inferior to的意思。


而题目问的是prior to;即有效投资之前的service的情况,那么应该是retain unacceptable rate,这样的情况下,sevice inverstment才可以enhancing service啊,正好相反呀!

这里,kept customers from “leaving at an unacceptable rate”是指:银行不让客户“以不可接受的速度离开”。 以at引导的状语从句是修饰leaving这个动作分词的,而楼主似乎将此状语从句理解为修饰kept的。深入来分析,at与keep和leave的亲疏关系应该根据惯用法和句子中的意思来确定,这是语法的范畴了,可能楼主一时疏忽了。不过如果是经常出现此类疏忽,建议看看杨鹏难句阅读,强化一下对复杂句意的把握。

另外请问下面这句的含义是什么?The bank managers did not recognizethe level of customer inertia in the consumer banking industry that arises from the inconvenience of switching banks.



Passage 36

The fact that superior service can generate a competitive advantage for a company does not mean that every attempt at improving service will create such an advantage. Investments in service, like those in production and distribution, (5) must be balanced against other types of investments on the basis of direct, tangible benefits such as cost reduction and increased revenues. If a company is already effectively on a par with its competitors because it provides service that avoids a damaging reputation and keeps customers from (10) leaving at an unacceptable rate, then investment in higher service levels may be wasted, since service is a deciding factor for customers only in extreme situations.

This truth was not apparent to managers of one regional bank, which failed to improve its competitive position (15) despite its investment in reducing the time a customer had to wait for a teller. The bank managers did not recognize the level of customer inertia in the consumer banking industry that arises from the inconvenience of switching banks. Nor did they analyze their service improvement to (20) determine whether it would attract new customers by producing a new standard of service that would excite customers or by proving difficult for competitors to copy. The only merit of the improvement was that it could easily be described to customers.

227. The passage suggests which of the following about service provided by the regional bank prior to its investment in enhancing that service?

(A) It enabled the bank to retain customers at an acceptable rate

(B) It threatened to weaken the bank’s competitive position with respect to other regional banks

(C) It had already been improved after having caused damage to the bank’s reputation in the past.

(D) It was slightly superior to that of the bank’s regional competitors.

(E) It needed to be improved to attain parity with the service provided by competing banks.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-4 0:11:01编辑过]
发表于 2004-11-4 00:03:00 | 显示全部楼层

you say: 题目问的是prior to;即有效投资之前的service的情况.

It's wrong. You reverse the meaning, because this service is already proper service.

Q: The passage suggests which of the following about service provided by the regional bank prior to its investment in enhancing that service?

that service: is a proper service

enhancing that service: is an improper service

发表于 2004-11-4 00:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-4 00:55:00 | 显示全部楼层



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