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[Helr题库] Helr GMAT题库 周周练 Helr-SC-001 (答案和解析已放出)

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发表于 2012-6-30 20:00:13 | 只看该作者
Verb form; Idiom; Grammatical construction
如果这个句子是正确的,那么它必须讲清楚although半句和后半句之间的关系。即这个“investigation”和“doctors and patients”以及“remind” 和 “weighing the pros and cons”的关系。显然的,这个不太全面的调查(investigation)本身会提醒医生和患者去评估使用一种药物的利和弊。
A. 这个选项其实没有任何语法问题。但是,前后两个半句的关系由于后半句用了被动语态而变的不清楚了,好像前后两者各说各的。“remind”和“weighting the pros and cons”的关系没有问题
B. 正确。“It”很明确的指代“investigation”,并且后半句用主动语态很明确的指出了前后两个半句的关系,让“investigation”和“doctors and patients”的关系变的很明确。 后半句中的两个“it”没有问题,一个指代“investigation”,另一个是“to weight……”(形式主语)。
C. 这个选项是时态和AB不同,但是它们都没有问题。“remind sb of sth”确实是一个固定搭配,但是它的意思是“提醒某人做过某事”,显然是不符合整个句子的关系的
D. can be replicated的含义是:“可以被重复”,但是,显然的,investigation是需要被在更大的样本中重复的。“remind”和 “weight the importance”的关系不好,“weight the importance”应该是 “remind”的内容,而不是并列关系。
E. can be replicated 同D, “when doctors and patients start to use statins”夹在前后半句中间意思表达有误,变成了“当医生和病人开始用抑制素的时候,他们应该被提醒…..”,不符合句意。“remind sb to do sth”意为提醒某人做某事,和remind…that… 一样,没有问题。
-- by 会员 Helr (2012/6/25 17:23:16)

关于这题,我还是有点不同的看法…… 希望helr老师给点意见~

1)Although the test is difficult, we should not be beaten.
2)Although the test is difficult, it should not beat us.

Which is better?

谁才是这句话的关键?we should not, or it should not. 同样的,doctors and patients should 是关键,还是the investigation should?

个人认为2)更适合改为Although the test is difficult, it could/can not beat us.更符合逻辑。
相应的,B)改为could是否更合适一些 Although the investigation will need to be replicated, it could/can remind doctors and patients ...

我不反对sth reminds someone. For instance, the old pencil box reminds me the school days.
但是我认为这里的should不太恰当,the investigation有义务要提醒医生病人吗?还是医生病人有义务要被提醒某个事实?我觉得句意上需要斟酌。

而对于A的解释,我写了一个类似的句子,1)Although the test is difficult, we should not be beaten. 我认为也能够接受。
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/6/29 3:38:50)

-- by 会员 glhelr (2012/6/30 15:15:32)

我是故意不写by it的…… 目的是模仿原句 的确写出by it更清晰
关于B  should“应该” 如果理解成expect something to happen也可以 但是investigation should remind 和 sb. should be reminded 我还是倾向后者

通过造的两句话,反映出helr老师还是倾向于2)的表达,我还是倾向于1),尽管缺乏by it的前后联系……
因此,我决定,存疑!haha~ 留待验证~

另外很感谢helr付出的努力,让我们至少能有讨论的机会。非官方的问题,Manhattan、Kaplan等国外机构也自己出题,有何不可。我们国人也该有自己的出题、研究团队,祝ghelr继续系统化理论,不断改进完善,做个中国第一standardized test 的出题机构。
发表于 2012-6-30 20:13:21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-6-30 21:13:32 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/6/30 20:13:21)

我认为,这个句子,最大的困难点,不在于主动好还是被动好,而是如何能让两个半句间形成转折。 凡是出现although类的关系,一定要着眼于前后两个半句直接的关系,如果逻辑关系不清楚,在推理上绝对是存在问题的。我举个中文的例子。

“虽然有学生猝死在课堂这个事件还没有调查清楚,但是学生们还是应该被提醒注意劳逸结合”。 这个句子意思完全说的通对吧? 但是在推理上是行不通的。不论学生们应该被谁提醒注意什么,都应该是有猝死这件事情而引发的。那么,如果不声明清楚这个问题,前后句子我就可以几乎认为没有什么关系,自然也就形不成转折关系。即: “猝死课堂” 和 “劳逸结合”其实本身并没有什么必然的关系,我们如果想说清楚这两者之间的转折关系,就必须把事什么引发了劳逸结合这件事情说清楚。  Hope that helps~
发表于 2012-6-30 21:26:05 | 只看该作者
欢迎大家以如下方式参与Helr GMAT题库周周练活动:
    参与讨论:直接跟贴参与,正文第一行标明"参与讨论",第二行写出选项,其后解释为什么选择该选项; 参与投票:支持最佳答案,回帖"我支持第xx楼的答案",支持参与讨论的同学。
Although the investigation that people who were taking the statins were more likely to report lower overall energy and more fatigue with exertion than those who had been randomized to the placebo will need to be replicated in larger trials, doctors and patients should be reminded that weighing the pros and cons of starting on statins is important.
A. will need to be replicated in larger trials, doctors and patients should be reminded that weighing the pros and cons of starting on statins is important.
B. will need to be replicated in larger trials, it should remind doctors and patients that it is important to weigh the pros and cons of starting on statins.
C. needs to be replicated in larger trials, it should remind doctors and patients of weighing the importance on the pros and cons of starting on statins.
D. can be replicated in larger trials, doctors and patients should be reminded and should weigh the importance on pros and cons of starting on statins.
E. can be replicated in larger trials, when doctors and patients start to use statins, they should be reminded to weigh the importance of pros and cons.
-- by 会员 GMAT (2012/6/23 16:55:19)

B, it无法发出remind这个动作吧

-- by 会员 adriana2011 (2012/6/25 19:04:01)

umm.... 咱们先说说两个连词的问题吧,其实后面的那个“when”从句是一个插入语的形式存在的。所以不用考虑两个连词一起用的问题哈~纯粹的语法上,这个是没有问题的哈~
hope that helps
发表于 2012-6-30 21:33:42 | 只看该作者

B:个人认为itshould remind sb that应该是没有问题的。。。
找到了一个句子,来自BBC NEWS

It should remind us that our union has a way of -- over time -- becoming more, and not less,perfect -- more inclusive, more fair, more free.

另外,it指代investigation应该是没有问题的吧,这个investigation说使用S的人更加容易疲劳,那么这个investigationremind doctors that。。。。

A: weighing the pros and cons of starting onstatins is important.有点头重脚轻,不如it is improtant to weigh ....

C:应用remind that。。。;importance of
Dweigh应该是remind 的内容,不应该与其并列
Ewhen although同时出现在句中,句子结构错;Remind to do 不是idiom
-- by 会员 clover928 (2012/6/25 19:36:16)

umm... remind sb to do sth 也是可以的哦~这个和remind that是一样的意思。 C选项中是,remind of,不是importance of结构。但是remind of是“提醒别人做过某事”,意思有问题的。when和although的同时出现不是问题,因为when是做为插入语出现的。不过,这样意思会有问题,纯语法上没错。 其他的分析的很好的~ hope that helps~
发表于 2012-6-30 21:34:56 | 只看该作者

1、will need 时态不对,排除A和B

2、D和E的can be,改变原文的意思,排除
-- by 会员 liuyanran (2012/6/25 20:21:56)

will need 的时态没有问题。 因为这个调查将需要被重复,和需要被重复都是没有错误的,虽然意思略有不同,但是都是合理的哦~
发表于 2012-6-30 21:37:08 | 只看该作者
我选C,remind sb of doing sth 是一个固定搭配。原句结构为although the investigation needs to be...., it ( the investigation) should remind doctors and patiences of weighing.....

用will need 和 needs 都可以。
-- by 会员 20924536 (2012/6/25 22:38:43)

回复同上,remind sb of sth 确实是一个固定搭配。但是意思是“提醒某人做过某事”,不符合原意~
发表于 2012-6-30 21:41:01 | 只看该作者

DE "can be..."与题意不符,排除。
BC的"it should..."里是deadly five,it离investigation太远,指代不明确,歧义。
-- by 会员 icyjeannelij (2012/6/25 22:43:24)

这个我想特别说一下指代问题。这道题目的“it”指代是没有问题的。没错,it距离investigation比较远,但是it的位置决定了它没有歧义。你看,前后两个半句,investigation和it同样处在主语位置上,这样的时候,it优先指代同位置的名词哦~ hope that helps~
发表于 2012-6-30 21:44:54 | 只看该作者
欢迎大家以如下方式参与Helr GMAT题库周周练活动:
    参与讨论:直接跟贴参与,正文第一行标明"参与讨论",第二行写出选项,其后解释为什么选择该选项; 参与投票:支持最佳答案,回帖"我支持第xx楼的答案",支持参与讨论的同学。
Although the investigation that people who were taking the statins were more likely to report lower overall energy and more fatigue with exertion than those who had been randomized to the placebo will need to be replicated in larger trials, doctors and patients should be reminded that weighing the pros and cons of starting on statins is important.
A. will need to be replicated in larger trials, doctors and patients should be reminded that weighing the pros and cons of starting on statins is important.
B. will need to be replicated in larger trials, it should remind doctors and patients that it is important to weigh the pros and cons of starting on statins.
C. needs to be replicated in larger trials, it should remind doctors and patients of weighing the importance on the pros and cons of starting on statins.
D. can be replicated in larger trials, doctors and patients should be reminded and should weigh the importance on pros and cons of starting on statins.
E. can be replicated in larger trials, when doctors and patients start to use statins, they should be reminded to weigh the importance of pros and cons.
-- by 会员 GMAT (2012/6/23 16:55:19)


我感觉g老师这题主要是考语义: preserve the intended meaning.

The original meaning is:
Although the investigation (that taking statins is bad) will need to be repeated, doctors and patients should be reminded that weighing the pros and cons of taking statins is important.  

my more stupid version :
Although the data (indicating that taking statins is bad) may not be representative, people should know that weighing the pros and cons is important.

然后纵向看选项,我先关注的是开头,确定排除是D/E,因为开头的can明显distorts the meaning. 原意是说the result will need to be repeated (i.e. this single data may not be representative to draw a definitive conclusion, therefore repeat is needed),结果D/E的"can"改成了肯定的意思,认为the data can be repeated. C的开头感觉也有点改变原意,不过还不算坏,先留下它吧。

(B)(C) it should remind doctors and patients
(A) doctors and patients should be reminded

根据(B)(C)的句意,"it" is supposed to refer to "the investigation",也就是说(B)(C)表达的意思是这个研究是remind的主语. 而原句这里用的是passive voice,就说并不知道remind这个动作是谁干的(作者也并不想强调remind这个动作的发出者,只想强调这个动作的受体,也就是让医生病人be aware). 所以这里的change of voice是不能被接受的!


再看看g老师怎么出题的,发现这题似乎还有以下设置是hinge on the meaning:

(A) "reminded that weighing the pros and cons of starting on statins is important"
(B) "remind ... that it is important to weigh the pros and cons of starting on statins" 这个不算change the meaning,还可以接受
(C) "remind ... of weighing the importance on the pros and cons of starting on statins"  - distort the meaning! 原句是把pros and cons分别放到天平两边称重,这里是把"pros and cons"作为一个整体来称它们的"importance"的重量。
(D) "doctors and patients should be reminded and should weigh the importance"   这个简直太不能忍了,加了and变成了两件并列的事,这个出题思路是不是参照的OG12 #84(C)?
(E) "when doctors and patients start to use statins, they should be reminded to weigh the importance of" 这个意思也太离谱了,原句应该是说对starting这个行为weighing the pros and cons,这里是说等到start的时候才来remind to weigh the importance,这是对生命不负责啊!

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/6/26 1:41:17)

发表于 2012-6-30 21:45:30 | 只看该作者
不过说起来投票功能也有可能导致从众心理,回帖投票的herd effect略小点,但不会每个人都回帖。
各有利弊,看来需要做个pilot test~ then the trial will need to be replicated~
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/6/26 10:41:40)

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