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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-4 10:38:16 | 只看该作者

Have you ever had problems inwhen doinghomework when you are very young? Who would you like to ask for help from,parents, classmates, or yourself? Have your parents ever refused to offerassistance to you when you asked help from them? When it comes to the questionwhether parents should help their children do schoolwork or encourage them dowork independently, people usually hold different opinions. Some people believethat assistance from parents would improve efficiency of children to finishwork; however, some people think that relying on parents’ assistance too muchwill reduce the chance for children to develop independent solving problemsskills. From my standpoint point, I believe that parents should not offer toomuch help when their children are doing schoolwork.
At the very beginning, doing schoolworkindependently has a good influence on children understanding the relevantknowledge learned in the school, which means that the everyday assignments areclosely related to the knowledge on the class, children can review the contentof class, solve some confusions about classes by doing assignment alone. Withoutparents immediate help, children have to figure out the solution when they facesome problems. Let us take myself experience as an example, when I was inprimary school; math is the last subject I want to learn. I got into the habitof asking my mother to get solution, when I was doing homework of math. Even I couldfinish my homework very quickly; I was not able to remember relevant knowledgein it. It is very bother to  it bothers my mother a lot thatmy mother that I would ask the same question againand again. At last, my mother refused to help me when I doing schoolwork, I compelledto do homework all by myself. As the result, I can finally solve the mathproblem independently eventually.
At the same time, doing schoolworkalone will enable children make it a rule to conquer the problems with theirown efforts. By doing so, they can naturally develop the personalities of persistenceand independent. Many researches have indicated that the children, who havereceived less assistance from their parents, would be more independently and persistencewhen facing some obstacles in their career. Consequently, these children would havemore opportunities to be success.
Admittedly, sometimes parents’ help areessential to those children, who are too young to totally understand thecorrect meaning of schoolwork. With error comprehension of the schoolwork,children will probably go into a wrong direction. So in this circumstance, socrucial is the assistance that it can avoid children waste too much time. Butonce their children are able to understand the total meaning of the homework,parents should not provide help any longer.
To summary, doing schoolworkindependently is of great importance for children because it can help children understandthe relevant knowledge and develop personalities of independence andpersistence which are good for their future.

没什么大问题啦 举得自己的例子叙述有些长了 显得第二个例子不那么充分
-- by 会员 包子不包子 (2012/7/4 7:38:04)

发表于 2012-7-4 11:42:42 | 只看该作者

Recently, the increasing number of movies and television programs become available as the summer holiday coming. Watching movies or televisions is the most importantent ertainment for many youngsters. When it comes to question that whether themovies and television have positive or negative effects towards children, people hold diverse opinions. Some people, especially some parents, believe that the movies and television programs hasve bad influences on their children, because the content of the(把这个去掉丹尼亲,和后面的重复了额my dear movies or television programs sometimes contain inappropriate storyies for children to watch, such as violent fighting, smoking, and drug using. However, others believe that movies and television have positive impact on young people, because they can learn many things that they can not achieve in the class. From my standpoint, I am cling to that movies and television is good for young people.

Admittedly,television programs or movies may contain some inappropriate content, which will mislead children, who lack of sufficient self control, develop some bad behaviors, such as drinking, smoking and even drug using. It is inevitable thatchildren will imitate the actors’ behave(这个是动词额) when they watching some movies and television programs. Without enough outside guidance from their parents,teachers, or some other relatives, they can not judge the bad or good. As aresult, they will develop bad behaviors; even they will do some crimes. So it is reasonable that many parents consider some television and movies will lead their children cultivate some bad behaviors.

At the same time, many directors and actors have already been aware of the negative influenceof movies and television to children, they are now correcting some bad behaviors both in movies or their daily life (丹尼这个咱们的想象有点扩大呗?), in order(换一下词so as to set good patterns to young people. Take a famous action star, Jacky Chen as an example. Most of his movies contain somefighting shots, children will learn to use violent to solve problems from them. In order to tell children the stories in the movies are counterfeits, he always adds some shots of making movies to uncover the process of how the fighting make. Additionally, he also devotes into the charity, which will encourage his fans to concentrate on helping others, such as poor children and the lonely olders. It is conceivable that young people who like watching movies and television programs of these positive actors, they(把这个去掉,怎么感觉都不是很顺的说了) will eventually learn from them and get into the habitats of doing good things.

Furthermore,television and movies can also assist youngster learn many things that they cannot achieve from text books. My brother, he likes travel travelingvery much, however,because of the heavy burden of study, he compelled to focus his most energy on studying and give up many travel plans. But thanks to many television programs about tourism, he can reveal and embrace the beauty of nature, such as mountains,rivers, valleys and other landscapes around the world. His favorite TV programis is Discovery Channel, and he has learned much useful knowledge about travel from it. From his experiences, we can learn what a crucial role played of movies and television to help young people develop good behaviors.

From what we have discussed above, we can safely draw conclusion that movies and television have more positive effects on the way of young people’s behave. Because many actors have already set good patterns for young people, and young people will learn some useful knowledge that can not get from schools from some appropriate TV programs and movies.

发表于 2012-7-4 17:51:53 | 只看该作者
来改你的7.3综合了 整体来说 第三个原因阐述不太清楚 确实有难度 我听得时候也没有听完整 再就是时态有些混乱
7.3 TPO 18
Thereading(这是啥词?) passage and the professor discuss(建议用过去式) about ways to prevent Torreya fromdying out. The reading passage asserts three ways to stop Torreya's extinction,while the professor in the lecture thinks that all of these three methods arenot satisfied. And she made (这里用了过去式 前面是现在进行时 很诡异)several points to refute the idea of the readingpassage.
Firstof all, the professor argues that reestablishing Torreya in the same locationwhere it used to live in can not stop Torreya from extincting successfully. Thanksto the specific microclimate, Torreya would be able to thrive in its old habitats.But the professor argues that the microclimates in those areas are no longerwithin the reach, so that Torreya may not survive in those areas. The reasonwhy (reason和why其实是重复的 最近在看GMAT 所以对wordy很敏感 中国人觉得没问题 但是美国人会觉得wordy)the microclimate change is that the globe warming, or drying of the wetlandhas changed this specific microclimate. This is where the speaker disagreeswith the writer.
Moreover,according to the professor moving Torreya to an entirely different location cannot be a good solution. The professor illustrate the limitation of thissolution by giving an example of another types of tree, named Black Locustree,  which is also moved (去掉is)to anotherplaces. This kind of trees grows so quickly in its new habitats that it haskilled many of its competitors, among them, many trees are also going to dieout. From this case, moving to another location can not be good solutionbecause the outcome to the environment is not sure. This was another part whereexperience contradicted theory.
Finally,the professor raise the issue that preserve Torreya in research centers is nota good solution, because it can not the trees living in the research centerscan not resist to diseases. The population of the Torreya in the lab is toosmall to defend the illness. So it is not good for Torraye to be preserved inthe lab for long term. This is entirely oppose to the professor’s standpoint. 听力中的原因是the population of Torreya trees that can be kept in the centers will probably not be able to resist diseases建议强调出种群这个词 population.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-4 19:59:13 | 只看该作者
来改你的7.3综合了 整体来说 第三个原因阐述不太清楚 确实有难度 我听得时候也没有听完整 再就是时态有些混乱
7.3 TPO 18
Thereading(这是啥词?) passage and the professor discuss(建议用过去式) about ways to prevent Torreya fromdying out. The reading passage asserts three ways to stop Torreya's extinction,while the professor in the lecture thinks that all of these three methods arenot satisfied. And she made (这里用了过去式 前面是现在进行时 很诡异)several points to refute the idea of the readingpassage.
Firstof all, the professor argues that reestablishing Torreya in the same locationwhere it used to live in can not stop Torreya from extincting successfully. Thanksto the specific microclimate, Torreya would be able to thrive in its old habitats.But the professor argues that the microclimates in those areas are no longerwithin the reach, so that Torreya may not survive in those areas. The reasonwhy (reason和why其实是重复的 最近在看GMAT 所以对wordy很敏感 中国人觉得没问题 但是美国人会觉得wordy)the microclimate change is that the globe warming, or drying of the wetlandhas changed this specific microclimate. This is where the speaker disagreeswith the writer.
Moreover,according to the professor moving Torreya to an entirely different location cannot be a good solution. The professor illustrate the limitation of thissolution by giving an example of another types of tree, named Black Locustree,  which is also moved (去掉is)to anotherplaces. This kind of trees grows so quickly in its new habitats that it haskilled many of its competitors, among them, many trees are also going to dieout. From this case, moving to another location can not be good solutionbecause the outcome to the environment is not sure. This was another part whereexperience contradicted theory.
Finally,the professor raise the issue that preserve Torreya in research centers is nota good solution, because it can not the trees living in the research centerscan not resist to diseases. The population of the Torreya in the lab is toosmall to defend the illness. So it is not good for Torraye to be preserved inthe lab for long term. This is entirely oppose to the professor’s standpoint. 听力中的原因是the population of Torreya trees that can be kept in the centers will probably not be able to resist diseases建议强调出种群这个词 population.
-- by 会员 sailingqiong (2012/7/4 17:51:53)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-4 22:42:59 | 只看该作者
7.4 TPO19 综合

The article and listeningmaterial discussed the impact of the buzzing-a new static of advertisement, the reading passage asserted three disadvantages of the buzzing, while the studentin the lecture, whose part-time job was buzzer, thought that these three pointswere misleading, and he made several points to refute the idea in the readingpassage.

First ofall, the student argued that the buzzer do not always tell lies, even they gotpayment from the company. The reading passage said that since buzzers got moneyfrom the company, most of buzzers might not be able to tell the truth about theproducts. However, from this student’s experience, when he buzzed to someone,he expressed the real feeling about this product. Because the products werevery good, there was no need for buzzers to lie about the quality of theproducts. This is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

Moreover, accordingto the students, the buyer would ask so many questions about the product whenthey wanted to purchase one product. This is different from the point in thereading passage that people would be less critical. The student argued thatwhen he buzzed with someone about the telephone, people tended to ask manyquestions about the phone, such as the price, how long can it be used. This wasanother part where experienced contradicted theory.

Finally,the student raised the issue that buzzers would not be harmful to the socialrelationship. The article presented that people will become less trustful ofpeople once they realize that people they met socially may be buzzers with ahidden agenda. Thespeaker claims that companies would recruit buzzers to promote their products,unless the qualities of produces were very good. People who bought goods frombuzzers’ recommendations would feel satisfy about products. As a result, theywould have an enjoyable experience. Thus, they will be more trustful to otherpeople. This was entirely opposed to the professor’s standpoint.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-5 19:59:44 | 只看该作者
7.5综合 TPO 20

Thereading passage and the lecture discussed about the impact of the "let itburn" policy. The article asserted that "let it burn" policycaused a large scale of damage on both environment and economy. However, theprofessor in the lecture believed that the fire is nature part of theenvironment, because the fire is creative and good to environment. She madeseveral points about the situation after fire to refute the idea of the readingpassage.

First ofall, the professor claimed that vegetation in the Yellow Stone national parkreceived beneficial from the fire. Plants became more diversified because thefire enhanced the growing opportunities for those small plants. The professorexplained that the air tree used to cover all space that small plants could notreceive enough space. But after fire, the space was opened to small plants, sothat they would be able to grow better. This is where differ from the readingpassage.

Moreover,according to the professor, the plants would die out unless they exposure tohigh level of heat. But most of plants did not suffer the high level heat, sothat they would appear again and have better opportunism to grow. Thiscircumstance provided ideal habitats for small animals. After small animalsappeared, their predator would appear as well. The food chain would become farstronger than the past. This was another part where experience contradictedtheory.

Finally,the professor raised issues that the fire would not have bad influence on thelocal economy. The reason is that the fire would not happen every year. Thefire in 1988 was caused by massive reasons, such as low rain fall, strongforest wind. After 1988, there was not such huge fire happened again. Thus, theoccasional fire would not affect the local tourism and the local economy. Thisis entirely opposed to the article.
发表于 2012-7-5 22:11:34 | 只看该作者
74的综合我还没做。。。给你改75吧 嘻嘻 Thereading passage and the lecture discussed about the impact of the "let itburn" policy. The article asserted (i like this word)that "let it burn" policycaused a large scale of damage on both environment and economy. However, theprofessor in the lecture believed that the fire is nature part of theenvironment, because the fire is creative and good to environment. She madeseveral points about the situation after fire to refute the idea of the readingpassage.

First ofall, the professor claimed that vegetation in the Yellow Stone national parkreceived beneficial from the firej建议写一下reading passage的看法吧 然后再说listening是反对的 . Plants became more diversified because thefire enhanced the growing opportunities for those small plants. The professorexplained that the air tree used to cover all space that small plants could notreceive enough space. But after fire, the space was opened to small plants, sothat they would be able to grow better. This is where differ from the readingpassage.

Moreover,according to the professor, the plants would die out unless they exposure tohigh level of heat. But most of plants did not suffer the high level heat, sothat they would appear again and have better opportunism to grow. (这些我认为是defense 文章中关于植物的Point 所以应该放在第一段)Thiscircumstance provided ideal habitats for small animals. After small animalsappeared, their predator would appear as well. The food chain would become farstronger than the past. This was another part where experience contradictedtheory.其实passage里边是分动植物讲的 听力里也是  所以我是第一段写动物 第二段写植物 一会看看范文
Finally,the professor raised issues that the fire would not have bad influence on thelocal economy.是对旅游的影响 间接影响到经济 这点要说出来 The reason is that the fire would not happen every year. Thefire in 1988 was caused by massive reasons, such as low rain fall, strongforest wind. After 1988, there was not such huge fire happened again. Thus, theoccasional fire would not affect the local tourism and the local economy. Thisis entirely opposed to the article.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-5 23:07:47 | 只看该作者
74的综合我还没做。。。给你改75吧 嘻嘻 Thereading passage and the lecture discussed about the impact of the "let itburn" policy. The article asserted (i like this word)that "let it burn" policycaused a large scale of damage on both environment and economy. However, theprofessor in the lecture believed that the fire is nature part of theenvironment, because the fire is creative and good to environment. She madeseveral points about the situation after fire to refute the idea of the readingpassage.

First ofall, the professor claimed that vegetation in the Yellow Stone national parkreceived beneficial from the firej建议写一下reading passage的看法吧 然后再说listening是反对的 . Plants became more diversified because thefire enhanced the growing opportunities for those small plants. The professorexplained that the air tree used to cover all space that small plants could notreceive enough space. But after fire, the space was opened to small plants, sothat they would be able to grow better. This is where differ from the readingpassage.

Moreover,according to the professor, the plants would die out unless they exposure tohigh level of heat. But most of plants did not suffer the high level heat, sothat they would appear again and have better opportunism to grow. (这些我认为是defense 文章中关于植物的Point 所以应该放在第一段)Thiscircumstance provided ideal habitats for small animals. After small animalsappeared, their predator would appear as well. The food chain would become farstronger than the past. This was another part where experience contradictedtheory.其实passage里边是分动植物讲的 听力里也是  所以我是第一段写动物 第二段写植物 一会看看范文
Finally,the professor raised issues that the fire would not have bad influence on thelocal economy.是对旅游的影响 间接影响到经济 这点要说出来 The reason is that the fire would not happen every year. Thefire in 1988 was caused by massive reasons, such as low rain fall, strongforest wind. After 1988, there was not such huge fire happened again. Thus, theoccasional fire would not affect the local tourism and the local economy. Thisis entirely opposed to the article.
-- by 会员 sailingqiong (2012/7/5 22:11:34)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-6 22:05:56 | 只看该作者
7.6 TPO 21
The readingpassage and the professor discussed about the impacts of genetically modifiedtrees. The reading passage asserted that the genetically modified trees promiseto bring a number of economic benefits. While, the professor in the lecturethought the genetically modified trees caused more problems when people take acloser look at them, and she raised several points to refute the idea of thereading material.

First of all,the professor argued that the genetically modified trees are more likely to bedamaged than nature trees. The genetically modified trees which are designed toresist one certain issue, would not be able to survive from other differentproblems, such as pests, however, the nature trees would survive from theseproblems more easily, since the genetic diversity of the nature trees is morecomplex than the genetically modified trees, which contained only one kind ofgenes. Thanks to the diversification of the genes, one kind of the nature treeswould problem be killed by one trouble, but others in the nature trees couldsurvive. But all the genetically modified trees would be killed. This was wherethe speaker disagreed with the reading passage.

Moreover,according to the professor, the farmer who grow the genetically trees can notreceive economic benefits. Because the farmers have to pay more to buy geneticallymodified trees. In additional, they can not collect the seeds of those treesfree, because the government requirement require them can not grow geneticallymodified trees.

The finalevidence the speakers adopted to jeopardize the passage is that geneticallymodified trees bring more damage to other local natures trees. Geneticallymodified trees grow so aggressively that their competitors - the nature trees,would be crowed out, because the genetically modified trees would take moresources to supply its rapid growth, such as soil, nutrition, and sunshine. Thiswas entirely opposed to the article's standpoint.
发表于 2012-7-7 00:13:17 | 只看该作者
The article and listening material discussed the impact of the buzzing-a new static of advertisement, the reading passage asserted three disadvantages of the buzzing, while the student in the lecture, whose part-time job was buzzer, thought that these three points were misleading, and he made several points to refute the idea in the reading passage.

First of all, the student argued that the buzzer do not always tell lies, even they got payment from the company. The reading passage said that since buzzers got money from the company, most of buzzers might not be able to tell the truth about the products. However, from this student’s experience, when he buzzed to someone, he expressed the real feeling about this product. Because the products were very good, there was no need for buzzers to lie about the quality of the products. This is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

Moreover, according to the students, the buyer would ask so many questions about the product when they wanted to purchase one product. This is different from the point in the reading passage that people would be less critical. The student argued that when he buzzed with someone about the telephone, people tended to ask many questions about the phone, such as the price, how long can it be used. This was another part where experienced contradicted theory.

Finally, the student raised the issue that buzzers would not be harmful to the social relationship. The article presented that people will become less trustful of people once they realize that people they met socially may be buzzers with a hidden agenda. The speaker claims that companies would recruit buzzers to promote their products, unless the qualities of produces were very good. People who bought goods from buzzers’ recommendations would feel satisfy(satisfied) about products. As a result, they would have an enjoyable experience. Thus, they will be more trustful to other people. This was entirely opposed to the professor’s standpoint.



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