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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-30 20:14:12 | 只看该作者

Have you ever attended basic economics courses in the high school? Have you ever had trouble to deal with a large amount of money?Recently, a public topic over the phenomenon of high school providing a course on basic economics has been brought into our eyes. When it comes to the question of whether it is necessary to teach high school students some economical knowledge, people usually hold diverse opinions. Some people think that students have too much subjects to learn, adding a course about basic economics will do nothing but increase their working load. However, the others believe that it is essential for high school students to grasp some economical knowledge, which will benefit their future life. From my stand point, I am inclined to the statement that high school students should take a course on basic economics, because economics is not only assist them learn the method of management of money, but also cultivate their interest of economics.

At the very begin, an advantage of learning some basic economics is that it can benefit students and their family. Taking courses enable students gain more knowledge about how to manage money, which are lacked by a huge number of families, such as the deposit rate, stocks and so the forth. It is conceivable that students will deliver that economical knowledge towards their parents, as the result, their parents will inevitably learn the knowledge as well. Consequently, these families who are armed with adequate economical knowledge will do some investments base on that knowledge. Take my own experience as an example, I have learned some knowledge about deposit rate in university, during my holiday, I taught my parents what I had learned in university. Thanks to this useful knowledge, my families get more interest because of choosing a compound interest of deposit. My case is not rare, a lot of students in my class have already helped their families to do some management of money by the knowledge they learn in class. So it is obvious that basic economics knowledge could help both students and their families.

At the same time, along with the benefits of my families from economical knowledge, economical lessons also have a favorable impact of students’ future life. There is increasing tendency that more and more young people get into the habit of purchasing something of which the price is too high tofor them to afford,just because the good looks fashionable and popular. This impulse buying is closely related to the lack of economics knowledge. After learning the basic knowledge of economics, students can be more rationale when they want to buy something. Furthermore, they may even try some investments to increase their incomes. Many researches have indicated that the more economical knowledge students can gain in high school, the more skillful of them to management their prosperities. What an extremely important role that economical knowledge play in students life.

Admittedly, despite many obvious advantages of learning basic economical courses in high school, it is not without its problem. The majority disadvantage is learning extra courses will increase students’ working load. But compared to some interest classes that parents force students to attend, the basic and understandable economical course will lead more interest rather than burden.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that students should learn some courses about basic economics, because it would benefit their families and their future.


-- by 会员 kchszy061ban (2012/6/30 11:24:55)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-1 23:54:56 | 只看该作者
7.1 TPO 16 第一篇综合,好久木有写了~亲们要猛拍哦~我把一些打字的错误已经改了。
Both of the reading material and the lecture discuss about the status of archaeology in the United Kingdom. The reading passage holds the thought that the archaeology in Britain are facing serious problems,while, the professor in the lecture made several points to refute the idea ofthe reading passage by talking about the guidance lines from the United KingdomGovernment, which support the archaeology in Britain develop greatly.
At the very beginning, from professor's opinion,all artifacts were not lost to construction projects. The new rules require allthe sites on which are going to be constructed be exam by archaeologistfirstly, then if the area do not contain any artifacts, it can be used byConstruct Company. At the same time, if some artifacts are contained in thecertain area, the building company, local government, and the archaeologisthave to figure out some methods to protect these artifacts, such as buildinghouses around this area, or having all the artifacts be well documented. Thisis totally different from the reading material's idea that many valuableartifacts were lost to construction projects.
Furthermore, according to the lecture, theprofessor states that the financial support to archaeologists is very adequate.Even the government would pay money to the archaeologists to do someresearches; the construct company will pay for all the money for all the workin the examination. So this is another new source allowing researchers toperform all researches. This is constructed from the reading passage'sstatement.
The last point is that the job opportunitiesoffered to the archaeologists are the more plentiful than any other time periodsin Britain.The increasing stages in the examination develop the working opportunities forarchaeologists, such as examination the area, draw plan for well manners, andthe building process. So that the more jobs are opened, the more professors ofarchaeologists will get jobs. This is another part where professors disagreewith the reading material.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-2 20:33:27 | 只看该作者
71Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help theirchildren do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do workindependently. Do you agree or disagree?

Have you ever had problems when doinghomework when you are very young? Who would you like to ask for help from,parents, classmates, or yourself? Have your parents ever refused to offerassistance to you when you asked help from them? When it comes to the questionwhether parents should help their children do schoolwork or encourage them dowork independently, people usually hold different opinions. Some people believethat assistance from parents would improve efficiency of children to finishwork; however, some people think that relying on parents’ assistance too muchwill reduce the chance for children to develop independent solving problemsskills. From my standpoint point, I believe that parents should not offer toomuch help when their children are doing schoolwork.
At the very beginning, doing schoolworkindependently has a good influence on children understanding the relevantknowledge learned in the school, which means that the everyday assignments areclosely related to the knowledge on the class, children can review the contentof class, solve some confusions about classes by doing assignment alone. Withoutparents immediate help, children have to figure out the solution when they facesome problems. Let us take myself experience as an example, when I was inprimary school; math is the last subject I want to learn. I got into the habitof asking my mother to get solution, when I was doing homework of math. Even I couldfinish my homework very quickly; I was not able to remember relevant knowledgein it. It is very bother to my mother that I would ask the same question againand again. At last, my mother refused to help me when I doing schoolwork, I compelledto do homework all by myself. As the result, I can finally solve the mathproblem independently eventually.
At the same time, doing schoolworkalone will enable children make it a rule to conquer the problems with theirown efforts. By doing so, they can naturally develop the personalities of persistenceand independent. Many researches have indicated that the children, who havereceived less assistance from their parents, would be more independently and persistencewhen facing some obstacles in their career. Consequently, these children would havemore opportunities to be success.  
Admittedly, sometimes parents’ help areessential to those children, who are too young to totally understand thecorrect meaning of schoolwork. With error comprehension of the schoolwork,children will probably go into a wrong direction. So in this circumstance, socrucial is the assistance that it can avoid children waste too much time. Butonce their children are able to understand the total meaning of the homework,parents should not provide help any longer.
To summary, doing schoolworkindependently is of great importance for children because it can help children understandthe relevant knowledge and develop personalities of independence andpersistence which are good for their future.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-2 23:40:14 | 只看该作者
7.2 TPO 17
The reading material and the professor discuss about the reasons why the numberof United States

birds declines. The professor in the lecture considers the reasons in thearticle are not convincing, and she makes several points to refute the idea ofthe reading passage.First, the expansions of the urban areas providebetter and larger habitats for birds. The professor argues that maybe thenumber of some birds has declined, while others have increased significantly.Even there are some complains from people living in urban areas about too manybirds, such as seagulls, hocks and the like. This is different from the idearaised in the reading material that the human populations and settlements willlead to birds’ disappearance.
Furthermore, the increasing of agriculture wouldnot lead to increasing usage of the wilderness areas. In the lecture, theprofessor raised the issue that the continuous introducing of the moreproductive crops will enable people have more food per unit land, as a result, nomore wilderness areas are needed. The current agricultural areas are able toprovide enough food to supply the growing human population. This was anotherpart where experience contradicted theory.
Finally, according to the professor, people havealready known the bad influence of the pesticides to birds. Two solutions havealready been used to prevent pesticides from killing birds. The first solutionis that people have invented some pesticides, which are used to killagricultural and home garden pests, with less toxic. Moreover, the pest-resistancecrops have been widely cultivated, which means that the crops can resistant pestsby themselves. No more pesticides are needed. This would definitely reduce theharm of pesticides to birds. This is entirely opposed to the reading passage'sstandpoint.
发表于 2012-7-3 16:48:54 | 只看该作者
Have you ever had problems when doinghomework when you are very young? Who would you like to ask for help from,parents, classmates, or yourself? Have your parents ever refused to offerassistance to you when you asked help from them? When it comes to the questionwhether parents should help their children do schoolwork or encourage them dowork independently, people usually hold different opinions. Some people believethat assistance from parents would improve efficiency of children to finishwork; however, some people think that relying on parents’ assistance too muchwill reduce the chance for children to develop independent solving problemsskills. From my standpoint point, I believe that parents should not offer toomuch help when their children are doing schoolwork.(很不错的一个凑字数的方法 学习了 background + 正反面论点 +my point)
At the very beginning, doing schoolworkindependently has a good influence on children understanding the relevantknowledge learned in the school(这句话的结构是 infulence on sb doing sth ?真的有这个结构么。。。感觉怪怪的 建议换成 inflence on sb's understanding of the relevant knowlegde obtained in school ), which means that the everyday's assignments are closely related to the knowledge on the class, children can review the contentof class, solve some confusions about classes by doing assignment alone.(出现太多class啦 可以换成lessons, schooltime之类的吧) Withoutparents(所有格 亲 immediate help, children have to figure out the solution when they facesome problems. Let us take myself experience as an example, when I was inprimary school; math is the last subject I want (过去式)to learn. I got into the habitof asking my mother to get solution, when I was doing homework of math. Even I couldfinish my homework very quickly; I was not able to remember relevant knowledgein it. It is very bother to my mother that I would ask the same question againand again. At last, my mother refused to help me when I doing schoolwork, I compelledto do homework all by myself. As the result, I can finally solve the mathproblem independently eventually.
At the same time, doing schoolworkalone will enable children make it a rule to conquer the problems with theirown efforts. By doing so, they can naturally develop the personalities of persistenceand independent. Many researches have indicated that the children, who havereceived less assistance from their parents, would be more independently and persistencewhen facing some obstacles in their career. Consequently, these children would havemore opportunities to be success.  
Admittedly, sometimes parents’ help are(is)essential to those children, who are too young to totally understand thecorrect meaning of schoolwork. With error comprehension of the schoolwork,children will probably go into a wrong direction. So in this circumstance, so crucial is the assistance(assistance is so crucial) that it can avoid children waste too much time. Butonce their children are able to understand the total meaning of the homework,parents should not provide help any longer.
To summary, doing schoolworkindependently is of great importance for children because it can help children understandthe relevant knowledge and develop personalities of independence andpersistence which are good for their future.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-3 20:00:31 | 只看该作者
73Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television havemore negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.

Recently,the increasing number of movies and television programs become available as thesummer holiday coming. Watching movies or televisions is the most importantentertainment for many youngsters. When it comes to question that whether themovies and television have positive or negative effects towards children, peoplehold diverse opinions. Some people, especially some parents, believe that the moviesand television programs has bad influence on their children, because thecontent of the movies or television programs sometimes contain inappropriatestory for children to watch, such as violent fighting, smoking, and drug using.However, others believe that movies and television have positive impact onyoung people, because they can learn many things that they can not achieve inthe class. From my standpoint, I am cling to that movies and television is goodfor young people.

Admittedly,television programs or movies may contain some inappropriate content, whichwill mislead children, who lack of sufficient self control, develop some badbehaviors, such as drinking, smoking and even drug using. It is inevitable thatchildren will imitate the actors’ behave when they watching some movies andtelevision programs. Without enough outside guidance from their parents,teachers, or some other relatives, they can not judge the bad or good. As aresult, they will develop bad behaviors; even they will do some crimes. So itis reasonable that many parents consider some television and movies will lead theirchildren cultivate some bad behaviors.

Atthe same time, many directors and actors have already been aware of the negativeinfluence to children, they are now correcting some bad behaviors both in moviesor their daily life, in order to set good patterns to young people. Take afamous action star, Jacky Chen as an example. Most of his movies contain somefighting shots, children will learn to use violent to solve problems from them.In order to tell children the stories in the movies are counterfeits, he alwaysadds some shots of making movies to uncover the process of how the fightingmake. Additional, he also devotes into the charity, which will encourage hisfans to concentrate on helping others, such poor children and the lonely older.It is conceivable that young people who like watching movies and televisionprograms of these positive actors, they will eventually learn from them and getinto the habitats of doing good things.

Furthermore,television and movies can also assist youngster learn many things that they cannot achieve from text books. My brother, he likes travel very much, however,because of the heavy burden of study, he compelled to focus his most energy onstudying and give up many travel plans. But thanks to many television programsabout tourism, he can reveal and embrace the beauty of nature, such as mountains,rivers, valleys and other landscapes around the world. His favorite TV programis Discovery Channel, and he has learned much useful knowledge about travelfrom it. From his experiences, we can learn what a crucial role played of moviesand television to help young people develop good behaviors.
Fromwhat we have discussed above, we can safely draw conclusion that movies andtelevision have more positive effect on the way of young people’s behave. Becausemany actors have already set good patterns for young people, and young peoplewill learn some useful knowledge that can not get from schools from someappropriate TV programs and movies.
发表于 2012-7-3 21:28:04 | 只看该作者
Geg7.2 TPO 17    

红色为错误 高亮为精彩 蓝色为建议 绿色是内容上的不足 紫色为总评

The reading material and the professor discuss about the reasons why the numberof United States

birds declines. The professor in the lecture considers the reasons in thearticle are not convincing, and she makes several points to refute the idea of the reading passage.

First, the expansions of the urban areas provide better and larger habitats for birds(这里最好写明这个是professor的观点). The professor argues that maybe the number of some birds has declined, while others have increased significantly.Even there are some complains from people living in urban areas about too manybirds, such as seagulls, hocks (hawks)and the like(??应该是pigeon吧). This is different from the idea raised in the reading material that the human populations and settlements willlead to birds’ disappearance.

Furthermore, the increasing of agriculture would not lead to increasing usage of the wilderness areas(这里最好写明这个是professor的观点). . In the lecture, theprofessor raised the issue that the continuous introducing of the moreproductive crops will enable people have more food per unit land, as a result, nomore wilderness areas are needed. The current agricultural areas are able toprovide enough food to supply the growing human population. This was anotherpart where experience contradicted theory.(漏了一个小点,technology最好提到一下)
Finally, according to the professor, people have already known the bad influence of the pesticides to birds. Two solutions havealready been used to prevent pesticides from killing birds. The first solutionis that people have invented some pesticides, which are used to killa gricultural and home garden pests, with less toxic. Moreover, the pest-resistance crops have been widely cultivated, which means that the crops can resistant pestsby themselves. No more pesticides are needed. This would definitely reduce theharm of pesticides to birds. This is entirely opposed to the reading passage'sstandpoint.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-3 21:40:37 | 只看该作者
Geg7.2 TPO 17    

红色为错误 高亮为精彩 蓝色为建议 绿色是内容上的不足 紫色为总评

The reading material and the professor discuss about the reasons why the numberof United States

birds declines. The professor in the lecture considers the reasons in thearticle are not convincing, and she makes several points to refute the idea of the reading passage.

First, the expansions of the urban areas provide better and larger habitats for birds(这里最好写明这个是professor的观点). The professor argues that maybe the number of some birds has declined, while others have increased significantly.Even there are some complains from people living in urban areas about too manybirds, such as seagulls, hocks (hawks)and the like(??应该是pigeon吧). This is different from the idea raised in the reading material that the human populations and settlements willlead to birds’ disappearance.

Furthermore, the increasing of agriculture would not lead to increasing usage of the wilderness areas(这里最好写明这个是professor的观点). . In the lecture, theprofessor raised the issue that the continuous introducing of the moreproductive crops will enable people have more food per unit land, as a result, nomore wilderness areas are needed. The current agricultural areas are able toprovide enough food to supply the growing human population. This was anotherpart where experience contradicted theory.(漏了一个小点,technology最好提到一下)
Finally, according to the professor, people have already known the bad influence of the pesticides to birds. Two solutions havealready been used to prevent pesticides from killing birds. The first solutionis that people have invented some pesticides, which are used to killa gricultural and home garden pests, with less toxic. Moreover, the pest-resistance crops have been widely cultivated, which means that the crops can resistant pestsby themselves. No more pesticides are needed. This would definitely reduce theharm of pesticides to birds. This is entirely opposed to the reading passage'sstandpoint.


-- by 会员 瓜瓜不瓜 (2012/7/3 21:28:04)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-3 22:53:06 | 只看该作者
7.3 TPO 18
Thereading passage and the professor discuss about ways to prevent Torreya fromdying out. The reading passage asserts three ways to stop Torreya's extinction,while the professor in the lecture thinks that all of these three methods arenot satisfied. And she made several points to refute the idea of the readingpassage.
Firstof all, the professor argues that reestablishing Torreya in the same locationwhere it used to live in can not stop Torreya extincting successfully. Thanksto the specific microclimate, Torreya would be able to thrive in its old habitats.But the professor argues that the microclimates in those areas are no longerwithin the reach, so that Torreya may not survive in those areas. The reasonwhy the microclimate change is that the globe warming, or drying of the wetlandhas changed this specific microclimate. This is where the speaker disagreeswith the writer.
Moreover,according to the professor moving Torreya to an entirely different location cannot be a good solution. The professor illustrate the limitation of thissolution by giving an example of another types of tree, named Black Locustree,  which is also moved to anotherplaces. This kind of trees grows so quickly in its new habitats that it haskilled many of its competitors, among them, many trees are also going to dieout. From this case, moving to another location can not be good solutionbecause the outcome to the environment is not sure. This was another part whereexperience contradicted theory.
Finally,the professor raise the issue that preserve Torreya in research centers is nota good solution, because it can not the trees living in the research centerscan not resist to diseases. The population of the Torreya in the lab is toosmall to defend the illness. So it is not good for Torraye to be preserved inthe lab for long term. This is entirely oppose to the professor’s standpoint.
发表于 2012-7-4 07:38:04 | 只看该作者

Have you ever had problems inwhen doinghomework when you are very young? Who would you like to ask for help from,parents, classmates, or yourself? Have your parents ever refused to offerassistance to you when you asked help from them? When it comes to the questionwhether parents should help their children do schoolwork or encourage them dowork independently, people usually hold different opinions. Some people believethat assistance from parents would improve efficiency of children to finishwork; however, some people think that relying on parents’ assistance too muchwill reduce the chance for children to develop independent solving problemsskills. From my standpoint point, I believe that parents should not offer toomuch help when their children are doing schoolwork.
At the very beginning, doing schoolworkindependently has a good influence on children understanding the relevantknowledge learned in the school, which means that the everyday assignments areclosely related to the knowledge on the class, children can review the contentof class, solve some confusions about classes by doing assignment alone. Withoutparents immediate help, children have to figure out the solution when they facesome problems. Let us take myself experience as an example, when I was inprimary school; math is the last subject I want to learn. I got into the habitof asking my mother to get solution, when I was doing homework of math. Even I couldfinish my homework very quickly; I was not able to remember relevant knowledgein it. It is very bother to  it bothers my mother a lot thatmy mother that I would ask the same question againand again. At last, my mother refused to help me when I doing schoolwork, I compelledto do homework all by myself. As the result, I can finally solve the mathproblem independently eventually.
At the same time, doing schoolworkalone will enable children make it a rule to conquer the problems with theirown efforts. By doing so, they can naturally develop the personalities of persistenceand independent. Many researches have indicated that the children, who havereceived less assistance from their parents, would be more independently and persistencewhen facing some obstacles in their career. Consequently, these children would havemore opportunities to be success.
Admittedly, sometimes parents’ help areessential to those children, who are too young to totally understand thecorrect meaning of schoolwork. With error comprehension of the schoolwork,children will probably go into a wrong direction. So in this circumstance, socrucial is the assistance that it can avoid children waste too much time. Butonce their children are able to understand the total meaning of the homework,parents should not provide help any longer.
To summary, doing schoolworkindependently is of great importance for children because it can help children understandthe relevant knowledge and develop personalities of independence andpersistence which are good for their future.

没什么大问题啦 举得自己的例子叙述有些长了 显得第二个例子不那么充分
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