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发表于 2012-6-16 17:09:21 | 只看该作者


The reading passage discusses three
hypothesesto explain the steadily decline of the yellow cedar in northwestern North America. While the professor in the lectruelecture casts doubt on these hypothesiseshypotheses.

First, one of the hypothesis
(hypothesis是单数,复数形式hypotheses) is related to insect infection, the bettlecedar bark beetle(第一次提到应该完整描述吧,哪类beetle?) and its larvae which attack the trees. However, the professor says that the trees which are healthy have strongerresistenceresistanceto this insect,andtheir bark and leaves have the ability to secrete a parternpattern of chemical that is poisonous to the beetle. Furthermore, the professor points out that the trees which are surpposedsupposedto be caused death by the beetle are already sick before they have been attacked. So, this hypothesis cannot explain the decline of the trees.

In addition, brown bears are thought to be account for the cause(reason换词) of the decline
deterioration(前面已经用过decline啦,但是表示下降的名词太少了有木有==//) of the trees, because they eat the bark of the trees and their aggressively eating habits. While, the professor argues that though this hypothesis can explain the population decline on the land, it cannot convince readers that it is the reason on the islands where is areno bears. At the same time, this hypothesis can only be used to explain (illustrate) the regional decline, but not the decline across the North America.

Finally, the reading says that changes of climate can be one reasonable explanation. The cedar trees now begain
begingrowing in later winter instead of early spring, and the partial freezing of cold winter day may damage the trees' sensitive roots, then kills the whole trees. On the contrary, the lecturer argues that if the temparturetemperature (有点不太清楚气候变化跟温度变化是一个意思么?!)is the reason, the trees in the high elevations would suffer more damage than those in the low evevationelevations (ones?). In fact, the trees in the high elevations suffered less decline even the tempretuertemperature is lower there. So(As a consequence), the climate hypothesis is not believeablebelievable.

In conclusion, the
hypothesesin the reading passage are not convinceableconvincibleenough to make the professor believe them.

发表于 2012-6-16 17:42:17 | 只看该作者




发表于 2012-6-16 17:46:52 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-16 23:24:19 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.

When it comes to the queston of whether movies and television have more negative than positive effects,people' opinions diversified.Some believe that they are the reason of their children' bad behaviors.While others believe that these media helps their children enlarge their views,develop strong resistence to bad things,and also make them relaxed.Meanwhile,man's subjective initiative provide them the freedom to choose what they like,and movies and television are just one of so many factors which can effect one’s behavior.Therefore,the saying that movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave is not so reasonable.

It is obvious that movies and televison have the benefit to broad young people' horizon.Programs provided on the television are relating to various subjects,such as economy,politic,science,technology,sport,and so forth.These programs are up-to-date,easy to access,and widely available to young people through a TV set.I am a student who study physics in university.One of my favourite program is called "nature world".It talks about events happened in the nature world,like volcanic eruption,hurricane,global warming,and analyzes the reasons which cuause them,the effects of these events to human society.By watching these programs,I learnt so many things that our professors are not mentioned in the classes.And my experiences are not rare,everyone who wants to know the mysteries of the nature can do this.

In most of the movies,the criminals are punished in the end.And this gives the young people who watch these movies a sign that if they do the same thing,they will be punished too.Thus,watching these movies helps young people distingish whihc is benefitial and which is baneful.When they face the same situations,the information they gethered from the movies give they the wisdom to choose the right side.If one gang member invited a student to take part in,then the student recalled the punishments that the gang members suffered in the jail,and their miserable destinies after they get out from there.Then,s/he decided not to involve in this activity.

Also,when young people have misbehaves,their parents and other people always want to blame the movies and television.The reason may be young people like these media,and want to imitate the actions of the leading role in the movies or in television programs.When young people do something wrong,people begain to relate their mishaves to them.They just ignore other factors which are more influencial than these media.Their parents,teachers,friends all have significant effects on their behaves.Young people are spending more time with those people than they wactch television or movies.Another point is that before the programs in the television or the movies are shown to the public,they need to be censored,the ones which are allow to be screened are considered acceptable by the experts.Thus,it is nonsense to relate young people' misbehaves to them.

It is ture that movies and television have some bad effects on young people,but the violence scenes in them are limited.Therefore,to exaggerate the nagetive effects and diminish the positive ones are not sound.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-17 16:01:43 | 只看该作者
TPO 24 综合

In the reading passage,the author metions a discovery that a fossil of T.rex whose inside of its leg bone contains actual animal tissues.While the professor in the lectuer says that we need to be skeptical about the identification of the actual tissues.

To begain with,the reading states that the soft materials in the channels of the leg bone may be the remains of the actual blood vessels of T.rex.However,the professor argues that the organic substance inside the channel probably to be the remains of bacterias which located in the hollows in the bones long after the animal was died.And bacterias also left organic substance after their death,so,the information in the reading can not confirm us to believe the remians is truely the remains of the T.rex.

Then,the passage provides us with the information that the spheres in the different parts of the bone could be the the residue of the blood cells.However,the professor points out that other fossils in the same places also contain these shperes,and those animals are convinced to be have no red blood cells when they were alive.So,it is unlikely that these spheres are indeed the red blood cells,they may be the residue of mineral.

In the end,the reading cites collagen,which is showed in the bone,to be associating with bone tissue.On the contrary,the professor says that collagen can only exsist for one thousand years,the fossil's lifetime is so long,it seem impossible that the collagen is the remains of the T.rex.Moreover,the professor guess that the cellagen' origin may be the researchers,because their skin also contain celagen,and they left some of them when they touch the bone.Therefore,the cellagen in the bone could not be the bone tissue.
发表于 2012-6-17 19:33:47 | 只看该作者
虽然这篇我自己还没有写的, 也滚过来帮你看看吧~~


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.

When it comes to the queston of whether movies and television have more negative than positive effects,people' opinions diversified.Some believe that they are the reason of their children' bad behaviors.While others believe that these media helps(help) their children enlarge their views,develop strong resistence to bad things(哈哈,这点有意思,先m一下),and also make them relaxed.Meanwhile,man's subjective (initiative已经有subjective的意思啦啊)initiative provide them the freedom to choose what they like,and movies and television are just one(some) of so many factors which can effect(affect) one’s behavior.Therefore,the saying that movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects(ones) on the way young people behave is not so reasonable.

It is obvious that movies and televison have the benefit to broad(broaden) young people' horizon.Programs provided on the television are relating(related) to various subjects,such as economy,politic,science,technology,sport,and so forth.These programs are up-to-date,easy to access,and widely available to young people through a TV set.I am a student who study physics in university.One of my favourite program is called "nature world".It talks about events happened in the nature world,like volcanic eruption,hurricane,global warming,and analyzes the reasons which cuause them,the effects of these events to human society. By watching these programs,I learnt so many things that our professors are not mentioned(didn't mention) in the classes.And my experiences are not rare,everyone who wants to know the mysteries of the nature can do this.

In most of the movies,the criminals are punished in the end.(这个点。。电影的模式化 啊!)And this gives the young people who watch these movies a sign that if they do the same thing,they will be punished too.Thus,watching these movies helps young people distingish whihc is benefitial and which is baneful.When they face the same situations,the information they gethered from the movies give they the wisdom to choose the right side.If one gang member invited a student to take part in,then the student recalled the punishments that the gang members suffered in the jail,and their miserable destinies after they get out from there.Then,s/he decided not to involve in this activity.(有点感觉绝对了啦,现在不是很多人知道犯罪会坐牢啥的,不也去偷杀抢劫么...但是能想到这点感觉有点意思)

Also,when young people have misbehaves,their parents and other people always want to blame (有没有on的?)the movies and television.The reason may be young people like these media,and want to imitate the actions of the leading role in the movies or in television programs.When young people do something wrong,people begain to relate their mishaves to them.They just ignore other factors which are more influencial than these media.Their parents,teachers,friends all have significant effects on their behaves.Young people are spending(spend) more time with those people than that they use on wactching television or movies.Another point is that before the programs in the television or the movies are shown to the public,they need to be censored,the ones which are allow to be screened are considered acceptable by the experts.Thus,it is nonsense to relate young people' misbehaves to them.(这个点我觉得是不错的)

It is ture that movies and television have some bad effects on young people,but the violence scenes in them are limited.Therefore,to exaggerate the nagetive effects and diminish the positive ones are not sound(今天看到sound想到一个替换词: valid).

今天突然想到,感觉T的作文就像是在辩论一样呢. 你来我挡~~最好的效果就是不断找自己论点的可能攻破点给它补上啊
每次看ban ban 作文,都能学到一些我之前都没想到的点呢..很好啊!!
有的拼写错误我就标出来,没给你改了哦,以后注意一下 单词词性 哈

对了,题外话,我已经决定可能以后每周只跟着作文小分队写3-4篇文章,不天天写了, 但是每个题目还是会想的, 感觉我还是需要更多时间消化啊~~
发表于 2012-6-17 21:10:26 | 只看该作者
When it comes to the question of whether movies and television have more negative than positive effects, people' opinions are diversified. Some believe that they are the reason of their children' bad behaviors. While others believe that these media helps their children enlarge their views, develop strong resistence against(我觉得against to更形象一些) to bad things, and also make them relaxed. Meanwhile, men'shumen’s更好一些) subjective initiative provide them the freedom to choose what they like, and movies and television are just one of so many factors which can effect one’s behaviors. Therefore, the saying that movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave is not so reasonable.

It is obvious that movies and televison have the benefit to broad young people' horizon.
(主题句突出)Programs provided on the television are relating to various subjects, such as economy, politic, science, technology, sport, and so forth. These programs are up-to-date,easy to access,and widely available to young people through a TV set(我觉得写through TV就够了).I am a student who study physics in university. One of my favourite program is called "nature world". It talks about events happened in the nature world, like volcanic eruption, hurricane, global warming, and analyzes ofthe reasons which cause them (涂红部分建议改成about these phenomena),the effects of these events to human society. By watching these programs, I learnt so many things that our professors are not mentioned in the classes. And my experiences are not rare, everyone who wants to know the mysteries of the nature can do this.

In most of
the movies, the criminals are punished in the end. And this gives the young people who watch these movies a sign that if they do the same thing, they will be punished too. Thus, watching these movies helps young people distinguish which is benefit and which is bane (我认为这样改简洁一些). When they face the same situations, the information they gathered from the movies give they the wisdom to choose the right side .If one gang member invited a student to take part in, then the student recalled the punishments that the gang members suffered in the jail, and their miserable destinies after they get out from there. Then,s/he will decided not to involve in this activity.

Also, when young people have misbehaves, their parents and other people always want to blame
the movies and television. The reason may be young people like these media, and want to imitate the actions of the leading role in the movies or in television programs. When young people do something wrong, people begain to relatelink感觉好一些吧?) their mishaves to them(改成movies and television或许好一些吧?). They just ignore other factors which are more influential than these media. (斜体的这句我认为是这段的主题句,但是不够突出。我觉得在段首突出写清,会更好一些)Their(young people’s指代清楚一些) parents,teachers,friends all have significant effects on their behaves. Young people are spending(改成spend 就可以了) more time with those people than with theywatchtelevision or movies. Another point is that before the programs in the television or the movies are shown to the public, they need to be censored, the ones which are allow to be screened are considered acceptable by the experts. Thus, it is nonsense to relate young people' misbehaves to them.

It is ture that movies and television have some bad effects on young people, but
the violence scenes in them are limited .Therefore, to exaggerate the nagetive effects and diminish the positive ones are not sound.(最后一段可以再多说几句,总结一些第一个理由和第二个理由)
发表于 2012-6-17 21:17:21 | 只看该作者
Dear Banban,



 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-18 16:38:32 | 只看该作者
6月17日110115 NA
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.

Nowadays,people become more and more foclus on the education quality that the unviersity or college provided to the public. Educatin quality not noly affects university's reputation,it is also essential for students in their future work place. One of the problems directly related to this topic is that which is the main role of the university professor:to educate students or to do research? According to the above statement,professors in the university should pay more attention to teach students.However,professors need to do researches to keep pace with their peers,to have a more deep understanding of the subject which they teach.And they do not do researches alone,they may need their students' help to do those researches.In,fact,university also need their professors do researches to enhance their acdemic reputation.All of these can benefits university,the students,and the professors themselves.

Professors need to do researches to explore new things in their field,in order to compete with other professors in the same field.As we all know,the resources are always limited,professors get their funding mainly from the government,the companies,some private associations.If they do not represent the leading position in their field,no one will give them the funding they need.One important way to keep at the forefront postion is to do researches.I am a university student,my professor spend most of his spare time on his researches,which is about the LED.He got a lot of rewards from the state,and even applied two patents from the US.When we attended his class,he told us his experiences and his latest development.We learnt so much in his class.As you can see,doing researches help professors teach studetns better.

Another point is that as the students,professor need to do researches to update themselves.The rapid changes in sciences and technologies,also in the society make mordern people can be easily left behind by others if they stand still.Some courses in the university,as computer science or biology,are changing from time to time.Professors just can not talk about the technologies which are used ten years ago to their students.If they do so,their students would have problems to find a job,just because what they learned in the university are no longer used by the company any more.By doing researches,professors will keep contact with the new technologies used in the companies or the other universities.So,it is very important for professors to do researches.

Moreover,doing researches is an communal activity.Professors always need their students' help to do their researches.And students sometime play an important role in doing researches,they have so many ideas,they are eager to make some changes,and they are not confined by the norms as their professors.So,doing researches both benefits students and professors.

Of course,professors have the responsibility to teach their students well,and provide them the latest knowledge to make them really educated.Therefore,they need to do researches in order to give their students the new information.Also,they do researches in their spare time,this will not do harm to teach their students.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-18 17:30:21 | 只看该作者
TPO1 综合

In the reading passage,the author says that an option of a four-day workweek would benefit the company,the country,and the employee as well.While,the professor in the lecture expresses his doubt in his mind about the advandages suggested in the reading passage.

First,the reading states the company's profits can be increased by as a result of the shortened workweek.The reason is that company have the option to hiring more staff to ensure the same amount work done by workers who make less errors.However,the professor argues that,the cost may even more than hiring five-day workweek workers.He explains that the company should pay the training fee,buy new computors,new office spaces ,and medical insurance for hiring new workers,and the medical insurances are the same,despite the worker works or not.So,the cost of hiring four-day workweek workers may even more than before.

Then the reading suggests that the unemployment rates would be reduced by offering four-day workweek options.The reason is that four-day workweek worker only do 80 percent of the whole work,thus companies need extra workers to do another 20 percnet work by new workers.The professor argues that the company may expect the four-day workers to do the same amount work as they did before;even worse,they may rise the working hours in order to do so.This will cause the workers work under unpleasant condition,and it would not increases the job opportunities for others.

In end of the passage,the author states that,by choosing four-day workweek day,individual employees could afford more time to relax themselves.On the contrary,the professor warns that even this option means more free time,it may cause the workers have less time to advance their skills.Meanwhile,when the economic condition is not so good,the four-day workweek workers would be the first to loose their work.Also,when the company want to find some workers which can be the management workers in the company,the four-day workweek workers are less likely to be choosed because of their unstability in their work place,and the workers who conver the entire work day are more consistent in their work,they are more likely to make a promotion in the company.
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