In recent decades, a bizarre yet widespread phenomenon is witnessed by the globe that many yound counples(young couples) made the decision to spend (the) rest of their lives by themselves, without embracing any new babies into the families(embrace本身有accept sb. into a group的意思,所以觉得后面的多余). One assumption of the cause is that the shaky financial environment leads to people's disbelief of social security, and the recent sluggish global economy(这和前面的shaky意思有些许的重复,这句话可改为: One possible explanation is that the shaky financial environment leads to both people’s disbelief to social security and increasing high pressure of our daily lives)even add more pressure to our lives. With a trend of shrinking population across the world, from developed countries such as France to the developing countries like China, we inevitably will have less extended family numbers in future. For me, that's the real reason why(直接用therefore怎么样,原来的用法显得多余) we need to care more about our grandparents, aunts and cousins ever than before.
Swamped by endless and tedious office work or fully occupied with social networkings, seldom do we have time to enjoy the bliss of family life. You probably won't remember the last time you hear your grandparents babbling about the old funny stories, or what age your aunt is. While(这里while是个并列连词,单独一个句子的用法少见,如果用However,是不是更好) it can easily occurs to you that the deadline of some project is approaching next week. We cannot (在前面做了些铺垫,这个句子应该是和你的主题绝对相关的一句,那么用否定式来表示,常常会显得说服力不足,可以用肯定式,比如,Undoubtedly,blabla)deny that family life is one of the most indispensable way to enjoy life, to share happiness and to confide our worries or deep secrets. Without them, we might found ourselvs standing in the middle of an enormous extensive(enormously extensive修饰形容词的是副词) social web, feeling isolated by numerous unrelated events, comments, ideas that overwhelm your mind. Indeed, as the world becomes larger and more complicated, it's always a wise choice to go back to the big family and relax.
From the perspectives of our extended family members, they(是不是缺个be动词啊) as well in a state of needing someone badly to care about them. Especially(如果用Particularly, old families是不是更好)the old families, who might not be able to afford more than one child when they were young, now have to stay in the nursing house day and night, eagering to see their children to drop by to speak some words. I would always remember the precious time I have spent with my grandfather, who died one month ago because of brain disease. Given how engaged his four children were, he was not dare to even give a call to them and let them know how much he missed them, while we can all tell his strong emotion from his wrinkled and distorted face before his death. His death reminded me to show empathy and concern toward the elderly, just to express my sincere gratitude to their effort raising my mother or father in the past.
Admittedly, in our daily lives,(加个逗号) there are numerous people we have to care about their feeling(这句话貌似有问题,如果用的是定语从句,而又指的是关心他人的内心,则应当为there are numerous people whose feelings we have to care about), such as spouse, parents, friends, children, etc. One may argue that spending time in the extended family is not as significant and imperative as in direct family(immediate family比较地道) members or friends. Nonetheless, the genes in our DNA() indicate that we have unbreakable connections with these so called "far relatives". Yet the mere similarities in blood means heavy responsiblitiy(responsibility) and obligation to become a good grandchild, or cousin.
As a conclusion, dramatic change has taken place across the globe that the(a) number of family members has experienced an(这里觉得应当有个冠词)exponential decrease in the recent decades, and at the same time we are more devoted to social events. However, the extended family is still of great significance to us and we should all bear in mind that it's an inevitable yet a rewarding relationship that we should maintain.