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请原谅我哪些钻牛角尖的题目。。T,T 感激。。

发表于 2012-5-13 12:36:15 | 只看该作者
58. If there is an oil-supply disruptionresulting in higher
international oil prices, domestic oilprices in openmarket
countries such as the United States will rise
as well, whether such countries import allor none of
their oil.
If the statement above concerningoil-supply
disruptions is true, which of thefollowing policies in an
open-market nation is most likely toreduce the longterm
economic impact on that nation of sharpand
unexpected increases in international oilprices?
(A) Maintaining the quantity of oilimported at
constant yearly levels
(B) Increasing the number of oiltankers in its fleet
(C) Suspending diplomatic relations withmajor oilproducing
(D)Decreasing oil consumption through
(E) Decreasing domestic production of oil

本来想法是无论进口与否 油价必然受到国际影响 所以想提高本国的生产力 后来想想
such countries import all or none of their oil.这句话已经说明了不管自己生产还是进口都没用。。 。。
发表于 2012-5-13 13:50:42 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 上邪 (2012/5/12 20:10:21)

发表于 2012-5-13 15:15:09 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 上邪 (2012/5/12 20:10:21)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/5/13 13:50:42)

发表于 2012-5-13 16:17:04 | 只看该作者
50.   4230-!-item-!-187;#058&003784
Aconstruction company was paid a total of $500,000 for a constructionproject.  The company's only costs forthe project were for labor and materials. Was the company's profit for the project greater than $150,000 ?

(1)  The company's total cost was three times itscost for materials.

(2)     The company's profit was greater than its cost for labor.
【思路】profit= total –(labor+ material)  profit>150000
(1) (l+m)=3m   -------------------------------------------------------------------insufficient
(2) p>l  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------insufficient
(1)(2)p=500,000-(l+m), p=500000- (l+l), P=500000-1.5l
數字代入法P=15(), l=23() ; P=25(),l=16() -------------------------- sufficient

52.   4338-!-item-!-187;#058&003827
If the average (arithmetic mean) offour different numbers is 30, how many of the numbers are greater than 30 ?

(1) None of the four numbers is greater than 60.

(2)      Two of the four numbers are 9 and 10, respectively.
【思路】, 問幾個數超過30?
(1) ;    --------------------------------insufficient
(2) ;    -------------------------------- insufficient
(1)(2)           ----------------------------------------------sufficient

发表于 2012-5-14 12:50:11 | 只看该作者
早起阅读小分队 上课 偷偷背单词 中午逻辑题13道 错1道 因为把extensively 看成了expensively。。=。= 结束 开始语法 10道 错2.
15:14边上政治课边背单词 200个左右吧 ……
19:55今天课终于上完了=。= 复习了PP07的错题 一会做狒狒
15、3 ……………………………………这还怎么去考啊我
发表于 2012-5-14 13:15:48 | 只看该作者
After Obama’s Decision on Marriage, a Call to Pastors
Chris Livingston for The New York Times

The ministers, though, were not all as enthusiastic. A vocal few made it clear that the president’s stand on gay marriage might make it difficult for them to support his re-election.        
“They were wrestling with their ability to get over his theological position,” said the Rev. Delman Coates, the pastor of Mt. Ennon Baptist Church in Clinton, Md., who was on the call.        
In the end, Mr. Coates, who supports civil marriages for gay men and lesbians, said that most of the pastors, regardless of their views on this issue, agreed to “work aggressively” on behalf of the president’s campaign. But not everyone. “Gay marriage is contrary to their understanding of Scripture,” Mr. Coates said. “There are people who are really wrestling with this.”        
In the hours following Mr. Obama’s politically charged announcement on Wednesday, the president and his team embarked on a quiet campaign to contain the possible damage among religious leaders and voters. He also reached out to one or more of the five spiritual leaders he calls regularly for religious guidance, and his aides contacted other religious figures who have been supportive in the past.        
The damage-control effort underscored the anxiety among Mr. Obama’s advisers about the consequences of the president’s revised position just months before what is expected to be a tight re-election vote. While hailed by liberals and gay-rights leaders for making a historic breakthrough, Mr. Obama recognized that much of the country is uncomfortable with or opposed to same-sex marriage, including many in his own political coalition.        
The issue of religious freedom has become a delicate one for Mr. Obama, especially after the recent furor over an administration mandate that religiously affiliated organizations offer health insurance covering contraceptives. After complaints from Catholic leaders that the mandate undercut their faith, Mr. Obama offered a compromise that would maintain coverage for contraception while not requiring religious organizations to pay for it, but critics remained dissatisfied.        
In taking on same-sex marriage, Mr. Obama made a point of couching his views in religious terms. “We’re both practicing Christians,” the president said of his wife and himself in the ABC News interview in which he discussed his new views. “And obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others.”        
He added that what he thought about was “not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf but it’s also the golden rule, you know? Treat others the way you would want to be treated.”        
After the interview, Mr. Obama hit the phones. Among those he called was one of the religious leaders he considers a touchstone, the Rev. Joel C. Hunter, the pastor of a conservative megachurch in Florida.        
“Some of the faith communities are going to be afraid that this is an attack against religious liberty,” Mr. Hunter remembered telling the president.        
“Absolutely not,” Mr. Obama insisted. “That’s not where we’re going, and that’s not what I want.”        
Even some of Mr. Obama’s friends in the religious community warned that he risked alienating followers, particularly African-Americans who have been more skeptical of the idea than other Democratic constituencies.        
The Rev. Jim Wallis, another religious adviser to Mr. Obama and the president and chief executive of Sojourners, a left-leaning evangelical organization, said that he had fielded calls since the announcement from pastors across the country, including African-American and Hispanic ministers. Religious leaders, he said, are deeply divided, with some seeing it as the government forcing clergy to accept a definition of marriage that they consider anathema to their teachings.        
Mr. Wallis said that it was clear to him that the president’s decision was a matter of personal conscience, not public policy. But he said that some religious leaders wanted to hear Mr. Obama say that explicitly. “We hope the president will reach out to people who disagree with him on this,” Mr. Wallis said. “The more conservative churches need to know, need to be reassured that their religious liberty is going to be respected here.”        
Mr. Obama has reached out to Mr. Wallis, Mr. Hunter and three other ministers for telephone prayer sessions and discussions about the intersection of religion and public policy.

Mr. Wallis would not say whether he heard from Mr. Obama as Mr. Hunter did. The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, another of the five and the senior pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston, said he did not. “He doesn’t need to talk with me about that,” Mr. Caldwell said.

The other two pastors, Bishop T. D. Jakes, a nationally known preaching powerhouse who fills stadiums and draws 30,000 worshipers to his church in Dallas, and the Rev. Otis Moss Jr., did not respond to messages Friday.        
Mr. Obama began reaching out within hours of his announcement on Wednesday. At 4:30 p.m., he convened the African-American ministers on the call.        
“It was very clear to me that he had arrived at this conclusion after much reflection, introspection and dialogue with family and staff and close friends,” said Mr. Coates, who remains confident that the undecided pastors on the call will ultimately back the president in November. “There are more public policy issues that we agree upon than this issue of private morality in which there’s some difference.”        
That is a calculation the White House is counting on. The president’s strategists hope that any loss of support among black and independent moderates will be more than made up by proponents of gay marriage. But Mr. Obama’s aides declined to comment and opted not to send anyone to the Sunday talk shows for fear of elevating it further.        
Religious conservative leaders said the president’s decision changed the calculus of the election. “I think the president this past week took six or seven states he carried in 2008 and put them in play with this one ill-conceived position that he’s taken,” Gary Bauer, the former presidential candidate, said on the CNN program “State of the Union.” On the same program, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, said, “I’ve gotten calls from pastors across the nation, white and black pastors, who have said, ‘You know what? I’m not sitting on the sidelines anymore.’ ”        
Establishment Republicans, though, were eager to shift the subject. “For those people that this is their issue, they have a clear choice,” Reince Preibus, the party chairman, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “But I happen to believe that, at the end of the day, however, this election is still going to be about the economy.”        
Mr. Obama’s efforts to mollify religious leaders came after a tumultuous week as he lagged behind Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in advocating same-sex marriage. A senior administration official who asked not to be named said the White House contacted religious and Congressional leaders and Democratic candidates only after the president’s announcement.        
Among those contacted was Cameron Strang, editor of Relevant magazine and a young evangelical leader, but he was on vacation. By contrast, the office of Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the Catholic archbishop of New York, said he had not heard from the president after publicly calling his decision “deeply saddening.”        
Mr. Hunter’s cellphone buzzed shortly after the Wednesday interview. “I’m not at all surprised he didn’t call me before because I would have tried to talk him out of it,” Mr. Hunter said.        
“My interpretation of Scriptures, I can’t arrive at the same conclusion,” he said. “He totally understood that. One of the reasons he called was to make sure our relationship would be fine, and of course it would be.”
发表于 2012-5-15 02:00:02 | 只看该作者
蹲在水房做了一套GWD1+1+1多余9分钟 错的很不应该 倒着做了35道以前没做的狒狒 错了8个还是9个吧 其中大量的flaw题 flaw题啊。。。哎。。 很多题也错的很不应该 逻辑一定要仔细推敲选项!!!
做了新OG的最后两篇错1 狒狒一组 把没做过的做完了4/18 错的很奇怪 还是要细心那。。
做了一套800SCORE 错了11题其中2+3+6 囧。。 逻辑错惨了 返回来看那几道题我连结论居然都找错了  好难啊。。。=、=  继续狒狒。。晚上CR时间 GWD停了 前7不打算做了  抓紧抓紧抓紧!!!
前面的错的少了 十个狒狒错1flaw。。诡异死了flaw题。
复习了60个OG语法 平均速度48″一道 错1 还是to jp paris was her home那一道。 诡异无比的选了个C。。不知道咋想的 总结生词 晚上就背单词了
发表于 2012-5-15 14:12:04 | 只看该作者
Questions 100-101
Zelda: Dr. Ladlow, a research psychologist, has convincinglydemonstrated that his theory about the determinantsof rat behavior generates consistently accurate predictions about how rats willperform in a maze. On the basis ofthis evidence, Dr. Ladlow has claimed that his theory is irrefutably correct.
Anson: Then Dr. Ladlow is not a responsiblepsychologist, Dr. Ladlow’s evidence does not conclusively prove that his theory is correct.Responsible psychologists always accept the possibility that new evidence will show that theirtheories are incorrect.
Ene==nr  === ×
B:取非 can conclude can proved
  It weaken the promise: not prove correct
100. Which one of the following can be properly inferred from Anson’sargument?
(A) Dr. Ladlow’s evidence that his theory generates consistentlyaccurate predictions about how rats will perform in a maze is inaccurate.
(B) Psychologists who can deriveconsistently accurate predictions about how rats will perform in a maze fromtheir theories cannot responsibly concludethat those theories cannot be disproved.  proved
(C) No matter how responsible psychologists are, they can never developcorrect theoretical explanations.
(D) Responsible psychologists do not make predictions about how ratswill perform in a maze.
(E) Psychologists who accept the possibility that new evidencewill show that their theories are incorrect are responsible psychologists.
发表于 2012-5-16 19:16:35 | 只看该作者
最后的时间送给CR了。。 看最近的心经都普遍反映了CR越变越难的趋势啊。。 - - 哎 去年那种CR题长的跟PP很像的历史已经过去了。。 三分钟一道逻辑题GMAC你是打算让逻辑跟阅读合体吗。。。。。 这一次一定要做好充分的心里准备。。把CR拿下。。。
下午36道狒狒。 错2+4
1套800score。。。超无语啊。。你所有阅读都4段我就忍了。。你怎么还放5篇阅读进来啊。。。。 超时严重15分钟了估计   错了13个。。3+3+7.。。
晚上计划:做完OG剩下的SC。 纵向过一遍所有的假设题。。。
做了剩下80个OGSC。。错5 大脑严重缺氧中
发表于 2012-5-17 13:52:07 | 只看该作者
阅读小分队  所有假设题看了一半吧 还剩GWD的没看 重复的太多  plan-goal取非削弱 A-B-C取非削弱promise 剩下的是gap的  还是觉得一但逻辑链太乱难以hold住。。希望考场上别碰太偏的
18道狒狒×1假设1reasoning 是以前做过的了 休息一下一会一套800score 错了11 6+1+4个、 这次是语法错high了。800score里面的考点很奇怪啊感觉 也许是我大脑缺氧看不出来=。= 做了两篇阅读大全 1/8+3/8 灭亡吧人文类! 美国移民历史跟我有个毛线关系。=。=
去吃了饭 晚上做了4篇大全吧。。2/8,3/8,4/8,2/8  ╮(╯_╰)╭ 明天继续
感觉大全的题有的问的很怪。 大全都这样么。。?逻辑大全也是 实在做不下去了太影响思路 我在想要不要干脆别做新题了只横向。。。? 不过感觉不读新文章心里不踏实
晚上任务:过一遍所有的加强题 背单词 。 坚决完成任务!
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