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发表于 2012-3-2 22:15:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Line       Two works published in 1984 demonstrate
contrasting approaches to writing the history of
United States women. Buel and Buel's biography of
Mary Fish (1736-1818) makes little effort to place
(5)her story in the context of recent historiography on
women. Lebsock, meanwhile, attempts not only to
write the history of women in one southern
community, but also to redirect two decades of
historiographical debate as to whether women
(10)gained or lost status in the nineteenth century as
compared with the eighteenth century. Although
both books offer the reader the opportunity to
assess this controversy regarding women's status,
only Lebsock's deals with it directly. She examines
(15)several different aspects of women's status, helping
to refine and resolve the issues. She concludes that
while women gained autonomy in some areas,
especially in the private sphere, they lost it in many
aspects of the economic sphere. More importantly,
(20)she shows that the debate itself depends on frame
of reference: in many respects, women lost power
in relation to men, for example, as certain jobs
(delivering babies, supervising schools) were taken
over by men. Yet women also gained power in
(25)comparison with their previous status, owning a
higher proportion of real estate, for example. In
contrast, Buel and Buel's biography provides ample
raw material for questioning the myth, fostered by
some historians, of a colonial golden age in the
(30)eighteenth century but does not give the reader
much guidance in analyzing the controversy over
women's status.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 22:15:56 | 只看该作者
76.   The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) examine two sides of a historiographical debate
(B) call into question an author's approach to a
historiographical debate
(0   examine one author's approach to a
historiographical debate
(D) discuss two authors' works in relationship to a
historiographical debate
(E) explain the prevalent perspective on a
historiographical debate
Main idea
This question requires understanding what the
passage as a whole is attempting to do. The
passage opens by introducing two books
published in 1984 that both concern the history of
women in the United States. The passage then
makes it clear that one book deals directly (line 14)
with the issue of women's status, while the other
does not. The passage then goes on to discuss the
perspective that each book takes and what each
book has to offer for an assessment of women's
status in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
A    The two books discussed in the passage do
not take different sides on a particular
debate but rather are described as being
more or less useful to the debate itself.
B     The passage focuses on how two different
books contain information useful to a
particular historiographical debate but does
not call into question the approach of either
C    The passage focuses on two authors' works,
not one.
D    Correct. The passage discusses what two
different books have to offer in relation to a
particular historiographical debate.
E    The passage does not describe any
perspective on a particular historiographical
debate as being more prevalent than any
The correct answer is D.

77.   The author of the passage mentions the supervision of
schools primarily in order to
(A) remind readers of the role education played in
the cultural changes of the nineteenth century in
the United States
(B) suggest an area in which nineteenth-century
American women were relatively free to exercise
(C) provide an example of an occupation for which
accurate data about women's participation are
difficult to obtain
(D) speculate about which occupations were
considered suitable for United States women of
the nineteenth century
(E) illustrate how the answers to questions about
women's status depend on particular contexts
Answering this question depends on
understanding what role a particular piece of
information plays in the passage as a whole. The
author implicitly supports Lebsock's contention
(beginning at line 19) that different frames of
reference can produce different perspectives on
the debate about women's status in the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. The author then
summarizes different contexts cited by Lebsock to
support the contention about frames of reference.
As part of this summary, the author refers to
supervising schools (line 23) as an example of a job
that apparently showed women losing power.
A    The passage does not discuss the role of
education in the nineteenth century.
B     The passage does mention some ways in
which, according to Lebsock, women ...
gained power (line 24) in the nineteenth
century, but supervising schools is not among
C    The passage does not discuss the difficulty
of obtaining data about particular
D    The passage makes no judgments about the
suitability for women of any jobs in the
nineteenth century.
E    Correct. The passage mentions supervising
schools as part of an illustration of Lebsock's
claim that the debate about women's status
depends on the context being examined.

78.  With which of the following characterizations of
Lebsock's contribution to the controversy concerning
women's status in the nineteenth-century United
States would the author of the passage be most likely
to agree?
(A) Lebsock has studied women from a formerly
neglected region and time period.
(B) Lebsock has demonstrated the importance of
frame of reference in answering questions about
women's status.
(C) Lebsock has addressed the controversy by
using women's current status as a frame of
(D) Lebsock has analyzed statistics about
occupations and property that were previously
(E) Lebsock has applied recent historiographical
methods to the biography of a nineteenth-
century woman.
Supporting ideas
Answering this question requires recognizing
information explicitly given in the passage. The
passage introduces the work of Lebsock in line 6
and then goes on to describe several
characteristics of Lebsock's book. In lines 19-21,
the author introduces Lebsock's claim that the
historiographical debate about women's status is
dependent on frame of reference and calls that
claim important; the passage then gives an
example showing how frame of reference affects
views of women's status. In so doing, the author
displays an implicit agreement with Lebsock's
discussion on this point.
A    The author of the passage portrays neither
the place nor time period that Lebsock
focuses on as having been neglected by
B    Correct. The author describes as important
Lebsock's idea that frame of reference
informs the debate about women's status.
C    According to the passage, Lebsock's book
deals with women's status in the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries, not the present
status of women.
D    The passage does not mention or imply that
Lebsock analyzed statistics in writing her
E    Although the passage does describe
Lebsock's book as pertaining to an ongoing
historiographical debate, it identifies the
book's topic as women in one southern
community (lines 7-8), not the life of a single
The correct answer is B.

79.  According to the passage, Lebsock's work differs from
Buel and Buel's work in that Lebsock's work
(A) uses a large number of primary sources
(B) ignores issues of women's legal status
(0   refuses to take a position on women's status in
the eighteenth century
(D) addresses larger historiographical issues
(E) fails to provide sufficient material to support its
Supporting ideas
This question asks for recognition of information
contained in the passage. In the first sentence, the
passage states that Buel and Buel's work and
Lebsock's work have contrasting approaches. The
passage then proceeds, using descriptions of each
work's approach, to illustrate how the works
differ. The passage notes that Buel and Buel's
work makes little effort to place its biographical
subject in the context of recent historiography on
women (lines 4—6), whereas Lebsock's work
attempts to redirect two decades of historiographical
debate about women's status.
A    rimary sources are not mentioned in the
passage in relation to either work discussed.
B    The legal status of women is not mentioned
in the passage.
C    Lebsock's work is described in the passage
as attempting to redirect the debate about
women's status in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries.
D    Correct. The passage suggests that by not
placing its subject's story in the context of
historiography, Buel and Buel's work does
not therefore address larger historiographical
issues, as Lebsock's does.
E    The passage tends to support Lebsock's views
and does not refer to any lack of support for
the claims made in Lebsock's work.
The correct answer is D.

80.  The passage suggests that Lebsock believes that
compared to nineteenth-century American women,
eighteenth-century American women were
(A) in many respects less powerful in relation to
(B) more likely to own real estate
(0   generally more economically independent
(D) more independent in conducting their private
(E) less likely to work as school superintendents
This question requires making an inference based
on information given in the passage. As part of
the passage's description of Lebsock's
contribution to the historiographical debate about
women's status in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, Lebsock's conclusions about women's
autonomy are described. As part of this
description, the passage cites Lebsock's
conclusion that nineteenth-century women lost
economic autonomy when compared to
eighteenth-century women (lines 16-19).
A    The passage states that in many ways women
in the nineteenth century lost power in
relation to men (lines 21-22), which would
imply that in those respects eighteenth-
century women had more power in relation
to men, not less. The only increase
mentioned in nineteenth-century women's
power is associated with owning more real
B     The passage states that more nineteenth-
century women owned real estate.
C    Correct. As the passage states, Lebsock
concluded that nineteenth-century women
lost economic autonomy compared to
eighteenth-century women.
D The passage states that nineteenth-century
women gained more independence in their
private lives.
E The passage cites school superintendents as
an example of an occupation more likely to
be held by eighteenth-century women.
The correct answer is C.

81.   The passage suggests that Buel and Buel's biography
of Mary Fish provides evidence for which of the
following views of women's history?
(A) Women have lost power in relation to men since
the colonial era.
(B) Women of the colonial era were not as likely to
be concerned with their status as were women
in the nineteenth century.
(0   The colonial era was not as favorable for women
as some historians have believed.
(D) Women had more economic autonomy in the
colonial era than in the nineteenth century.
(E) Women's occupations were generally more
respected in the colonial era than in the
nineteenth century.
This question requires understanding what the
passage implies. The approach that Buel and
Buel's work takes is specifically described in lines
3-6 and again in lines 27-32. In lines 27-30, the
passage states that Buel and Buel's work provides
ample raw materialfor questioning the myth... of a
colonial golden age in the eighteenth century,
referring to a myth about women's status. In
describing this golden age as a myth fostered by
some historians, the passage suggests that this era
was not as favorable to women as these historians
A    The passage describes Lebsock's work as
providing such evidence, not Buel and Buel's
B    The passage does not pertain to the level of
concern women had for their status.
C    Correct. The final paragraph of the passage
describes Buel and Buel's work as providing
material that calls into question claims that
the eighteenth century was especially
favorable to women.
D    The passage refers to the economic
autonomy of women in relation to Lebsock's
work, not Buel and Buel's work.
E    The passage does not refer to whether any
particular occupations held by women were
more respected at one time or another.
The correct answer is C.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 22:16:12 | 只看该作者
Line      It was once believed that the brain was
independent of metabolic processes occurring
elsewhere in the body. In recent studies, however,
we have discovered that the production and release
(5)in brain neurons of the neurotransmitter serotonin
(neurotransmitters are compounds that neurons use
to transmit signals to other cells) depend directly on
the food that the body processes.
         Our first studies sought to determine whether
(10)the increase in serotonin observed in rats given
a large injection of the amino acid tryptophan
might also occur after rats ate meals that change
tryptophan levels in the blood. We found that,
immediately after the rats began to eat, parallel
(15)elevations occurred in blood tryptophan, brain
tryptophan, and brain serotonin levels. These
findings suggested that the production and release
of serotonin in brain neurons were normally coupled
with blood-tryptophan increases. In later studies we
(20)found that injecting insulin into a rat's bloodstream
also caused parallel elevations in blood and brain
tryptophan levels and in serotonin levels. We then
decided to see whether the secretion of the animal's
own insulin similarly affected serotonin production.
(25)We gave the rats a carbohydrate-containing meal
that we knew would elicit insulin secretion. As we
had hypothesized, the blood tryptophan level and
the concentrations of tryptophan and of serotonin
in the brain increased after the meal.
(30)      Surprisingly, however, when we added a large
amount of protein to the meal, brain tryptophan
and serotonin levels fell. Since protein contains
tryptophan, why should it depress brain tryptophan
levels? The answer lies in the mechanism that
(35)provides blood tryptophan to the brain cells. This
same mechanism also provides the brain cells with
other amino acids found in protein, such as tyrosine
and leucine. The consumption of protein increases
blood concentration of the other amino acids much
(40)more, proportionately, than it does that of tryptophan.
The more protein is in a meal, the lower is the ratio
of the resulting blood-tryptophan concentration to
the concentration of competing amino acids, and
the more slowly is tryptophan provided to the brain.
(45)Thus the more protein in a meal, the less serotonin
subsequently produced and released.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 22:16:23 | 只看该作者
Questions 82-90 refer to the passage on page 390.

82.  Which of the following titles best summarizes the
contents of the passage?
(A) Neurotransmitters: Their Crucial Function in
Cellular Communication
(B) Diet and Survival: An Old Relationship
(C) The Blood Supply and the Brain: A Reciprocal
(D) Amino Acids and Neurotransmitters: The
Connection between Serotonin Levels and
(E) The Effects of Food Intake on the Production
and Release of Serotonin: Some Recent Findings
Finding a title that best summarizes a passage
requires examining the passage as a whole. This
task is made easier by the fact that the second
sentence of the first paragraph provides a topic
sentence stating the main idea: In recent studies,
however, we have discovered that the production and
release in brain neurons of the neurotransmitter
serotonin ... depend directly on the food that the body
processes. In the second paragraph, the authors cite
the results of several studies relating
neurotransmitter levels to eating meals and to
injections of insulin. In the final paragraph, the
authors discuss a study of the effect of a protein-
rich meal on serotonin level. Thus, the correct
title must show the relationship between food
eaten and serotonin produced.
A    The function of neurotransmitters is only
briefly mentioned.
B    The passage does not discuss the relation
between diet and survival.
C    There is no discussion of blood supply and
the brain.
D    While tyrosine is briefly mentioned, this
was not a main focus of the studies.
E    Correct. This title offers a summary of the
article's contents.
The correct answer is E.

83.  According to the passage, the speed with which
tryptophan is provided to the brain cells of a rat varies
with the
(A) amount of protein present in a meal
(B) concentration of serotonin in the brain before
a meal
(C) concentration of leucine in the blood rather than
with the concentration of tyrosine in the blood
after a meal
(D) concentration of tryptophan in the brain before
a meal
(E) number of serotonin-containing neurons
Supporting ideas
The phrase according to the passage suggests that
the answer is likely stated in the passage. Look at
the third paragraph, which discusses variations in
the speed with which tryptophan is provided to
the brain. Lines 41-44 state the more protein is in a
meal... the more slowly is tryptophan provided to the
A    Correct. The greater the amount of protein,
the more slowly tryptophan is provided.
B The relationship is not discussed in the
passage, although the concentration of
serotonin after a meal is measured.
C    While leucine and tyrosine are mentioned,
their concentrations in the blood are not
D This relationship is not discussed in the
passage, although the concentration of
tryptophan after a meal is measured.
E    The researchers do not consider the number
of neurons.
The correct answer is A.

84.According to the passage, when the authors began
their first studies, they were aware that
(A) they would eventually need to design
experiments that involved feeding rats high
concentrations of protein
(B) tryptophan levels in the blood were difficult to
monitor with accuracy
(0   serotonin levels increased after rats were fed
meals rich in tryptophan
(D) there were many neurotransmitters whose
production was dependent on metabolic
processes elsewhere in'the body
(E) serotonin levels increased after rats were
injected with a large amount of tryptophan
Supporting ideas
The phrase according to the passage suggests that the
answer is likely stated in the passage. Look at the
first sentence of the second paragraph where the
focus of the authors first studies is explained. The
investigators wanted to see if an increase in
serotonin levels would be observed after rats ate
meals that changed tryptophan levels in the blood.
Earlier research had already established that
injecting tryptophan increased serotonin levels.
A    The authors' decision to add protein came
later in their studies, after they had seen the
effects of eating in general.
B     The passage does not identify any problems
with monitoring tryptophan levels in the
C    This was the hypothesis of the first
experiment, so the authors could not have
known it beforehand.
D    This point is irrelevant to the authors' work;
only one neurotransmitter, serotonin, is
E    Correct. Lines 9-12 show that this increase
had already been observed.
The correct answer is E.

85.  According to the passage, one reason that the authors
gave rats carbohydrates was to
(A) depress the rats' tryptophan levels
(B) prevent the rats from contracting diseases
(C) cause the rats to produce insulin
(D) demonstrate that insulin is the most important
substance secreted by the body
(E) compare the effect of carbohydrates with the
effect of proteins
Supporting ideas
The phrase according to the passage suggests that
the answer is likely stated in the passage. Look at
lines 22-26, which say We then decided to see
whether the secretion of the animal's own insulin
similarly affected serotonin production. We gave the
rats a carbohydrate-containing meal that we knew
would elicit insulin secretion. These sentences
together show that the authors gave carbohydrates
to the rats to cause the rats to secrete insulin.
A    Lines 26-29 show that the carbohydrate
increased the blood tryptophan level.
B     Preventing disease was not part of the study.
C    Correct. The authors had already tried
injecting insulin; they then gave the rats
carbohydrates to stimulate insulin
D    The authors make no such claim about
E    The study involving protein came later, so
this could not have been the reason for
giving the rats carbohydrates.
The correct answer is C.

86.  According to the passage, the more protein a rat
consumes, the lower will be the
(A) ratio of the rat's blood-tryptophan concentration
to the amount of serotonin produced and
released in the rat's brain
(B) ratio of the rat's blood-tryptophan concentration
to the concentration in its blood of the other
amino acids contained in the protein
.   (C) ? ratio of the rat's blood-tyrosine concentration to
its blood-leucine concentration
(D) number of neurotransmitters of any kind that the
rat will produce and release
(E) number of amino acids the rat's blood will
Supporting ideas
The phrase according to the passage suggests that
the answer is likely stated in the passage. In lines
41-43, the authors state: The more protein is in a
meal, the lower is the ratio of the resulting blood-
tryptophan concentration to the concentration of
competing amino acids
A    While lower levels of blood-tryptophan lead
to lower serotonin levels, the relationship is
not discussed in terms of a ratio.
B    Correct. Lines 41-43 show this to be the
correct answer choice.
C    This relationship is not demonstrated in the
D    This point is not made in the passage.
E    Lines 38-40 explain that consumption of
protein increases blood concentration of the other
amino acids much more.... Since proteins are
made up of amino acids, eating protein
would logically increase the number of
amino acids.
The correct answer is B.

87.   The authors' discussion of the "mechanism that
provides blood tryptophan to the brain cells" (lines
34-35) is meant to
(A) stimulate further research studies
(B) summarize an area of scientific investigation
(C) help explain why a particular research finding
was obtained
(D) provide supporting evidence for a controversial
scientific theory
(E) refute the conclusions of a previously mentioned
research study
Logical structure
To find the purpose of this discussion, look at the
context in which this reference occurs. At the
beginning of the third paragraph, the authors
note that, surprisingly, adding protein led to lower
brain tryptophan and serotonin levels. The
question is why were the levels lowered? The
answer lies in the mechanism cited in lines 34-35.
Therefore, the discussion of the mechanism is
meant to explain a surprising research finding.
A    No further studies are mentioned.
B    There are summaries of several studies, but
there is no summary of an entire area of
scientific investigation.
C    Correct. The mechanism helps explain the
surprising finding about lower brain
tryptophan and serotonin levels.
D    No theory is advanced, nor is any evidence
about it provided.
E     There is no attempt to refute any other
The correct answer is C.

88. According to the passage, an injection of insulin was
most similar in its effect on rats to an injection of
(A) tyrosine
(B) leucine
(C) blood
(D) tryptophan
(E) protein
Supporting ideas
Since the question refers to information given in
the passage, the answer can be found by careful
reading. In order to find an injection with a
similar effect, look first at the effect of injecting
insulin. In lines 20-22, the authors state that
injecting insulin ... caused parallel elevations in blood
and brain tryptophan levels and in serotonin levels.
The only other reference to injection occurs earlier
in lines 10-13 where rats injected with
tryptophan had increased serotonin levels;
injecting tryptophan would obviously cause
tryptophan levels to increase. Thus, the effects of
injecting insulin were similar to the effects on
injecting tryptophan.
A    No evidence suggests that tyrosine injection
would have similar effects.
B     The studies did not involve injecting leucine.
C    The studies did not involve injecting blood.
D    Correct. According to the passage, injecting
tryptophan raises serotonin and tryptophan
levels just as injecting insulin does.
E     The studies involved eating protein, not
injecting it; eating protein did not raise
serotonin levels.
The correct answer is D.

89. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the
following would be LEAST likely to be a potential
source of aid to a patient who was not adequately
producing and releasing serotonin?
(A) Meals consisting almost exclusively of protein
(B) Meals consisting almost exclusively of
(C) Meals that would elicit insulin secretion
(D) Meals that had very low concentrations of
(E) Meals that had very low concentrations of
Since this question asks for an inference, the
answer is not directly stated in the passage; it
must instead be derived from the information
given. What kind of meals would NOT help a
patient with low serotonin levels? Meals that
increased serotonin would help the patient; meals
that lowered serotonin would not. According to
the last sentence in the passage, the more protein in
a meal, the less serotonin subsequently produced and
released. Therefore, high-protein meals would be
LEAST likely to help the patient.
A     Correct. Meals with very high levels of
protein would tend to lower serotonin and
thus to be less beneficial for the patient with
inadequate serotonin levels.
B    When rats ate a carbohydrate-containing
meal, serotonin increased (lines 25-29).
Therefore, these meals would tend to raise
serotonin levels and so help the patient.
C    In the study, meals that elicited insulin
secretion raised serotonin levels.
D    Since tyrosine is an amino acid found in
protein, meals low in tyrosine would be low
in protein and so would tend to raise
serotonin levels and help the patient.
E     Since leucine is an amino acid found in
protein, meals low in leucine would be low
in protein and so would tend to raise
serotonin levels and help the patient.
The correct answer is A.

90.   It can be inferred from the passage that the authors
initially held which of the following hypotheses about
what would happen when they fed large amounts of
protein to rats?
(A) The rats' brain serotonin levels would not
(B) The rats' brain tryptophan levels would
(0   The rats' tyrosine levels would increase less
quickly than would their leucine levels.
(D) The rats would produce more insulin.
(E) The rats would produce neurotransmitters other
than serotonin.
When the authors discuss the results of adding
protein to meals, they begin with the word
surprisingly (line 30). The use of this word
indicates that the results differed from the
authors' initial hypotheses. The results showed
lowered serotonin. It is reasonable to conclude
that the researchers initially hypothesized that
serotonin levels would not decrease.
A    Correct. The use of the word surprisingly in
line 30 suggests that researchers thought
serotonin levels would not decrease.
B    The researchers had expected that
tryptophan levels would not decrease, since
protein contains tryptophan (lines 32-34).
C    Since there is no discussion of the
comparative levels of tyrosine and leucine,
there was probably no hypothesis about
these levels.
D    In the passage insulin is explicitly discussed
in relation to carbohydrates, and plays no
role at all in the discussion of protein; this
very strongly suggests that insulin
production played no role in the authors'
decision to feed the rats large amounts of
E    Serotonin is the only neurotransmitter
discussed in the research, so it is unlikely
that the researchers had an initial hypothesis
involving other neurotransmitters.
The correct answer is A.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 22:35:33 | 只看该作者

m(_ _)m~~泪奔了~~这个竟然比水权错的多,为神马咩~~m(_ _)m


     不同点:L+:directly. ->细论:不同面考察。
     递进:frame of reference:男女比较,举例。。有问题的时候回来定位好了啦哈~
    比较,B&B:提供大量 raw material,但是为未曾提供关于女性地位争论指导分析。


     (三)细节:frame of reference可能出题,学术研究方法么。
     (四)In order to:举例常规出题点,依旧“逻辑紧上层含义”。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 22:35:45 | 只看该作者

      涉及amino acids。

     (一)文章类型:新老观点对比型。(once, recent标志)

                                 2、整个机制段落的目的(In order to)及结论。
发表于 2012-3-3 07:34:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-3 09:15:23 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2012-3-26 20:39:15 | 只看该作者
15阅读中--->question the myth ,那个myth到底指啥呀?读两遍了还是没明白。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-27 19:49:30 | 只看该作者


15阅读中--->question the myth ,那个myth到底指啥呀?读两遍了还是没明白。-- by 会员 sunny20111126 (2012/3/26 20:39:15)

我觉得此处myth指代:“whether women gained or lost status in the nineteenth century as
compared with the eighteenth century. ”(此处引用原文,是从句部分,希望同学能够理解)。更进一步理解,觉得myth含义可以具体到:Women gained status in the nineteenth century as compared with the eighteenth century. 个人认为主要是对该历史观点的部分驳斥。

另外,前面的"in contrast" 主要是对两方研究人员的研究方法上的不同。

open to discuss~
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