我对这个意思有点疑惑,因为原文是:the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official
estimates我对此的理解,是:官方预测,当snow geese数量下降5%的时候,hunting season ends (就是somehow狩猎季节就结束了,比如说猎人们没法打猎了,没猎物了)。
因为"ends"本身只是表示一种结束,可以是事物发展的自然规律,没有说是coersive的。"Winter ends. " "This academic semester ends."
"According to scientific estimates, the well-being of an ecosystem ends if a certain key species is distinct. "
所以我就根本没读出文中有governmental restriction的意思.
如果,按我理解,文中没有restriction的意思,就当是政府有个restriction限制猎捕snow geese,那我觉得是选D.
逻辑链: ---->表示导致(positive) ------| 表示抑制(negative)
drop restriction ---| restriction ---| killing SG ---|
increased SG population ---> other birds threatened前面的环节都无懈可击,关键是黄色阴影这个环节。
Premise 1: "Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese"
Premise 2: "whichbreed in the Arctic and are
displacing birds of less vigorous species"
Premise 1是一个factual correlation,但correlation并不意味着causal relationship. 文中这个逻辑比较弱。
Premise 2是一种解释,说的原因是"displacing",解释了causal relationship存在的科学道理。
D. As their population has increased, snow geese have
recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.
这里就说,随着increased GS population,GS "recolonized",并不会"displace"其他鸟的生存空间。
也就是说premise 2说的那种原因("displacing")并不成立。
Some species of Arctic birds arethreatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, whichbreed in the Arctic
and are displacing birds of less vigorous species. Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southernregions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting hasreduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates. Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species torecover.
Which of the following, if true, mostseriously undermines the argument?
A.Hunting limits for snow geese were imposed many years ago in response toa sharp decline in the population of snow geese.
B. It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting seasonfor snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.
C. The number of snow geese taken by hunters each year has grown every yearfor several years.
D. As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized winteringgrounds that they had not used for several seasons.
E. In the snow goose’s winter habitats,the goose faces no significant natural predation.
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/12 18:42:47)
bat说这种结论是典型的因果型结论,所以要削弱结论就行就是说dropping limits行不通,然后就是b了
我开始做这个题目的时候想的是要说dropping limits不行,结果选成A,而A当时看的时候真觉得脑袋不清晰,硬是给我看成是droping limits了,
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/3/12 21:49:38)
关于it is+时间段+since
it is three years since he lived here 他不住在这儿已经四年
being closed到底是翻译成,这个限制已经被closed好多年还是这个限制已经not closed好多年
要是理解为not closed的话,就感觉b又不对了,
-- by 会员 Suri在奋斗 (2012/3/12 22:11:42)
就是指It has been many years since...它指一件事情或者动作过去很久了。
It has been many years since I met you. I met you这件事情已经过去很多年了。
B选项是这么理解的。 文章中提高冬季打猎的时候,政府有这一种restriction:如果GS这种鸟数量下降5%,政府就禁止打猎。但B选项说已经很久没有政府restriction限制打猎期提前结束了。暗示打猎的人少,打的数量不足让GS的鸟数量下来。所以取不取消restriction能不能达到目的。
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/3/12 22:29:01)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/13 3:54:44)