应该是D 原文: insect --> high price of cotten --> change s to cottern --> make more profits B: Tests of a newly developed, inexpensive pesticide have shown it to be both environmentally safe and effective against the insects that have infested cotton crops D. Few consumers would be willing to pay significantly higher prices for cotton goods than they are now paying 注意一下,B 谈论的TEST,而不是已经正在运用了新的PESTICIDE,所以B错,属于无关 但是直接D就不同,直接削弱了结论,就是棉花价格的增长。也就是说人们不会买价格高的棉花,即便是棉花产量下降,价格提高。所以以下的因果关系就不成立了 : high price of cotten --> change s to cottern --> make more profits 毫无疑问是D |