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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【2-7】

发表于 2011-12-16 10:51:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最近状态:各种联系导师,而且我还不在学校。。。话不多说,发昨晚作业 又一次没按时发。。。不好意思
4. Galanin is a protein found in the brain. In an
experiment, rats that consistently chose to eat fatty
foods when offered a choice between lean and fatty
foods were found to have significantly higher
concentrations of galanin in their brains than did rats
that consistently chose lean over fatty foods. These
facts strongly support the conclusion that galanin
causes rats to crave fatty foods.
Which one of the following, if true, most supports the
(A) The craving for fatty foods does not invariably
result in a rat’s choosing those foods over
lean foods.
(B) The brains of the rats that consistently chose to
eat fatty foods did not contain significantly
more fat than did the brains of rats that
consistently chose lean foods.
(C) The chemical components of galanin are
present in both fatty foods and lean foods.
(D) The rats that preferred fatty foods had the
higher concentrations of galanin in their
brains before they were offered fatty foods.
(E) Rats that metabolize fat less efficiently than do
other rats develop high concentrations of
galanin in their brains.

Over the last five years, demand for hotel rooms in Cenopolis has increased significantly, as has the average price Cenopolis hotels charge for rooms.  These trends are projected to continue for the next several years.  In response to this economic forecast, Centennial Commercial, a real estate developer, is considering a plan to convert several unoccupied office buildings it owns in Cenopolis into hotels in order to maximize its revenues from these properties.
Which of the following would it be most useful for Centennial Commercial to know in evaluating the plan it is considering?
(A) Whether the population of Cenopolis is expected to grow in the next several years
(B) Whether demand for office space in Cenopolis is projected to increase in the near future
(C) Whether the increased demand for hotel rooms, if met, is likely to lead to an increase in the demand for other travel-related services
(D) Whether demand for hotel rooms has also increased in other cities where Centennial owns office buildings
(E) Whether, on average, hotels that have been created by converting office buildings have fewer guest rooms than do hotels that were built as hotels

When demand for a factory's products is high, more money is spent at the factory for safety precautions and machinery maintenance than when demand is low.  Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low and less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance.
Which of the following, if true about a factory when demand for its products is high, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
(A) Its employees ask for higher wages than they do at other times.
(B) Its management hires new workers but lacks the time to train them properly.
(C) Its employees are less likely to lose their jobs than they are at other times.
(D) Its management sponsors a monthly safety award for each division in the factory.
(E) Its old machinery is replaced with modern, automated models.

It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except directly to physicians, either by mail or in medical journals.  A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications.  Opponents object that the general population lacks the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications.  But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, inappropriate prescriptions would not become more common.
Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the argument?
(A) Whether advertising for prescription medications might alert patients to the existence of effective treatments for minor ailments that they had previously thought to be untreatable
(B) Whether some people might go to a physician for no reason other than to ask for a particular medication they have seen advertised
(C) Whether the proposed law requires prescription-medication advertisements directed to the general public to provide the same information as do advertisements directed to physicians
(D) Whether advertisements for prescription medications are currently an important source of information about newly available medications for physicians
(E) Whether physicians would give in to a patient's demand for a prescription medication chosen by the patient when the one originally prescribed by the physician fails to perform as desired

Traveler:  Southern Airways has a far worse safety record than Air Dacentaria over the past few years, in terms of both the frequency of accidents and the severity of accidents.  Therefore, although Air Dacentaria is slightly more expensive, I will choose it over Southern Airways for my flight from Pederton to Dacenta, since it is worth paying extra to have a safer flight.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the traveler's argument?
(A) Air Dacentaria's flight from Pederton to Dacenta is nonstop, whereas Southern Airways' flight touches down in Gorinda on the way.
(B) Most Southern Airways flights, but not its flight from Pederton to Dacenta, use Sarmouth airport, which because of its mountainous location is one of the world's most dangerous.
(C) For its flights from Pederton to Dacenta, Southern Airways uses a different model of airplane, with a smaller capacity, than the model Air Dacentaria uses for its flights on the same route.
(D) Only in the last few years has the cost of flying from Pederton to Dacenta been more expensive on Air Dacentaria than on Southern Airways.
(E) Although the frequency of accidents is greater on Southern Airways, on both airlines the proportion of flights that have accidents is very small.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-16 10:53:16 | 只看该作者
Question #4. Strengthen-CE. December 2000 LSAT, Section 2, #20. The correct answer choice
is (D)
This stimulus also contains causal reasoning—the conclusion takes a correlation and turns it into a causal
G = higher concentration of galanin in the brain
CFF = crave fatty foods
C                         E
G          →           CFF
As with all causal arguments, once you identify the causality, you must immediately look to the question
stem and then attack. In this instance, the author simply assumes that galanin is the cause. Why can’t the
fatty foods lead to higher concentrations of galanin?
Answer choice (A): If anything, this answer choice may hurt the argument by showing that the cravings
do not always lead to choosing fatty foods. But, since the author uses the phrase “consistently chose” to
describe the choices of the rats, an answer stating that rats did not “invariably” choose fatty foods has no
effect on the argument.
Answer choice (B): This is a Shell Game answer because the test makers try to get you to fall for an
answer that addresses the wrong issue. The argument discusses the concentration of galanin in the brains
of rats; no mention is made of the fat content of the brains of rats. This answer, which focuses on the fat
content in the brains of rats, therefore offers no support to the argument. Even though the brain might not
contain more fat, a rat could still consistently choose and eat foods with a higher fat content.
Answer choice (C): The argument is that galanin in the brain causes rats to crave fatty foods. The fact that
galanin is in the food does not help that assertion and may actually hurt the argument.
Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer. The answer strengthens the argument by eliminating the
possibility that the stated causal relationship is reversed: if the rats had higher concentrations of galanin
prior to eating the fatty foods, then the fatty foods cannot be the cause of the higher concentration of
galanin. As discussed earlier in the chapter, this approach strengthens the argument by making it more
likely that the author had the original relationship correct.
Answer choice (E): This answer choice hurts the argument by suggesting that the causal relationship in the
conclusion is reversed. Remember that in Strengthen questions you can expect to see Opposite answers,
and this is one.
发表于 2011-12-16 10:53:58 | 只看该作者
B: Galanin is a protein found in the brain.
P: The rats chose to have fatty food have more Galanin than the rats who chose lean over fatty food.
C: Thus, galanin causes the rats to have fatty food.
Prephrase: More Galanin the rats have, more fatty food the rats eat.
                 There's no other possible reasons may cause rats to crave fatty food.

(A) The craving for fatty foods does not invariably
result in a rat’s choosing those foods over
lean foods.=============================weaken bit,but we don't have to prove if rats eat fatty foods over lean foods, our conclusion is about the relation of galanin VS. fatty food.
(B) The brains of the rats that consistently chose to
eat fatty foods did not contain significantly
more fat than did the brains of rats that
consistently chose lean foods.==================whether the food contains more fat or not is irrelevant.
(C) The chemical components of galanin are
present in both fatty foods and lean foods.===========chemical components are not issue here. same to B
(D) The rats that preferred fatty foods had the
higher concentrations of galanin in their
brains before they were offered fatty foods.==========support!
(E) Rats that metabolize fat less efficiently than do
other rats develop high concentrations of
galanin in their brains.=======================the argument is not about the metabolize fat.

发表于 2011-12-16 12:16:57 | 只看该作者
4 25s
B:G is a kind of protein.
P:rats that prefer to eat fatty food has more G than rats that prefer lean.
C:G causes rats to crave fatty food.(因果型结论)
P(support):there is no other reason.
A irrelevant
B irrelevant
C irrelevant
D bingo
E irrelevant
发表于 2011-12-16 16:20:08 | 只看该作者
1.B:Galanin is a protein found in the brain.
P:In an experiment, rats that consistently chose to eat fatty foods when offered a choice between lean and fatty foods were found to have significantly higher concentrations of galanin in their brains than did rats that consistently chose lean over fatty foods.
C:These facts strongly support the conclusion that galanin causes rats to crave fatty foods.
maybe more fatty foods, higher concentrations of galanin in brains.
(A) The craving for fatty foods does not invariably result in a rat’s choosing those foods over lean foods.--irrelevant
(B) The brains of the rats that consistently chose to eat fatty foods did not contain significantly more fat than did the brains of rats that consistently chose lean foods.
(C) The chemical components of galanin are present in both fatty foods and lean foods.
(D) The rats that preferred fatty foods had the higher concentrations of galanin in their brains before they were offered fatty foods.
(E) Rats that metabolize fat less efficiently than do other rats develop high concentrations of galanin in their brains.

2.B:Over the last five years, demand for hotel rooms in Cenopolis has increased significantly, as has the average price Cenopolis hotels charge for rooms.  
P:These trends are projected to continue for the next several years.
C:considering a plan to convert several unoccupied office buildings it owns in Cenopolis into hotels in order to maximize its revenues from these properties.
costs and benefits
(A) Whether the population of Cenopolis is expected to grow in the next several years
(B) Whether demand for office space in Cenopolis is projected to increase in the near future
(C) Whether the increased demand for hotel rooms, if met, is likely to lead to an increase in the demand for other travel-related services
(D) Whether demand for hotel rooms has also increased in other cities where Centennial owns office buildings
(E) Whether, on average, hotels that have been created by converting office buildings have fewer guest rooms than do hotels that were built as hotels
3.P:When demand for a factory's products is high, more money is spent at the factory for safety precautions and machinery maintenance than when demand is low.  
C:Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low and less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance.
more work, more accidents
(A) Its employees ask for higher wages than they do at other times.
(B) Its management hires new workers but lacks the time to train them properly.
(C) Its employees are less likely to lose their jobs than they are at other times.
(D) Its management sponsors a monthly safety award for each division in the factory.
(E) Its old machinery is replaced with modern, automated models.
4. B:It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except directly to physicians, either by mail or in medical journals.  A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications.
P:Opponents object that the general population lacks the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications.  But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient,
C: inappropriate prescriptions would not become more common.
(A) Whether advertising for prescription medications might alert patients to the existence of effective treatments for minor ailments that they had previously thought to be untreatable
(B) Whether some people might go to a physician for no reason other than to ask for a particular medication they have seen advertised
(C) Whether the proposed law requires prescription-medication advertisements directed to the general public to provide the same information as do advertisements directed to physicians
(D) Whether advertisements for prescription medications are currently an important source of information about newly available medications for physicians
(E) Whether physicians would give in to a patient's demand for a prescription medication chosen by the patient when the one originally prescribed by the physician fails to perform as desired
5.P:Southern Airways has a far worse safety record than Air Dacentaria over the past few years, in terms of both the frequency of accidents and the severity of accidents. +Air Dacentaria is slightly more expensive
C:I will choose it over Southern Airways for my flight from Pederton to Dacenta, since it is worth paying extra to have a safer flight.
whether the accidents happened on the same 航线~
(A) Air Dacentaria's flight from Pederton to Dacenta is nonstop, whereas Southern Airways' flight touches down in Gorinda on the way.
(B) Most Southern Airways flights, but not its flight from Pederton to Dacenta, use Sarmouth airport, which because of its mountainous location is one of the world's most dangerous.
(C) For its flights from Pederton to Dacenta, Southern Airways uses a different model of airplane, with a smaller capacity, than the model Air Dacentaria uses for its flights on the same route.
(D) Only in the last few years has the cost of flying from Pederton to Dacenta been more expensive on Air Dacentaria than on Southern Airways.
(E) Although the frequency of accidents is greater on Southern Airways, on both airlines the proportion of flights that have accidents is very small.
发表于 2011-12-17 10:51:19 | 只看该作者
background information:galanin is a protein found in brain
premise:rats that consistently choose fatty foods have significantly higher concentrations of galanin in their brains than rats that choose lean foods
conclusion:galanin causes rats to choose fatty foods

A) The craving for fatty foods does not invariably
result in a rat’s choosing those foods over
lean foods.——irrelevant
(B) The brains of the rats that consistently chose to
eat fatty foods did not contain significantly
more fat than did the brains of rats that
consistently chose lean foods.——weaken
(C) The chemical components of galanin are
present in both fatty foods and lean foods.——irrelevant
(D) The rats that preferred fatty foods had the
higher concentrations of galanin in their
brains before they were offered fatty foods.——correct
(E) Rats that metabolize fat less efficiently than do
other rats develop high concentrations of
galanin in their brains.——weaken

Answer choice (B): This is a Shell Game answer because the test makers try to get you to fall for an
answer that addresses the wrong issue. The argument discusses the concentration of galanin in the brains
of rats; no mention is made of the fat content of the brains of rats. This answer, which focuses on the fat
content in the brains of rats, therefore offers no support to the argument. Even though the brain might not
contain more fat, a rat could still consistently choose and eat foods with a higher fat content.
发表于 2011-12-19 17:32:19 | 只看该作者
Rats who have high level of G are more likely to choose fatty foods. Therefore, G causes rats to choose fatty foods.
Prephase: Rats who don't have high levels of G will  choose lean foods.
(A) The craving for fatty foods does not invariably result in a rat’s choosing those foods over lean foods.-irrelevant
(B) The brains of the rats that consistently chose to eat fatty foods did not contain significantly
more fat than did the brains of rats that consistently chose lean foods.——irrelevant (fat)
(C) The chemical components of galanin are present in both fatty foods and lean foods.
(D) The rats that preferred fatty foods had the higher concentrations of galanin in their
brains before they were offered fatty foods.——support
(E) Rats that metabolize fat less efficiently than do other rats develop high concentrations ofgalanin in their brains. ——weaken (fatty foods cause high concentrations of G)

这题蒙对的。。。The answer D strengthens the argument by eliminating the
possibility that the stated causal relationship is reversed
: if the rats had higher concentrations of galanin
prior to eating the fatty foods, then the fatty foods cannot be the cause of the higher concentration of
galanin. As discussed earlier in the chapter, this approach strengthens the argument by making it more
likely that the author had the original relationship correct. 排除两者关系颠倒
发表于 2011-12-19 18:10:01 | 只看该作者
33. 41s-evaluation
As the demand for hotel rooms has increased, the prices of hotel rooms increased, too. It is estimated that this trend will continue. A real-estate developer plans to convert some office building to hotels in order to maximize
its revenues.

34. 44s-weaken
When the demand for a factory's products is high, more money is spent on the safety, causing less accident.
Prephase:Employees work overtime, so the total accident increases.

It is illegal to advertise prescription medications to the general population, since the general population will be misleaded. However, because the physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe medication, the advertising to general populations is feasible.

Airways D are safer than S, in terms of the frequency of accidents and the severity of accidents. Although the fare of D is more expensive than S, I will chose D.
Prephase: D did not record the accidents accurately.
发表于 2011-12-20 13:46:35 | 只看该作者
1/Background: G is a protein found in the brain. An experiment made comparison between the rats consistently chose to eat fatty foods and those chose to eat lean.
Premise: as it is found that the rats chose to eat fatty food have much higher concentrations of G in their brains than does rats that chose to eat lean, G causes rats to crave fatty foods.
Prephrase: eating fatty foods does not make the G concentrate.
A: irrelevant
B: the question stem does not refer to fat in brain.
C: it does not induce that whether the galanin in foods leads to concentration of galanin in brain.
D: it rules out other factors that might cause bias to the experiment
E: irrelevant
2/Background: the demand for hotel rooms in C has increased dramatically, so does the charge of the rooms, and the trends are projected to last for several years.
Premise: a estate developer plans to convert several idle office buildings it owns into hotels to maximize his revenue.
Prephrase: whether the profit of the new hotel can cover the cost of the convertion.
A: irrelevant
B: if the demand of office is to increase, then the conversion will be less worthy.
C: irrelevant
D: irrelevant
E: as long as there is demand for rooms, whether the converted rooms are popular to customers does not matter.
3/Background: when demand for a factory’s products is high, more money is spent on safety precautions and machinery maintenance than when demand is low.
Premise: this way can make the job related accidents per employee be lower during periods when demand is high than that when demand is low.
Prephrase: during the period when demand is low, the demand is often subcontract to other small factory.
A : irrelevant
B: with new and untrained workers, the job- related accidents are very likely to happen
C: irrelevant
D: irrelevant
E: irrelevant
4/Background: recently, the ban of advertising perception of medication is to be cancelled.
Premise: the opponents object that as the ordinary people lack of ability to evaluate the medication, they might be misguided to ask for inappropriate medication; however, as the physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication, inappropriate prescriptions would not become more common.
Prephrase: whether the physicians are capable to prescript appropriately.
A: irrelevant
B: irrelevant
C: because of the difference between the background knowledge of physicians and patients, the information advertised to them is definitely different.
D: irrelevant
E: the argument is whether the cancelation of ban in adverting will cause inappropriate prescription, but it is the physician who has the final say, so even if the prescription given by physician is the same as that has been advertised, the prescription cannot be considered as inappropriate.
5/Background: SA has a far worse safety record than AD over the past few years, whether in terms of both the frequency of accidents and the severity of accidents.
Premise: although the ticket of AD is more expensive, travelers prefer to choose AD for better safety conditions.
Prephrase: the SA’ scale is far larger than AD, in terms of both number of air routes and airplanes.
A: nonstop does not make any sense.
B: it indicates the objective factor that cause the high rate of accidents in SA
C: irrelevant
D: irrelevant
E: maybe AD has less accidents on the route than SA does.
发表于 2012-4-22 21:49:01 | 只看该作者
背景:Galanin is a protein found in the brain.
条件:Rats prefer fatty food are found more connected with higher concentrations of galanin in their brain
结论:Galanin causes rats to crave fatty foods.

背景:Over the last five years, demand for hotel rooms in Cenopolis has increased significantly, as has the average price Cenopolis hotels charges for rooms.
条件:These trends are projected to continues for the next several years
结论:A estate developer want to convert several unoccupied office buildings it owns into hotels in order to maximize its revenues from these properties

背景:It is about the demand, money and safety precautions
条件:When demand for a factory’s products is high, more money is spent at the factory for safety precautions and machinery maintenance than when the demand is low
结论:Thus the average number of on-the-job accidents per employee each month should be lower during periods when demand is high than when demand is low and less money is available for safety precautions and machinery maintenance.
推测:Demand is high 的时候雇佣不熟悉的工人?

It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except directly to physicians, either by mail or in medical journals. A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications.  Opponents object that the general population lacks the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications.  But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, inappropriate prescriptions would not become more common.
Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the argument?
(A) Whether advertising for prescription medications might alert patients to the existence of effective treatments for minor ailments that they had previously thought to be untreatable
(B) Whether some people might go to a physician for no reason other than to ask for a particular medication they have seen advertised
(C) Whether the proposed law requires prescription-medication advertisements directed to the general public to provide the same information as do advertisements directed to physicians
(D) Whether advertisements for prescription medications are currently an important source of information about newly available medications for physicians
(E) Whether physicians would give in to a patient's demand for a prescription medication chosen by the patient when the one originally prescribed by the physician fails to perform as desired
背景:It’s illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except directly to physicians, either by mail or in medical journals.
条件:A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications; opponents object that the general lacks the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications.
结论:But since the final say is conducted only by physicians, so Is ok to allow the law

背景:Someone wants to fly from Pederton to Dacenta.
条件:Southern Airway has a far worse safety record than Air Dacentaria over the past few years.
结论:So it’s safer to choose Dacentaria though it’s more expensive
推测:Southern Airway飞的次数更多,或者是P TO D 航线重来没有出现过事故?
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