they all know some students apply to lots of schools with the same recommendation letter. filling in the RL form shows that you're really making a decision to apply to Pace. but i think it's fine since there're still many admitted students who didn't hand in the form at all...
你好,我刚刚递交完申请。请问一下那个推荐信的问题,我只有推荐信和信封给老师签字了。当时不知道有那个推荐信表格,所以没去找老师签字。现在我已经回家了,因为学校离家里很远,所以不太可能回去找老师签字了。刚刚看前面的回复说只寄推荐信也可以,但是你说they know what happens,难道是指学校会知道老师只负责给推荐信签个字??那这样会不会对申请有不利影响呢? 另外我想请问一下财产证明是要录取以后交就可以了,还是现在就得交,否则不开始审材料呢? 非常感谢你!!!! -- by 会员 wty1990 (2011/12/13 16:12:31)