Which if the following, if true, most logically completes the argument?
Aroca County’s public schools are supported primarily by taxes on property. The county plans to eliminate the property tax and support schools with a new three percent sales tax on all retail items sold in the county. Three percent of current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes, but implementation of the plan would not necessarily reduce the amount of money going to Aroca County public schools, because ______.
A. many Aroca County residents have already left the county because of its high property taxes
a shopping mall likely to draw shoppers from neighboring counties is about to open in Aroca County
at least some Aroca County parents are likely to use the money they will save on property taxes to send their children to private schools not funded by the county
a significant proportion of parents of Aroca County public school students do not own their homes and consequently do not pay property taxes
retailers in Aroca County are not likely to absorb the sales tax by reducing the pretax price of their goods
这题我同意B;a significant proportion of parents of Aroca County public school students do not own their homes and consequently do not pay property taxes和原文的推断没有关系,Three percent of current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes(过去的)是一个fact,这里面是两者的比较,不管property taxes是多少,Three percent of current retail sales 都比它少,B说一个新开张的大型购物中心能吸引临县的顾客,所以sales tax going to Aroca County public schools将会增长;C说一些父母把从财产税上节约下来的钱送他们的孩子到没有政府资助的私立学校。和原文的结论也没有关系。原文要解决的是增加Three percent of current retail sales以和过去的property taxes相等。
D:public school students 家里不用交property tax, 这笔钱也不见得用在买东西上, 即与sales tax也没什么必然联系
C: 一些人由于不交property tax, 于是把孩子送往私立学校, 这样就算sales tax没以前property tax多, 平均到每个孩子头上还是不少的; 可是原文说的would not necessarily reduce the amount of money going to Aroca County public schools, 好象总数没减少
E: 就太离谱了.
谢谢10楼的lawyer_1, 我同意B.(刚刚看漏了, 没见到on all retail items.
B is absolutely rught. Three percent of current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes, but plan would not necessarily reduce the amount . 现在retail sales 的3%是比原来少,但总数却没少,百分比没变,只能retail sales 增加。B说的就是retail sales 增加