很小很小的小错字, 小的不能再小啦~~~鉴于是提到抓抓老大了,坚决要杜绝这个小错误~ Page4 (C) 第一次计算两类人(在家的女人和在外工作的女人)重叠部分信息的年份。因为“census superintendent”是任意指定的一名在家的女人,所以很有可能这个女人其实是在外工作的,所以这两类人有重叠部分。原文第二段找到此句“Overlap between the two groups was not calculated until 1890”。(PS. 感谢的抓抓友情提醒,overlap属于抽象动词,往往作为”可能考点”出现, 阅读时应该注意此类词。)
很小很小的小错字, 小的不能再小啦~~~鉴于是提到抓抓老大了,坚决要杜绝这个小错误~ Page4 (C) 第一次计算两类人(在家的女人和在外工作的女人)重叠部分信息的年份。因为“census superintendent”是任意指定的一名在家的女人,所以很有可能这个女人其实是在外工作的,所以这两类人有重叠部分。原文第二段找到此句“Overlap between the two groups was not calculated until 1890”。(PS. 感谢的抓抓友情提醒,overlap属于抽象动词,往往作为”可能考点”出现, 阅读时应该注意此类词。)
今天做到了essay 13 的那个木有选项的推断题(不知道有木有人发过)。 Question 45: It can be inferred from the passage that application of "other mandates" (see highlighted text) would be unlikely to result in an outcome satisfactory to the female employees in which of the following situations? I. Males employed as long-distance truck drivers for a furniture company make $3.50 more per hour than do females with comparable job experience employed in the same capacity. II. Women working in the office of a cement company contend that their jobs are as demanding and valuable as those of the men working outside in the cement factory, but the women are paid much less per hour. III. A law firm employs both male and female paralegals with the same educational and career backgrounds, but the starting salary for male paralegals is $5,000 more than for female paralegals. (A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only (E) I and III only