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发表于 2018-12-5 11:49:47 | 只看该作者
        1. P: there's an abnormal protein that may lead to Alzheimer
        P: some deposit also show in other elder peopl
        C: all the people who live long enough will get Alzheimer
        2. P: less percent of students feel honored
        P: now the school are in grade inflation
        C: school have to control grade inflation to improve students' honor degree
        3. P:USA was required to lower the release of ga
        P: many car owner were pushed to buy new cars
        C: in the future, less new cars will be bought
        4. P:the deseas S, if one of twin get caught of it, the another wil show smaller things
        P:when neither of twins get this disease, there will show no difference
        C: the disease S is caused by physical structure of the brain
        5. P: for photographer, the lights will trans through the lens
        P: some changes has been made to see the world differently by photpgrapher
        C:nothing can be proved true with a photograph
发表于 2019-7-21 01:23:54 | 只看该作者
T1 1:49
T2 1:35
T3 1:45
T4 2:00
T5 1:59

越障 6:10
发表于 2019-10-17 23:18:19 | 只看该作者
premise: A这种疾病是某种abnormal brain protein deposit导致的;而这种protein也会在没有得A这种病的老年人中发现
Conclusion:所有人如果live long enough都会得A这种病
Paraphrase: 所有人如果live long enough都会有这种protein 所以都会得A这种病

premise: 原来只有10%能拿奖学金,现在拿的人很多,所以只有honor也不够用
conclusion: school should control grade inflation
paraphrase: 学校如果想要重拾学生们在雇主面前的自信,就应该去控制成绩膨胀,让学习好的学生真正凸显出来

premise: 美国的一部分空气污染是由摩托车导致的
premise: 在车辆审查当中很多的摩托车都没有通过所以车主就被迫去买新车了
conclusion: 因此呢由摩托车导致的污染会逐渐消失的
paraphrase: 从不符合规定的旧车换到新车就会让空气污染逐渐消失。

premise: twins have identical genetic brain structure.
premise: 有一种病S,会让twins中的一个的一部分会比另一个正常的人的那一部分在脑中的占比更小
conclusion:因此S这种病是因为某种physical damage 导致的

conclusion: 照片不能作为证据
paraphrase: 因为照片有某种技巧,他就不可信了?

发表于 2020-12-12 12:00:20 | 只看该作者
        1. Scientist explored the reason for people getting Alzheimer disease found that this disease is caused by the accumulation of some kind of deposits. Since this kind of deposits are also found in old people, everyone would get Alzheimer disease only if they live long enough.

Getting old = accumulation of deposits = Alzheimer disease

        2. Employers nowadays are paying less attention on the distinction of the graduate's degree than 20 years ago. It is because of degree inflation, which led to a higher percentage of student who got the distinction. So in order to rebuild the confidence of employers on distinction, colleges should give away less distinction.

Degree inflation --> more distinction --> less confidence of employers

        3. Since the older factories of the US are releasing more pollutions to the atmosphere, the US government is giving less permission on this kind of factory and thus the pollution will be less in the future.

Less permission --> less older factories --> less pollution

        4. The brains of a pair of twins are identical. However, if a kind of disease is affecting one of the twins, some areas of the affected twins will be smaller than the areas of the unaffected twins. When there is no such an affection, there is no differences between the brains of the twins. Thus, the disease is influencing the physical structure of the brain.

With disease --> smaller areas in the brain --> the disease affect the physical structure

        5. Since there are always something that can not be shown by a photograph, the photograph should not be relied on in proving things.
发表于 2021-1-17 14:18:54 | 只看该作者
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