5.50s premise 1:Because the light rays makes hitting films, every photograph is true. premise 2:But photographs can be changed; conclusion: so truth cannot be validated by photographs. 预感这题是不是考察到概念偷换了呀? 【回顾】恩,这次没有漏。PS, to daisy, 我觉得两个premise中的photographs不是一个概念,thus the conclusion is quite weak. 这题简单点的话可能会出evaluation,难的话可能是assumption/weaken
The photographs referred to in the first premise is under raw condition. In this case, they MUST be true (according to ONLY premise 1). When the author present the second premise, what cannot be the whole truth is photographs that HAVE BEEN MADE TO SHOW THINGS DIFFERENTLY. So the conclusion that no photographs can prove anything definitely is unwarranted. We can only say that NOT ALL photographs can prove anything definitely.
第一次写。。。弱弱的参考了daisy的格式。。。望各位NN,同志 指正批评 哇哇哇~~~~~\(^o^)/~ 1. background information: A will suffer memory loss because of the abnormal protein deposits Premise: such deposits caused A and people who are old also have such deposits. Conclusion: people who live long will develop A 2. background information: college graduates now become more difficulty to be a employer than 20 years ago. Premise: 20 years ago, the honors degree is more valuable than now. An honor degree is valued less for the employers. Conclusion: college must take steps to control grade inflation 3. background information: the automobiles have been identified as contributing to the air pollution. Premise: some old cars have been out of service, but they failed to consider new cars have been used Conclusion: the air condition will be ok for next decade 4. Premise: when one of the brains of the identical twins is a S, certain areas will be different from other normal ones. No such differences are found when neither twin is schizophrenic. Conclusion: S is caused by damage to the physical structure of the brain 5. premise: every photograph must in some obvious sense be true but because it could always have been made to show things differently than it does, it can not express the whole truth Conclusion: nothing can ever be definitively proved with a photograph.