关于第10题再补充两句。 D选项 : an environmentally degraded stream could be recolonized by new salmon populations should the stream recover传达的意思与文章首段最后一句的意 思相一致:Although some rivers have been recolonized, the unique genes of the original populations have been lost. 即老的物种被环境污染彻底干掉了,然后由一 新物种来取代业已灭亡的老物种。但是,低“走失率”所讨论的情形与此截然相反:Low levels of straying are crucial, since the process provides a source of novel genes and a mechanism by which a location can be repopulated should the fish there disappear. 新的物种并没有完全取代老的物种,而是对老的物种进行有益的补 充,是老物种同化新物种。should the fish there disappear 准确的意思应该是:如果那儿的鱼有可能消失的话。而不是,如果那儿的鱼已经消失的话。只有在发生 “高走失率”的情况下,老的物种才有可能消亡,因为新物种的鱼数量太多了,造成新物种同化老物种。 |