前面仔细看了大家的讨论,自己也斗争了很久,但是忽然之间发现了一些大家都没有注意的细节,可能这些细节能够说明本题的答案应该是B, 或者说B虽然不那么舒服,但是唯一可行的答案。 我们再认真读一遍原题 In general, jobs are harder to get in times of economic recession because many businesses cut back operations. However, any future recessions in Vargonia will probably not reduce the availability of teaching jobs at government-funded schools. This is because Vargonia has just introduced a legal requirement that education in government-funded schools be available, free of charge, to all Vargonian children regardless of the state of the economy, and that current student-teacher ratios not be exceeded. 文中划线的部分对解题是有关键性意义的。现在的argument是对刚刚实行的一项legal requirement在未来的效果的一个预测,而在此之前发生的事情是无法被用来检验或者支持这个预测的(这不就是刻舟求剑的道理吗) 再来看选项, - The current student-teacher ratio at Vargonia’s government-funded schools is higher than it was during the most recent period of economic recession.
- During recent periods when the Vargonian economy has been strong, almost 25 percent of Vargonian children have attended privately funded schools, many of which charge substantial fees.
- Nearly 20 percent more teachers are currently employed in Vargonia’s government-funded schools than had been employed in those schools in the period before the last economic recession.
- Teachers in Vargonia’s government-funded schools are well paid relative to teachers in most privately funded schools in Vargonia, many of which rely heavily on part-time teachers.
- During the last economic recession in Vargonia, the government permanently closed a number of the schools that it had funded.
A C D E全部是说之前的recession导致的后果或者逻辑结果是怎样的,但是这跟刚刚实行的legal requirement是没有关系的,是其他什么别的原因造成的(不管是师生比例也好,教师人数也罢,前面的讨论尽是围绕这些绕圈子了,ets可真阴险啊),当然不能说他们能够有效支持对这个legal requirement的作用的预测。不知道大家觉得这个角度来理解是否正确。如果说考点的话我想也许是考对题干的精确理解吧。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-4 11:18:14编辑过] |