Um.... I thought about this question 1 years ago. I fortunately passed L1 exam while I graduated with master degree (NOT MBA). Now my conclusion is having CFA or if you are a candidate, is better than not. However, it is just good for your financial body knowledge. If you want to have an occupation in IBs, CFA is not necessary. But, if you want to work in fund area, it is positive to help you to get an interview.
Generally, not CFA determines your sucess that have a IB position, but those elements like solid academic background, relevant working experience and remarkable and reliable social resources etc.
networking哪有那么神圣啊孩子... 我一同学大二时在新罕布什尔的冰天雪地里等了俩小时,最后终于得以帮一个回学校读EMBA的MD处理了一学年的学校事务,让那位MD可以专心赚钱,不必为学校的事耽误任何精力...我另一同学帮某申请美国top MBA的princeling包写了申请文书,申请结束之后更是继续用自己的亲身经验教那位小盆友怎么做人、怎么处事、怎么泡妞,一年俩人混下来他简直宛如大哥一般...最喜感的是我一室友,他平时极度爱好研究各种古代dead language,尤其是龟兹和焉耆语,结果在尖沙咀糖水店里搭上一位完全同爱好的大叔,然后自然俩人各种聊学术聊人生聊理想,那位大叔从小就梦想当"professor für religionswissenschaft",但是身不由己,悲剧地被投行强奸自己的人生,甚至连他正在美国读本科的儿子也即将放弃对于历史学的爱好,投身于这个把灵魂卖给魔鬼的地方...最后那天他们爷俩悲愤+激动的聊一通宵...后来发现他是Global Top 3 IB的一位大MD...