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求问:prep187,(more than 后面啥事要补出主谓)跪求NN解答。。。

发表于 2011-10-20 00:45:48 | 只看该作者
我觉得这些规则, 好像都是中国人自己总结出来的, 很牵强啊 ( 还是我没看明白)

不知道谁认识native speaker,让他们分析分析; 不应该有这么些复杂的条件啊, 说话都是靠语感的啊,
发表于 2011-10-29 11:17:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-3 01:20:37 | 只看该作者
个人观点是看比较对象 比答案。
大全10 那道主要看a和c。 a比较经济,补全好。且无介词
prep127:c时态不对 a,it无指代。b中有介词。如果要不全 应该用those。因为是不同时代的costs。而economy可以用it指过去的的economy
发表于 2011-11-15 10:38:28 | 只看该作者


是不是it指代的问题啊,it was 指代会有歧义,it 可能指代campaign也可能指代前面的costs。不知道这么想的对不对,还请aeoluseros大牛解答,谢谢。顺便问一下,我看到的一个问题,也不知道cost加了s后可数吗?谢谢。辛苦了。
1.        Even though the direct costs of malpractice disputes amounts to a sum lower than one percent of the $541 billion the nation spent on health care last year, doctors say fear of lawsuits plays major role in health-care inflation.
(A) amounts to a sum lower

(B) amounts to less
(C) amounted to less
(D) amounted to lower
(E) amounted to a lower sum

costs是可数还是不可数啊?不是加s吗,那应该fewer啊?不是吗?confused~~~ 求NN解答....
发表于 2011-12-29 16:25:40 | 只看该作者
比较级...than 直接跟 now (before) 是会有歧义的,也就是比较对象会被认为是直接与 “now”或“before”比较
但是 比较级...than +  介词短语 是可以的, 因为其实是 比较级...than (it be) +  介词短语, 符合比较结构的省略形式,比较对象的概念还是对等的
-- by 会员 wudiyeah (2011/4/19 1:06:02)

-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2011/5/12 13:31:03)

比如说i have to run faster than now.这样应该不对吧。也没有时态问题。
要改成i have to run faster than i do now啊。。
发表于 2012-3-8 15:08:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-4-16 22:49:41 | 只看该作者
prep#2 --187
To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers i(have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic) determinants of fertility.
答案为D.would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic
我在网上查看的几乎全是说:“原句是a great deal 和now在比较,所以要加they do”
大全10. A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year should boost new construction dollars by several billion dollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago.
(A) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(B) and make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(C) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than it was five years ago
(D) to make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five years ago
(E) in making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than it as five years ago
Key: C
这两题,我现在看来并不是因为“原句是a great deal 和now在比较,所以要加they do”:
第二题的比较是construction industry’s economic health在不同年份的属性,所以than后面可以用it was,也可以用that,或者可以不补出。但是因为five years ago前面并没有介词,所以如果不补出,读者很容易认为是construction industry’s economic health和five years ago的比较。换句话说就是,如果后面是in five years ago,那么就可以不补出。 -->  这个想法是来自于a comprehensive grammar of english里面对零关系分句的解释(即时间状语在没有补出介词的时候,会给读者造成confusion--是主语/宾语,还是状语?)。

但是我做到prep#2 197的时候就大大的郁闷了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was in any previous election.
A. a greater proportion than it was
B. a greater proportion than
C. a greater proportion than they have been
D. which is greater than was so
E. which is greater than it has been
这里a greater proportion than后面依旧是可以补出it had been,that或着不补出,in any previous election已经明确是介词短语,不给使读者产生” a greater proportion”和“in any previous election”比较的歧义,所以就不需要补出了。
-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2011/4/17 22:19:09)

198. Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia with far more supplies than they had in their previous campaigns, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.
(A) they had in their previous campaigns
(B) their previous campaigns had had
(C) they had for any previous campaign
(D) in their previous campaigns
(E) for any previous campaign

此题选E , 按版主对187的看法 此题比较前后的时态不一致 应该补出谓语以及它的主语的。但偏偏198都省略了,困惑。求版主指教
-- by 会员 jiaying52 (2011/7/15 8:01:09)

这里是supply的局部比较(也可以看作整体比较,不过这个句子特别, 即使参照OG,写成整体也比较麻烦且不清晰:it had had for its previous campaigns)。我抄的aeo大侠的思路,希望没有写错,写错了就多有得罪~~

A large rise in the number of housingstarts in the coming year should boost new construction dollars by severalbillion dollars, making the construction industry’s economic health muchmore robust than five years ago.
(A) making the construction industry’s economichealth much more robust than five years ago
(B) and make the construction industry’s economichealth much more robust than five years ago
(C) making the construction industry’s economichealth much more robust than it was five years ago
(D) to make the construction industry’s economichealth much more robust than five years ago
(E) in making the construction industry’s economichealth much more robust than it as five years ago
Key: C

第二题的比较是construction industry’s economic health在不同年份的属性,所以than后面可以用it was,也可以用that,或者可以不补出。但是因为fiveyears ago前面并没有介词,所以如果不补出,读者很容易认为是construction industry’s economic healthfive yearsago的比较。换句话说就是,如果后面是in five years ago,那么就可以不补出。 -->  这个想法是来自于acomprehensive grammar of english里面对零关系分句的解释(即时间状语在没有补出介词的时候,会给读者造成confusion--是主语/宾语,还是状语?)局部比较
Soaringtelevision costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidentialcampaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was in any previouselection.
A.    a greater proportion than itwas
B.   a greater proportion than
C.    a greater proportion thanthey have been
D.    which is greater than was so      
E.    which is greater than it hasbeen

这里a greater proportion than后面依旧是可以补出it hadbeenthat或着不补出,in anyprevious election已经明确是介词短语,不给使读者产生” a greater proportion”“in anyprevious election”比较的歧义,所以就不需要补出了局部比较
发表于 2012-5-2 14:58:57 | 只看该作者
1)OG12-85题里"the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile Delta"里的从at the same time 开始都看作是flourished的状语修饰,因为flourish这里是vi, 无宾语。但是和85题不一样,OG12-89题里“dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do”里的cost 后面跟的“twice as much to maintain as paved roads do”不能看作是状语修饰吧?因为这里的cost后面是有宾语的?

“the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought"
发表于 2012-5-2 16:52:37 | 只看该作者
OG12-89里:cost没有宾语,to maintain是补语而且是共有部分,补出do是因为比较属性是"cost",而不是"路"。
类似于这个句子:French wines taste better than Australian wines.(

OG12-13里:不是,as sb. thought/said是一个固定结构。虽然是比较的形式,但是可以排除在比较之外理解这个考点。
发表于 2012-5-2 19:04:11 | 只看该作者
OG12-89里:cost没有宾语,to maintain是补语而且是共有部分,补出do是因为比较属性是"cost",而不是"路"。
类似于这个句子:French wines taste better than Australian wines.(

OG12-13里:不是,as sb. thought/said是一个固定结构。虽然是比较的形式,但是可以排除在比较之外理解这个考点。
-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2012/5/2 16:52:37)


关于cost后面没有宾语,我想问,和该题中的cost as much as ...一样,“it costs $5/ it costs me $5”这两种情况其实后面的$5me $5 也都是补语,而不是宾语,对吗?

另外,还有下面这个题(该帖子以前讨论过)。如果OG12-89这里需要补出do(以前讨论说可以补出,也可以不补出的,因为不会有歧义,且时态一致), 为何下面不补出did呢?
OG 85:
alt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile Delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

(A) that flurished at the same time as the civilizations
(B) that had flourished at the same time as had the civilizations
(C) that flourished at the same time those had
(D) flourishing at the same time as those did (A)
(E) flourishing at the same time as those were

[mongmong] 请问这里谓语省略是因为都是flourished?因为时态一致?

[aeo] the same time as the civilizations整个都是一个时间状语修饰flurished,不需要加flurished。

[mongmong] 这里不是很理解哦,那为啥因为是状语部分修饰flourished,后面的那个civilization就不能加flourished or did?

[aeo] umm...前面没解释清楚,换个解释,at the same time前面并没有宾语,只有一个主语,as后面的时态相同,而且因为前面只有一个主语,所以这里只有一个名词civilization并不会引起比较歧义,所以不需要补出flourished or did.
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