12-89是不可以省的,#16楼那时候粗心了…我修正一下… OG85依然是上面的解释,另外,OG85和12-89不同,其比较点不在于flurished,而在于time。 -- by 会员 aeoluseros (2012/5/2 19:28:16)
嗯,85确实说的是时间, 嗯,89我需要再考虑考虑。我找到了以前讨论过的斑竹的例子, 如果按89: x cost as much as y do (另一问,如果x和y分别是单数,那末是不是写成x costs as much as y does ?), 下面绿色部分就该是 wild animals have less fat than livestock do. 谢谢斑竹!! According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat from wild animals and meat from domesticated animals, wild animals have less total fat than (that of) livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be good for cardiac health. 这个句子不对。其在livestock前加上that of…比较的对象是animals has less fat和that,that指代fat,而事实上比较的应该是wild animals和livestock的属性,即拥有fat的多少(注意不是比较fat的属性), 所以than后面也应该用平行的句式,即主谓宾形式,不过在此省略了相同的谓语和宾语(因为不会有wild animals have livestock的歧义,只要逻辑上基本成立,GMAT并不认为所有没有补出谓语动词的形式都是”ambiguities”的)。 -- by 会员 mongmong (2012/5/2 19:49:42)
并不是的,其实有一个 比较简便的方法来判断是否是谓语的比较:比较级的词在修饰谁。 而12-89里面twice修饰的是cost. French wines taste better than Australian wines里面better修饰的是taste.-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2012/5/4 22:12:07)
这个wild animal句子里面less修饰的是fat,而且是wild animal的fat。 -- by 会员 aeoluseros (2012/5/4 22:12:07)
嗯,我又慢慢想了想这个问题,翻了翻前面的例子,还有些困惑。这个wild animal的例子,比较的是 拥有fat 的多少,正确的句子并 不是wild animals have less total fat than (that of) livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be good for cardiac health.而是wild animals have less total fat than (that of) livestock fed on grain (do) and more of a kind of fat thought to be good for cardiac health. 再比如下面这个例子(前面帖子斑竹特供的),对E的解释说明“than wheat does“是另一种使句子正确的方式,即把这里的比较看成has的比较,是整局的比较,而非局部的比较(即使E里的higher不是修饰整个句子的。嗯?莫非这里即是斑竹讲的局部可看成整体比较,反之则不然?) OG10-19. In addition to having more protein than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.(A) the protein in rice is higher quality than that in(B) rice has protein of higher quality than that in(C) the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in(D) rice protein is higher in quality than it is in (E) rice has a protein higher in quality thanB also uses that to refer to protein in making the comparison between the proteins of rice and wheat. Choice E needs either that in or does after wheat to make a complete and logical comparison.-- by 会员 mongmong (2012/5/5 9:44:05)
umm...let me re-think this point. |