26题 2) But B and B are the same in the final words. So we counted the same setup 2! times. 720/2 = 360. 3) And C and C and C are the same in the final words. So we counted the same setup 3! times. 360/6 = 60 这2部分还是不懂 -- by 会员 JessicaOu (2010/12/29 4:53:16)
To get 720, we treat B1 and B2 as different letters. But they are indeed identical in the final word. For example, B1B2ACCC and B2B1ACCC are the same in the final word of BBACC. Therefore, we need to remove the over-counted words by deviding 720 by 2.
Based on the same rationale, We originally treated C1C2C3 as different letters. But they are indeed indentical in the final word. There are 3! arrangement of C1C2C3 to correpond to 1 arrangement of CCC. So we devide 320 by 6. |