我讲一下自己的理解,两种情况纠结,还请指教,,谢谢 理解一: 文章先讲了一个事实several of a bank's top executives have been buying shares in their own bank,推理出结论:overoptimistic,第二黑体解释了结论 理解二: 文章先讲了一个事实several of a bank's top executives have been buying shares in their own bank,得出结论:银行经济状况好,随后作者质疑这种结论,认为过分乐观,第二划线部门解释了质疑理由 所以想问问那个才是文章的结论?正确理解是什么? -- by 会员 sasha_wen (2009/12/1 13:46:49)
i would support your second understanding. To me "作者质疑这种结论" is the final conclusion of this passage! |