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[校友答疑] Ask Jason@沃顿 (closed)

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发表于 2009-8-27 15:03:00 | 只看该作者
同问。  我问了一下在上MBA的朋友一下, 意见不大一致, 有些觉得可以, 有些觉得可能有一点不适合。  您觉得那?

发表于 2009-8-27 15:04:00 | 只看该作者

引用失败了。  嗨。  以下是楼上原话:


我在全职工作的同时,跟朋友合资开了一家自己的小公司.公司的业务跟我的工作没有存在任何利益冲突,所以我没有告知我的公司。如果我把这段创业经验写到essay里,录取委员会首先认为我违背职业准则code of conduct吗?

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-27 17:38:00 | 只看该作者
If you say there is no conflict of interest, then I don't see a problem. Many people start their own companies while working full-time somewhere else, that's certainly no problem.
发表于 2009-9-1 20:29:00 | 只看该作者

Hi, Jason, I'm very impressed by your responsive message,and here is mine about application to Wharton:

1, Am I too old?

I'm 32 now, and I have 8 years working experience, including 1+ year enterprenuership.

2, Am I competative to working applicants?

Since I had a 1 year old boy and I don't have my parents or parents in law to take care my children, I had to quit my job 1 year ago, and during this time, I have been a full time mother.But I have been a very sharp leader before.

3. Is my TOFEL score a drawback for me? I have 108 in IBT. I heard Wharton will not encourage lower-than-110 to apply?

4. This is my most important question related to my essay. My self sketch is "Survivor". As I always like challenge, and I enjoy "making through from bottom up"... So the question is "Does this sketch fit the culture of Wharton". As I did not have the normal career I wonder weather it's a strengh or weakness...

Below is my background: Female, No International experience, Main land Chinese passport holder.

GMAT 720. IBT: 108. GPA 2.67(this is not fair, as I had secondary scholarship for 2 years, and I won competition in 4th year... but I fail 3 politics-related subjects)

BA degree 1995-2000. Tong Ji University  Industrial Design

4 years in Media (Marketing&Sales) Business as team leader or business operator

1 year enterprenuership (had a PR Company)

3 years in Fortune 500 US company (Consulting Service) as Branch Manager.

2008.4 till now is a full time mother. (Personally I think it's a great job, but I know the society in China doesn't evaluate such contribution from women, I can only feel sad about it, but I don't want to hide this experience).

As there's limited time, I want to know weather it worth for a try in my case? 

发表于 2009-9-2 18:16:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-4 23:32:00 | 只看该作者
1) You are not too old. There are a range of students. I am on the young side, and others are on the old side. Your age does not affect your application chances.

2) You will be judged based on your working experience. In the US, in particular, there is a respect for the importance of familial life. So I wouldn't worry unduly about this.

3) There is no minimum score for Wharton. So no, we do not say that if you have a score below x, you are not encouraged to apply. In general, if we are confident in your English ability (eg. via the interview), there is no need to worry about your TOEFL scores.

4) The one thing I've learnt at Wharton is that nobody has taken the 'normal career route'. If you ask me, some of your stats are below our school average (eg. GPA), but because you are more experienced, this is less of an issue with you. In addition, this is just an average number. I have many friends who had GPAs as low or lower than yours. So I would definitely not discourage you, although I apologise for not being able to say more because at Wharton we really don't judge according to 'where did this person work?' (which, if they did, I wouldn't be here), but more according to 'how does this person think and act?'- and the latter question needs your whole application (essays and recommendations, in particular) for us to judge. But you know what they say, the best way to not get in... is to not apply.

superbaby01> Yes. The third is optional, and should not be used unless you think there is a valid reason (ie don't submit three just because you think you can).
发表于 2009-9-6 23:56:00 | 只看该作者

Hi, jason

I have a quick question about the essay this year.  About essay 2 "Tell us about a time when you had to adapt by accepting/understanding the perspective of people different from yourself.

Which should be a better object of "adapt", the people or the situation?  

Does Wharton want me to talk about a different perspective of people or both the people and the perspective should be different from me.

What kind of story address the word "had to"?  I guess "had to" means that the adaption is not the best solution, am I right?  

Please shed some light on it at your convenience.Thanks a lot...

 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-7 00:02:00 | 只看该作者
They are asking about a time when others had a perspective that was different than yours. 'Had to' does not imply that adapting was not the best solution. It just means that you ended up adapting.

You can 'adapt' in any way you want.
发表于 2009-9-7 00:05:00 | 只看该作者

Many thanks.

发表于 2009-9-13 12:04:00 | 只看该作者

Hi, Jason

Another question, about the essay 1 "What goals are you committed to and why?  How do you envision the Wharton MBA contributing to the attainment of those goals?
"  Is it acceptable that I talked about my personal working experience first to introduce why I want an MBA in Wharton? Or should I just talk the goals directly and the benefit to join Wharton?

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