以下是引用yezhihai在2008-12-9 11:19:00的发言:哈哈,刚刚从GMAT区转战到此,就看到楼主的帖子,真是幸运。楼主找工作这么忙,每个回复贴的含金量还这么高,实在难得,赞! 一直以来,我对三个项目比较心仪——OX的MFE,LSE的Master of F&E,还有Cam的Mph. in Finance,近年又看到LSE的Msc in Finance,和Cam的Master in Finance。 可否请楼主谈谈对OX的MFE,LSE的Msc in Finance,和Cam的Master in Finance这三个项目的比较? 另外,我有三年在国内商业银行的工作经历,如果要申LSE的Master of F&E,还有Cam的Mph. in Finance,比起刚毕业的学生是否反而是个劣势?如果不是劣势,我是否可以同时申请LSE的这两个项目? 第三个问题我在给您的短信中也有提及,就是OX的MFE第三轮申请,相比第二轮申请,是否处于劣势? 非常感谢。并祝多拿OFFER you cant apply to Cam mph fin. thats for ppl without w/e. you can apply to their MSc finance i have 3 classmates with both Cam mph fin and LSE Msc Fin offer. My impression is that Cam puts heavy weight on academic performance, i.e. 1st class is expected. for ox mfe, there are ppl going for face to face interview in round 3, and the places will be limited by then. I applied in March, which is considered too late @@ Not sure about the overall W/E for LSE MFE, but i can check it out for you from serveral friends in that programme. LSE allows you to put two choices in the online application form |