以下是引用qiaojay在2008-12-10 12:41:00的发言:我是ls的, 1还有一个问题就是好像英国的学校都很早下offer的,那么1,2月份申请lse还来得及吗。 2今年有一个新项目是financial mathematics,能介绍一下这个项目吗?它是不是也是profession-oriented,还是research-oriented? 3我觉得LSE的许多项目,Ms finance, MFE,financial mathematics都是针对IBs的,这几个项目区别在哪儿?从找工作角度来说,Ms finance, MFE,以及MF&A 这四个项目哪个更好找? 4 LSE里面分by taught 和by research的项目,是不是by taught的以后就找工作了,而by research的就phd了呢?是不是by research的竞争比by taught竞争激烈的多的多呢? 问题有点多,谢谢lz的回答了! 1.they expect the peak of application comes in Jan and Feb. The best is you submit the applcations asap 2. i mentioned about Msc Fin Maths in previous postings. please check that out. 3. In terms of job hunting, there are no obvious differences among the 4 programmes. You can always find stories that suits your goals the best. MSc finance is 4-5k pounds more expensive than the other 3. 4. you are right. taught and research courses are desgined differently. not sure about the competition levels in the 2 streams. but 1 thing for sure is that all courses are more competitive this year. some ppl anticipated to get fired , and they want to study again to hedge their own risks. |