mm 这道题目明显是B牙 因为based在这里做定语,修饰society; 如果如你说的做状语,那么怎么修饰主谓呢,明显不通。 另外选B的原因如下: 1)平行,完美的平行 the cultivation of such crops as corn and beans, the harvesting of fish and seafood, and the exploitation of 都是动作性的名词 而看D,错误多多,没有一个成分写对的 their cultivation of crops such as corn and beans, the harvest of fish and seafood, and exploiting 为啥要their cultivation,画蛇添足; the harvest 是名词,没有动作的概念;exploiting , 分词,更不对 2)没有必要用代词they based it , 无聊的用法 3)习惯用法: 一般base,多用被动,就是sth is based on... , 不太会用sb base sth on sth这种主动用法,你可以查查OG,大全,统统用的被动。 basing更是大错特错的用法 |