17. GWD30-Q17: By the same techniques used for genetically enhancing plants, making them disease- or pest-resistant, researchers have been able to increase the amount of protein in potatoes, sweet potatoes, and tobacco.
A. By the same techniques used for genetically enhancing plants, making them B. With the same techniques to genetically enhance plants, so that they are C. Employing the same techniques used to genetically enhance plants so that they are(C)(看看) D. Employing the same techniques to genetically enhance plants, which makes them E. Employing the same techniques for genetically enhancing plants that make them 答案为C,我也选对了,但是仔细一看,they前有两个复数名词,techniques 和 plants ,是否会指代不清?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-26 19:22:42编辑过] |