以下是引用kevintown在2008-12-3 3:01:00的发言:2 leadership角色和故事很多,在挑选时只写了我重要的,HBS activity都只能填3个太少了 3 niche定位找到了,正在想哪个essay去说 4 g770,但toefl 没准备没考到109,准备几天去重考,如果toefl不到109也可以吧?我去campus interview 认真essay中……希望最后能有HBS的大牛最后帮忙proof reading一下 3. Everyone has more than three stories to tell. How you prioritize will say just as much about you as the activities themselves. 4. Your niche should be present in most if not all essays. 5. It is not detrimental but does make your commitment look questionable when you come up against someone with similar background and high test scores on both exams. 6. There is very little someone can do with the final drafts unless you are willing and able to make significant and potentially structural changes last minute. You will be better off asking a professional writer or someone with an English major to edit out mechanical errors. Good luck! |