以下是引用kevintown在2009-1-23 8:02:00的发言:The R1 decission is out, 8 mainland Chinese got admitted. All from McKinsey. Can any HBSer give a brief about the preference? and what's the background of current students? I personally know that at least 13 people have got admitted in Round 1. There are quite a few people who are NOT from McKinsey. It is true that there are a lot of McKinseyers at HBS, not only from China, but also from all over the world. But it would say it is not all about McKinsey. It is true that b schools do like people with consulting background, but there are also a large number of people from financial industry and corporates. Even in terms of mainland Chinese people in my year, we have people from FMCG, VC, banking, etc. and only a couple of people from consulting. Overall, background is only one way that will somewhat proves your track record. What is more important is your leadership potential. |