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[SC总结] 关于twice的用法

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发表于 2017-2-21 21:45:42 | 只看该作者
深海的小美人鱼 发表于 2003-12-30 04:14
举个例子he is twice as strong as he was。注意比较对象A中是twice as fast as the 1970’s 在这里是rate ...

发表于 2017-2-21 22:24:41 | 只看该作者
weiheyin 发表于 2008-1-14 10:41
...好精彩的讨论..所以说since what it was 是OK的~那么 double what it was 呢? double可以作动词么?类似 ...

发表于 2017-7-25 10:58:52 | 只看该作者
13917547 发表于 2003-12-31 20:51
B 和C的区别在于句子含义,不能够说in 1999 rate of increase of A is nearly twice as fast as it was in  ...

同意!这个才是正答!关键是在于rate是一个数字,数字是可以比较大小,用倍数来形容的,但是一个数字不能用fast,再加上two times的表述错误,排除法就OK啦

发表于 2017-10-21 18:07:51 | 只看该作者
逆水潜龙 发表于 2012-1-6 00:45
GWD-27-Q7Providing initial evidence that airport are a larger source of pollution than they were onc ...

顶!d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
发表于 2019-3-24 17:01:54 | 只看该作者
Sunfisher006 发表于 2012-3-26 16:47
GWD TN 9-14 or GWD-12-14In 1914 a total of 469,000 cars and trucks were produced in the United State ...

还原后就是but assembly lines came off twice that number of trucks alone in 1929.
还原过后感觉明朗了很多!这里的twice还是和上面一样的adv的用法,twice + n 这里的n指 that number, that指上文的总数469000,如果用the,则会有歧义的感觉。
这题想要表达的意思是 1914年,美国生产了469000量小汽车和卡车,但是到了1929年,卡车的产量就已经是1914年两车之和数量的两倍了。 所以这里必须用that,指代469000.
发表于 2019-7-25 09:27:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-12-19 11:21:00 | 只看该作者
Forum:--twice/two times/double
Twice = Adverb - modifies verb, adjective or another adverb
Double = Adjective - Modifies noun
Twice can be used to answer "How/how many" one did something.
Double is used to show "what" one did.
I ran to the store twice.
I bought double books than usual.

goggle了一下---difference between twice and two times
1、        two times—在非正式场合用,比如和朋友说话
2、        twice—书面语
(但我觉得奇怪,难道gmat里所有题的正确答案里没有two times的吗?)
The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges and universities in the United States increased by more than twice from 1978 to 1985.

(A) increased by more than twice
(B) increased more than two times
© more than doubled
(D) was more than doubled
(E) had more than doubled
C correct:
A - increased more than twice - well how about simply saying "more than doubled". Conveys the same info much more succinctly
(B) increased more than two times : When the number of degrees "increased more than two times," that means over the period of 1978 to 1985, it has gone up at least twice: maybe in 1980 and then in 1981. The other times, it has stayed steady or gone down.

OG # 168
Today, because of improvements in agricultural technology, the same amount of acreage produces double the apples that it has in 1910.

(A) double the apples that it has
(B) twice as many apples as it did
© as much as twice the apples it has
(D) two times as many apples as there were
(E) a doubling of the apples that it did


In 1980 the United States exported twice as much of its national output of goods as they had in 1970.
(A) twice as much of its national output of goods as they had
(B) double the amount of their national output of goods as they did
© twice as much of its national output of goods as it did
(D) double the amount of its national output of goods as it has
(E) twice as much of their national output of goods as they had

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