以下是引用tonychu1975在2007-5-20 11:40:00的发言:I totally don't agree with your negative comments! CKGSB MBA cannot compare with 高档点的社交酒会 which you mentioed here. Too narrow! Please be nice, everyone knows CKGSB and CEIBS are both outstanding business schools in CHINA. CKGSB MBA --> US Master degree --> Investment Bank, it is logical here. Personal opinion, do not argue with me : ) Cheers, Tony CHU It should be Beijing Univeristy Mathematic degree--->a recommender working in CK---->Columbia University Finanace Master--->IB headquater. In fact, it is mainly Columbia University that helped him to enter IB, then the Math degree of Beijing University, CK's role is just like that of a lecture of a forum where he met a good recommender by chance. By the way, CEIBS is indeed a good business school. CK, at least now is not as good as CEIBS.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-20 13:31:50编辑过] |